//============================================================================= // KFWeap_AutoTurretWeapon //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2022 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFWeap_AutoTurretWeapon extends KFWeap_SMGBase; var KFPawn_AutoTurret InstigatorDrone; var transient bool bFiring; simulated event PreBeginPlay() { super.PreBeginPlay(); StartLoadWeaponContent(); } simulated state WeaponFiring { simulated function EndState(Name NextStateName) { local Pawn OriginalInstigator; // The Instigator for this weapon is the Player owning the weapon (for Perk, damage, etc,. calculations) // But for Weapon Firing end state logic we need to point to the real Drone Pawn so we don't mess // With whichever weapon the Player had equipped at that point OriginalInstigator = Instigator; Instigator = InstigatorDrone; super.EndState(NextStateName); Instigator = OriginalInstigator; } } simulated function FireAmmunition() { CurrentFireMode = DEFAULT_FIREMODE; super.FireAmmunition(); } simulated function GetMuzzleLocAndRot(out vector MuzzleLoc, out rotator MuzzleRot) { if (KFSkeletalMeshComponent(Mesh).GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation('MuzzleFlash', MuzzleLoc, MuzzleRot) == false) { `Log("MuzzleFlash not found!"); } // To World Coordinates. (Rotation should be 0 so no taken into account) // MuzzleLoc = Location + QuatRotateVector(QuatFromRotator(Rotation), MuzzleLoc); } simulated function InstantFireClient() { local vector StartTrace; local vector EndTrace; local rotator AimRot; local Array ImpactList; local int Idx; local ImpactInfo RealImpact; local float CurPenetrationValue; local KFPawn KFPOwner; // see Controller AimHelpDot() / AimingHelp() bInstantHit = true; // define range to use for CalcWeaponFire() GetMuzzleLocAndRot(StartTrace, AimRot ); EndTrace = StartTrace + vector(Owner.Rotation) * GetTraceRange(); bInstantHit = false; // Initialize penetration power PenetrationPowerRemaining = GetInitialPenetrationPower(CurrentFireMode); CurPenetrationValue = PenetrationPowerRemaining; // Perform shot RealImpact = CalcWeaponFire(StartTrace, EndTrace, ImpactList); // Set flash location to trigger client side effects. Bypass Weapon.SetFlashLocation since // that function is not marked as simulated and we want instant client feedback. // ProjectileFire/IncrementFlashCount has the right idea: // 1) Call IncrementFlashCount on Server & Local // 2) Replicate FlashCount if ( !bNetOwner ) // 3) Call WeaponFired() once on local player KFPOwner = KFPawn(Owner); if( KFPOwner != None ) { KFPOwner.SetFlashLocation( Self, CurrentFireMode, RealImpact.HitLocation ); } // local player only for clientside hit detection // allow weapon to add extra bullet impacts (useful for shotguns) InstantFireClient_AddImpacts(StartTrace, AimRot, ImpactList); for (Idx = 0; Idx < ImpactList.Length; Idx++) { ProcessInstantHitEx(CurrentFireMode, ImpactList[Idx],, CurPenetrationValue, Idx); } if ( Instigator.Role < ROLE_Authority ) { SendClientImpactList(CurrentFireMode, ImpactList); } } simulated function HandleProjectileImpact(byte ProjectileFireMode, ImpactInfo Impact, optional float PenetrationValue) { // local player only for clientside hit detection if ( Instigator != None) { if ( Instigator.Role < ROLE_Authority ) { SendClientProjectileImpact(ProjectileFireMode, Impact, PenetrationValue); } ProcessInstantHitEx(ProjectileFireMode, Impact,, PenetrationValue, 0); } } simulated function Projectile ProjectileFire() { local vector StartTrace, RealStartLoc, AimDir; local rotator AimRot; local class MyProjectileClass; // tell remote clients that we fired, to trigger effects if ( ShouldIncrementFlashCountOnFire() ) { IncrementFlashCount(); } MyProjectileClass = GetKFProjectileClass(); if( Role == ROLE_Authority || (MyProjectileClass.default.bUseClientSideHitDetection && MyProjectileClass.default.bNoReplicationToInstigator && Instigator != none && Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) ) { // This is where we would start an instant trace. (what CalcWeaponFire uses) // MySkelMesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation( 'MuzzleFlash', StartTrace, AimRot ); GetMuzzleLocAndRot(StartTrace, AimRot ); AimDir = Vector(Owner.Rotation); // this is the location where the projectile is spawned. RealStartLoc = StartTrace; return SpawnAllProjectiles(MyProjectileClass, RealStartLoc, AimDir); } return None; } simulated function KFProjectile SpawnProjectile( class KFProjClass, vector