//============================================================================= // KFWeap_AssaultRifle_FAMAS //============================================================================= // FAMAS assault rifle with an extra of shotgun. Better than in MGS! //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2021 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFWeap_AssaultRifle_FAMAS extends KFWeap_ScopedBase; var (Positioning) vector SecondaryFireOffset; const SecondaryFireAnim = 'Shoot_Secondary'; const SecondaryFireIronAnim = 'Shoot_Secondary_Iron'; const SecondaryFireAnimLast = 'Shoot_Secondary_Last'; const SecondaryFireIronAnimLast = 'Shoot_Secondary_Iron_Last'; const SecondaryReloadAnimEmpty = 'Reload_Secondary_Empty'; const SecondaryReloadAnimHalf = 'Reload_Secondary_Half'; const SecondaryReloadAnimEliteEmpty = 'Reload_Secondary_Elite_Empty'; const SecondaryReloadAnimEliteHalf = 'Reload_Secondary_Elite_Half'; const ShotgunMuzzleSocket = 'ShotgunMuzzleFlash'; /** Animation to play when the weapon is fired in burst mode with 2 rounds left */ var(Animations) const editconst name BurstFire2RdAnim; var(Animations) const editconst name BurstFire2RdSightedAnim; /** Animation to play when the weapon is fired in burst fire mode for 3 rounds*/ var(Animations) const editconst name BurstFire3RdAnim; var(Animations) const editconst name BurstFire3RdSightedAnim; var transient KFMuzzleFlash ShotgunMuzzleFlash; var() KFMuzzleFlash ShotgunMuzzleFlashTemplate; // Used on the server to keep track of grenades var int ServerTotalAltAmmo; var transient bool bCanceledAltAutoReload; var transient int BurstAmountBegin; var protected const float AltFireRecoilScale; static simulated event EFilterTypeUI GetTraderFilter() { return FT_Assault; } static simulated event EFilterTypeUI GetAltTraderFilter() { return FT_Explosive; } /** Instead of switch fire mode use as immediate alt fire */ simulated function AltFireMode() { if ( !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() ) { return; } if (bCanceledAltAutoReload) { bCanceledAltAutoReload = false; TryToAltReload(true); return; } // StartFire - StopFire called from KFPlayerInput StartFire(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE); } simulated function BeginFire( Byte FireModeNum ) { local bool bStoredAutoReload; // We are trying to reload the weapon but the primary ammo in already at full capacity if ( FireModeNum == RELOAD_FIREMODE && !CanReload() ) { // Store the current state of bCanceledAltAutoReload in case its not possible to do the reload bStoredAutoReload = bCanceledAltAutoReload; bCanceledAltAutoReload = false; if(CanAltAutoReload(false)) { TryToAltReload(false); return; } bCanceledAltAutoReload = bStoredAutoReload; } super.BeginFire( FireModeNum ); } /** * Initializes ammo counts, when weapon is spawned. */ function InitializeAmmo() { Super.InitializeAmmo(); // Add Secondary ammo to our secondary spare ammo count both of these are important, in order to allow dropping the weapon to function properly. SpareAmmoCount[1] = Min(SpareAmmoCount[1] + InitialSpareMags[1] * default.MagazineCapacity[1], GetMaxAmmoAmount(1) - AmmoCount[1]); ServerTotalAltAmmo += SpareAmmoCount[1]; // Make sure the server doesn't get extra shots on listen servers. if(Role == ROLE_Authority && !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) { ServerTotalAltAmmo += AmmoCount[1]; } } /** * @see Weapon::ConsumeAmmo */ simulated function ConsumeAmmo( byte FireModeNum ) { local byte AmmoType; local bool bNoInfiniteAmmo; local int OldAmmoCount; if(UsesSecondaryAmmo() && FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE && Role == ROLE_Authority && !