/** * Copyright 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Fbx Importer UI options. */ class FbxImportUI extends Object native config(EditorUserSettings) AutoExpandCategories( General, SkeletalMesh, StaticMesh, Materials) DontSortCategories( General, SkeletalMesh, StaticMesh, Materials) HideCategories(Object); /** Import mesh type */ enum EFBXImportType { /** Static mesh */ FBXIT_StaticMesh, /** Skeletal mesh */ FBXIT_SkeletalMesh, }; /** Type of asset to import from the FBX file */ var(General) EFBXImportType MeshTypeToImport; /** Use the string in "Name" field as full name of mesh. The option only works when the scene contains one mesh. */ var(General) config bool bOverrideFullName; /** Enables importing of mesh LODs from FBX LOD groups, if present in the FBX file */ var(General) config bool bImportMeshLODs; /** Enabling this option will read the tangents(tangent,binormal,normal) from FBX file instead of generating them automatically. */ var(General) config bool bOverrideTangents; /** True to import morph target meshes from the FBX file */ var(SkeletalMesh) config bool bImportMorphTargets; /** True to import animations from the FBX File */ var(SkeletalMesh) config bool bImportAnimations; /** Enables importing of 'rigid animation' (unskinned, hierarchy-based animation) from this FBX file */ var(SkeletalMesh) config bool bImportRigidAnimation; /** Enable this option to resample imported animation at 30 frames per second */ var(SkeletalMesh) config bool bResampleAnimations; /** Enable this option to use frame 0 as reference pose */ var(SkeletalMesh,Advanced) config bool bUseT0AsRefPose; /** If checked, smoothing groups will be preserved */ var(SkeletalMesh,Advanced) config bool bSplitNonMatchingTriangles; /** If checked, meshes nested in bone hierarchies will be imported instead of being converted to bones. */ var(SkeletalMesh,Advanced) bool bImportMeshesInBoneHierarchy; /** For static meshes, enabling this option will combine all meshes in the FBX into a single monolithic mesh in Unreal */ var(StaticMesh) config bool bCombineMeshes; /** If true, will replace the vertex colors on an existing mesh with the vertex colors from the FBX file */ var(StaticMesh) config bool bReplaceVertexColors; /** For static meshes, enabling this option will read normals from the FBX file instead of calculating them. */ var(StaticMesh,Advanced) config bool bExplicitNormals; /** Disabling this option will keep degenerate triangles found. In general you should leave this option on. */ var(StaticMesh,Advanced) bool bRemoveDegenerates; /** If checked, one convex hull per UCX_ prefixed collison mesh will be generated instead of decomposing into multiple hulls */ var(StaticMesh,Advanced) config bool bOneConvexHullPerUCX; /** Whether to automatically create Unreal materials for materials found in the FBX scene */ var(Materials) config bool bImportMaterials; /** The option works only when option "Import Material" is OFF. If "Import Material" is ON, textures are always imported. */ var(Materials) config bool bImportTextures; /** If either importing of textures (or materials) is enabled, this option will cause normal map values to be inverted */ var(Materials) config bool bInvertNormalMaps; /** If enabled, materials and textures will be imported into sub-groups named "Materials" or "Textures" */ var(Materials) config bool bAutoCreateGroups; defaultproperties { bRemoveDegenerates=True; bImportMeshesInBoneHierarchy=False; }