RealStartLoc, vector AimDir ) { local KFProjectile SpawnedProjectile; local int ProjDamage; local Pawn OriginalInstigator; /* * Instigator issues here. The instigator of the weapon here is the PlayerController which won't replicate the projectile. * Changing it to the drone pawn for spawning, then swapping it again to be able to apply perk effects. */ // Spawn projectile OriginalInstigator = Instigator; Instigator = InstigatorDrone; SpawnedProjectile = Spawn( KFProjClass, self,, RealStartLoc); if( SpawnedProjectile != none && !SpawnedProjectile.bDeleteMe ) { // Mirror damage and damage type from weapon. This is set on the server only and // these properties are replicated via TakeHitInfo if ( InstantHitDamage.Length > CurrentFireMode && InstantHitDamageTypes.Length > CurrentFireMode ) { ProjDamage = GetModifiedDamage(CurrentFireMode); SpawnedProjectile.Damage = ProjDamage; SpawnedProjectile.MyDamageType = InstantHitDamageTypes[CurrentFireMode]; } // Set the penetration power for this projectile // because of clientside hit detection, we need two variables -- // one that replicates on init and one that updates but doesn't replicate SpawnedProjectile.InitialPenetrationPower = GetInitialPenetrationPower(CurrentFireMode); SpawnedProjectile.PenetrationPower = SpawnedProjectile.InitialPenetrationPower; SpawnedProjectile.UpgradeDamageMod = GetUpgradeDamageMod(); SpawnedProjectile.Init( AimDir ); } if (MedicComp != none && KFProj_HealingDart(SpawnedProjectile) != None) { if (TargetingComp != none && TargetingComp.LockedTarget[1] != none) { KFProj_HealingDart(SpawnedProjectile).SeekTarget = TargetingComp.LockedTarget[1]; } } Instigator = OriginalInstigator; // return it up the line return SpawnedProjectile; } simulated function IncrementFlashCount() { local KFPawn P; P = KFPawn(Owner); if( P != None ) { P.IncrementFlashCount( Self, CurrentFireMode ); } } simulated function Fire() { if (bFiring) { return; } if (HasAmmo(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)) { SendToFiringState(DEFAULT_FIREMODE); } bFiring = true; } simulated function StopFire(byte FireModeNum) { if (!bFiring) { return; } bFiring = false; super.StopFire(FireModeNum); GoToState('Inactive'); } simulated function bool ShouldRefire() { // if doesn't have ammo to keep on firing, then stop if( !HasAmmo( CurrentFireMode ) ) { return false; } return bFiring; } /** * Starts playing looping FireSnd only (used for switching sounds in Zedtime) */ simulated function StartLoopingFireSound(byte FireModeNum) { if ( FireModeNum < bLoopingFireSnd.Length && bLoopingFireSnd[FireModeNum] && !ShouldForceSingleFireSound() ) { bPlayingLoopingFireSnd = true; KFPawn(Owner).SetWeaponAmbientSound(WeaponFireSnd[FireModeNum].DefaultCue, WeaponFireSnd[FireModeNum].FirstPersonCue); } } /** * Stops playing looping FireSnd only (used for switching sounds in Zedtime) */ simulated function StopLoopingFireSound(byte FireModeNum) { if ( bPlayingLoopingFireSnd ) { KFPawn(Owner).SetWeaponAmbientSound(None); if ( FireModeNum < WeaponFireLoopEndSnd.Length ) { WeaponPlayFireSound(WeaponFireLoopEndSnd[FireModeNum].DefaultCue, WeaponFireLoopEndSnd[FireModeNum].FirstPersonCue); } bPlayingLoopingFireSnd = false; } } simulated function PlayFireEffects( byte FireModeNum, optional vector HitLocation ) { local name WeaponFireAnimName; local KFPerk CurrentPerk; local float TempTweenTime, AdjustedAnimLength; local KFPawn KFPO; // If we have stopped the looping fire sound to play single fire sounds for zed time // start the looping sound back up again when the time is back above zed time speed if( FireModeNum < bLoopingFireSnd.Length && bLoopingFireSnd[FireModeNum] && !bPlayingLoopingFireSnd ) { StartLoopingFireSound(FireModeNum); } PlayFiringSound(CurrentFireMode); KFPO = KFPawn(Owner); if( KFPO != none ) { // Tell our pawn about any changes in animation speed UpdateWeaponAttachmentAnimRate( GetThirdPersonAnimRate() ); if( KFPO.IsLocallyControlled() ) { if( KFPO.IsFirstPerson() ) { if ( !bPlayingLoopingFireAnim ) { WeaponFireAnimName = GetWeaponFireAnim(FireModeNum); if ( WeaponFireAnimName != '' ) { AdjustedAnimLength = MySkelMesh.GetAnimLength(WeaponFireAnimName); TempTweenTime = FireTweenTime; CurrentPerk = GetPerk(); if( CurrentPerk != none ) { CurrentPerk.ModifyRateOfFire( AdjustedAnimLength, self ); // We need to unlock the slide if we fire from zero ammo while uber ammo is active if( EmptyMagBlendNode != none && BonesToLockOnEmpty.Length > 0 && AmmoCount[GetAmmoType(FireModeNum)] == 0 && CurrentPerk.GetIsUberAmmoActive(self) ) { EmptyMagBlendNode.SetBlendTarget( 0, 0 ); TempTweenTime = 0.f; } } PlayAnimation(WeaponFireAnimName, AdjustedAnimLength,, TempTweenTime); } } // Start muzzle flash effect CauseMuzzleFlash(FireModeNum); } HandleRecoil(); ShakeView(); if (AmmoCount[0] == 0 && ForceReloadTimeOnEmpty > 0) { SetTimer(ForceReloadTimeOnEmpty, false, nameof(ForceReload)); } } } } simulated function WeaponPlayFireSound(AkBaseSoundObject DefaultSound, AkBaseSoundObject FirstPersonSound) { // ReplicateSound needs an "out" vector local vector SoundLocation; if( Owner != None && !bSuppressSounds ) { SoundLocation = KFPawn(Owner).GetPawnViewLocation(); if ( DefaultSound != None ) { Owner.PlaySoundBase( DefaultSound, false, false, false, SoundLocation ); } } } /** True if we want to override the looping fire sounds with fire sounds from another firemode */ simulated function bool ShouldForceSingleFireSound() { // If this weapon has a single-shot firemode, disable looping fire sounds during zedtime if ( `IsInZedTime(Instigator) && SingleFireSoundIndex != 255 ) { return true; } return false; } defaultproperties { // Shooting Animations FireSightedAnims[0]=Shoot_Iron FireSightedAnims[1]=Shoot_Iron2 FireSightedAnims[2]=Shoot_Iron3 // FOV MeshIronSightFOV=52 PlayerIronSightFOV=70 // Depth of field DOF_FG_FocalRadius=75 DOF_FG_MaxNearBlurSize=3.5 // Zooming/Position PlayerViewOffset=(X=9.0,Y=10,Z=-4) // Content PackageKey="AutoTurretWeapon" FirstPersonMeshName="wep_1p_autoturretWeapon_mesh.Wep_1stP_AutoTurretWeapon_Rig" FirstPersonAnimSetNames(0)="wep_1p_autoturretWeapon_anim.Wep_1stP_AutoTurretWeapon_Anim" PickupMeshName="wep_3p_autoturretWeapon_mesh.Wep_AutoTurretWeapon_Pickup" AttachmentArchetypeName="WEP_AutoTurretWeapon_ARCH.AutoTurretWeaponAttachment" MuzzleFlashTemplateName="wep_autoturretWeapon_arch.Wep_AutoTurretWeapon_MuzzleFlash" // Zooming/Position IronSightPosition=(X=7,Y=0,Z=0) // Ammo MagazineCapacity[0]=150 SpareAmmoCapacity[0]=0 InitialSpareMags[0]=0 bCanBeReloaded=false bReloadFromMagazine=false // Recoil maxRecoilPitch=225 minRecoilPitch=150 maxRecoilYaw=150 minRecoilYaw=-150 RecoilRate=0.085 RecoilMaxYawLimit=500 RecoilMinYawLimit=65035 RecoilMaxPitchLimit=900 RecoilMinPitchLimit=65035 RecoilISMaxYawLimit=75 RecoilISMinYawLimit=65460 RecoilISMaxPitchLimit=195 RecoilISMinPitchLimit=65460 RecoilViewRotationScale=0.25 IronSightMeshFOVCompensationScale=1.5 // Inventory / Grouping InventorySize=5 GroupPriority=25 WeaponSelectTexture=Texture2D'WEP_UI_AutoTurret_TEX.UI_WeaponSelect_AutoTurret' // DEFAULT_FIREMODE FireModeIconPaths(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_BulletBurst' FiringStatesArray(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=WeaponFiring WeaponFireTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=EWFT_InstantHit WeaponProjectiles(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFProj_Bullet_Pistol9mm' InstantHitDamageTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Ballistic_AutoTurret' FireInterval(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=+0.12 // 500 rpm InstantHitDamage(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=10 Spread(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=0.01 FireOffset=(X=30,Y=4.5,Z=-4) // ALT_FIREMODE FiringStatesArray(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=WeaponSingleFiring WeaponFireTypes(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=EWFT_None // BASH_FIREMODE WeaponFireTypes(BASH_FIREMODE)=EWFT_None // Fire Effects WeaponFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shot_LP_3P', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shot_LP_1P') WeaponFireLoopEndSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shot_EndLP_3P', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shot_EndLP_1P') WeaponFireSnd(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shoot_3P', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Autoturret.Play_WEP_AutoTurret_Shoot_3P') SingleFireSoundIndex=ALTFIRE_FIREMODE bLoopingFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=true bLoopingFireAnim(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=true AssociatedPerkClasses(0)=class'KFPerk_Commando' WeaponUpgrades[1]=(Stats=((Stat=EWUS_Damage0, Scale=1.15f), (Stat=EWUS_Damage1, Scale=1.15f), (Stat=EWUS_Weight, Add=1))) WeaponUpgrades[2]=(Stats=((Stat=EWUS_Damage0, Scale=1.3f), (Stat=EWUS_Damage1, Scale=1.3f), (Stat=EWUS_Weight, Add=2))) InstigatorDrone=none bFiring=false }