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) { AmmoType = GetAmmoType(FireModeNum); OldAmmoCount = AmmoCount[AmmoType]; Super.ConsumeAmmo(FireModeNum); bNoInfiniteAmmo = (OldAmmoCount - AmmoCount[AmmoType]) > 0 || AmmoCount[AmmoType] == 0; if ( bNoInfiniteAmmo ) { ServerTotalAltAmmo--; } } else { Super.ConsumeAmmo(FireModeNum); } } /** Make sure user can't fire infinitely if they cheat to get infinite ammo locally. */ simulated event bool HasAmmo( byte FireModeNum, optional int Amount=1 ) { local byte AmmoType; AmmoType = GetAmmoType(FireModeNum); if(AmmoType == 1 && Role == ROLE_Authority && UsesSecondaryAmmo() && !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) { if(ServerTotalAltAmmo <= 0) { return false; } } return Super.HasAmmo(FireModeNum, Amount ); } /** * Overridden so any grenades added will go to the spare ammo and no the clip. */ function int AddSecondaryAmmo(int Amount) { local int OldAmmo; // If we can't accept spare ammo, then abort if( !CanRefillSecondaryAmmo() ) { return 0; } if(Role == ROLE_Authority && !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) { OldAmmo = ServerTotalAltAmmo; ServerTotalAltAmmo = Min(ServerTotalAltAmmo + Amount, GetMaxAmmoAmount(1)); ClientGiveSecondaryAmmo(Amount); return ServerTotalAltAmmo - OldAmmo; } else { OldAmmo = SpareAmmoCount[1]; ClientGiveSecondaryAmmo(Amount); return SpareAmmoCount[1] - OldAmmo; } } /** Give client specified amount of ammo (used player picks up ammo on the server) */ reliable client function ClientGiveSecondaryAmmo(byte Amount) { SpareAmmoCount[1] = Min(SpareAmmoCount[1] + Amount, GetMaxAmmoAmount(1) - AmmoCount[1]); TryToAltReload(true); } function SetOriginalValuesFromPickup( KFWeapon PickedUpWeapon ) { local KFWeap_AssaultRifle_FAMAS Weap; Super.SetOriginalValuesFromPickup(PickedUpWeapon); if(Role == ROLE_Authority && !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled()) { Weap = KFWeap_AssaultRifle_FAMAS(PickedUpWeapon); ServerTotalAltAmmo = Weap.ServerTotalAltAmmo; SpareAmmoCount[1] = ServerTotalAltAmmo - AmmoCount[1]; } else { // If we're locally controlled, don't bother using ServerTotalAltAmmo. SpareAmmoCount[1] = PickedUpWeapon.SpareAmmoCount[1]; } } simulated state WeaponBurstFiring { simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { BurstAmountBegin = GetBurstAmount(); Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); } simulated function name GetWeaponFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { // only do one burst animation instead of a burst animation per shot // since burst amount gets reduced after each shot, this will only play the one animation based on the number of shots in the burst fire if (BurstAmount == BurstAmountBegin) { if (BurstAmount == 3) { if (bUsingSights) { return BurstFire3RdSightedAnim; } return BurstFire3RdAnim; } else if (BurstAmount == 2) { if (bUsingSights) { return BurstFire2RdSightedAnim; } return BurstFire2RdAnim; } else { return super.GetWeaponFireAnim(FireModeNum); } } // will not play any animation return ''; } } simulated state FiringSecondaryState extends WeaponFiring { // Overriden to not call FireAmmunition right at the start of the state simulated event BeginState( Name PreviousStateName ) { Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); NotifyBeginState(); } simulated function EndState(Name NextStateName) { Super.EndState(NextStateName); NotifyEndState(); } /** * This function returns the world location for spawning the visual effects * Overridden to use a special offset for using the shotgun */ simulated event vector GetMuzzleLoc() { local vector MuzzleLocation; // swap fireoffset temporarily FireOffset = SecondaryFireOffset; MuzzleLocation = Global.GetMuzzleLoc(); FireOffset = default.FireOffset; return MuzzleLocation; } /** Get whether we should play the reload anim as well or not */ simulated function name GetWeaponFireAnim(byte FireModeNum) { if (AmmoCount[FireModeNum] > 0) { return bUsingSights ? SecondaryFireIronAnim : SecondaryFireAnim; } return bUsingSights ? SecondaryFireIronAnimLast : SecondaryFireAnimLast; } } /** * Don't allow secondary fire to make a primary fire shell particle come out of the gun. */ simulated function CauseMuzzleFlash(byte FireModeNum) { if(FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE) { if (ShotgunMuzzleFlash == None) { AttachMuzzleFlash(); } if (ShotgunMuzzleFlash != none) { ShotgunMuzzleFlash.CauseMuzzleFlash(FireModeNum); } if ( ShotgunMuzzleFlash.bAutoActivateShellEject ) { ShotgunMuzzleFlash.CauseShellEject(); SetShellEjectsToForeground(); } } else { Super.CauseMuzzleFlash(FireModeNum); } } simulated function AttachMuzzleFlash() { super.AttachMuzzleFlash(); if ( MySkelMesh != none ) { if (ShotgunMuzzleFlashTemplate != None) { ShotgunMuzzleFlash = new(self) Class'KFMuzzleFlash'(ShotgunMuzzleFlashTemplate); ShotgunMuzzleFlash.AttachMuzzleFlash(MySkelMesh, ShotgunMuzzleSocket,); } } } /********************************************************************************************* * State Reloading * This is the default Reloading State. It's performed on both the client and the server. *********************************************************************************************/ /** Do not allow alternate fire to tell the weapon to reload. Alt reload occurs in a separate codepath */ simulated function bool ShouldAutoReload(byte FireModeNum) { if(FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE) { return false; } return Super.ShouldAutoReload(FireModeNum); } /** Called on local player when reload starts and replicated to server */ simulated function SendToAltReload() { ReloadAmountLeft = MagazineCapacity[1] - AmmoCount[1]; GotoState('AltReloading'); if ( Role < ROLE_Authority ) { ServerSendToAltReload(); } } /** Called from client when reload starts */ reliable server function ServerSendToAltReload() { ReloadAmountLeft = MagazineCapacity[1] - AmmoCount[1]; GotoState('AltReloading'); } /** * State Reloading * State the weapon is in when it is being reloaded (current magazine replaced with a new one, related animations and effects played). */ simulated state AltReloading extends Reloading { ignores ForceReload, ShouldAutoReload, AllowSprinting; simulated function byte GetWeaponStateId() { local KFPerk Perk; local bool bTacticalReload; Perk = GetPerk(); bTacticalReload = (Perk != None && Perk.GetUsingTactialReload(self)); if (AmmoCount[ALTFIRE_FIREMODE] == 0) { return (bTacticalReload ? WEP_ReloadSecondaryEmpty_Elite : WEP_ReloadSecondaryEmpty); } else { return (bTacticalReload ? WEP_ReloadSecondary_Elite : WEP_ReloadSecondary); } } simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); bCanceledAltAutoReload = true; } // Overridding super so we don't call functions we don't want to call. simulated function EndState(Name NextStateName) { ClearZedTimeResist(); ClearTimer(nameof(ReloadStatusTimer)); ClearTimer(nameof(ReloadAmmoTimer)); CheckBoltLockPostReload(); NotifyEndState(); `DialogManager.PlayAmmoDialog( KFPawn(Instigator), float(SpareAmmoCount[1]) / float(GetMaxAmmoAmount(1)) ); } // Overridding super so when this reload is called directly after normal reload state there // are not complications resulting from back to back reloads. simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { Global.ReplicatedEvent(Varname); } /** Make sure we can inturrupt secondary reload with anything. */ simulated function bool CanOverrideMagReload(byte FireModeNum) { return true; } /** Returns animation to play based on reload type and status */ simulated function name GetReloadAnimName( bool bTacticalReload ) { // magazine relaod if ( AmmoCount[1] > 0 ) { return (bTacticalReload) ? SecondaryReloadAnimEliteHalf : SecondaryReloadAnimHalf; } else { return (bTacticalReload) ? SecondaryReloadAnimEliteEmpty : SecondaryReloadAnimEmpty; } } simulated function PerformReload(optional byte FireModeNum) { Global.PerformReload(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE); if(Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() && Role < ROLE_Authority) { ServerSetAltAmmoCount(AmmoCount[1]); } bCanceledAltAutoReload = false; } simulated function EReloadStatus GetNextReloadStatus(optional byte FireModeNum) { return Global.GetNextReloadStatus(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE); } } reliable server function ServerSetAltAmmoCount(byte Amount) { AmmoCount[1] = Amount; } /** Allow reloads for primary weapon to be interupted by firing secondary weapon. */ simulated function bool CanOverrideMagReload(byte FireModeNum) { if(FireModeNum == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE) { return true; } return Super.CanOverrideMagReload(FireModeNum); } /********************************************************************************************* * State Active * Try to get weapon to automatically reload secondary fire types when it can. *********************************************************************************************/ simulated state Active { /** Initialize the weapon as being active and ready to go. */ simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { // do this last so the above code happens before any state changes Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); // If nothing happened, try to reload TryToAltReload(true); } } /** Network: Local Player */ simulated function bool CanAltAutoReload(bool bIsAuto) { if ( !Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() ) { return false; } if(!UsesSecondaryAmmo()) { return false; } // If the weapon wants to fire its primary weapon, and it can fire, do not allow weapon to automatically alt reload if(PendingFire(DEFAULT_FIREMODE) && HasAmmo(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)) { return false; } if(!CanReload(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)) { return false; } if (bIsAuto && AmmoCount[1] > 0) { return false; } if (bCanceledAltAutoReload) { return false; } return true; } simulated function TryToAltReload(bool bIsAuto) { if ((IsInState('Active') || IsInState('WeaponSprinting')) && CanAltAutoReload(bIsAuto)) { SendToAltReload(); } } simulated function int GetSecondaryAmmoForHUD() { return AmmoCount[1]; } simulated function int GetSecondarySpareAmmoForHUD() { return SpareAmmoCount[1]; } simulated function ModifyRecoil( out float CurrentRecoilModifier ) { if( CurrentFireMode == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE ) { CurrentRecoilModifier *= AltFireRecoilScale; } super.ModifyRecoil( CurrentRecoilModifier ); } /** Spawn projectile is called once for each shot pellet fired */ simulated function KFProjectile SpawnAllProjectiles(class KFProjClass, vector RealStartLoc, vector AimDir) { local KFPerk InstigatorPerk; if (CurrentFireMode == ALTFIRE_FIREMODE) { InstigatorPerk = GetPerk(); if (InstigatorPerk != none) { Spread[CurrentFireMode] = default.Spread[CurrentFireMode] * InstigatorPerk.GetTightChokeModifier(); } } return super.SpawnAllProjectiles(KFProjClass, RealStartLoc, AimDir); } defaultproperties { bCanRefillSecondaryAmmo = true; // Content PackageKey="Famas" FirstPersonMeshName="wep_1p_famas_mesh.Wep_1stP_Famas_Rig" FirstPersonAnimSetNames(0)="wep_1p_famas_anim.Wep_1stP_Famas_Anim" PickupMeshName="WEP_3P_Famas_MESH.WEP_Famas_Pickup" AttachmentArchetypeName="Wep_Famas_ARCH.Wep_Famas_3P" MuzzleFlashTemplateName="wep_famas_arch.Wep_Famas_MuzzleFlash" ShotgunMuzzleFlashTemplate=KFMuzzleFlash'wep_famas_arch.Wep_Famas_Shotgun_MuzzleFlash' // Scope Render // 2D scene capture Begin Object Name=SceneCapture2DComponent0 TextureTarget=TextureRenderTarget2D'Wep_Mat_Lib.WEP_ScopeLense_Target' FieldOfView=12.5 // "2.0X" = 25.0(our real world FOV determinant)/2.0 End Object ScopedSensitivityMod = 8.0 ScopeLenseMICTemplate = MaterialInstanceConstant'WEP_1P_FNFAL_MAT.WEP_1P_FNFAL_Scope_MAT' ScopeMICIndex = 2 // FOV MeshFov=65 MeshIronSightFOV=60 //45 PlayerIronSightFOV=70 // Depth of field DOF_BlendInSpeed=3.0 DOF_FG_FocalRadius=0 DOF_FG_MaxNearBlurSize=3.5 // Zooming/Position PlayerViewOffset=(X=22.0,Y=9.f,Z=-2.f) IronSightPosition=(X=0,Y=0,Z=0) // Ammo MagazineCapacity[0]=30 //24 SpareAmmoCapacity[0]=240 InitialSpareMags[0]=3 bCanBeReloaded=true bReloadFromMagazine=true // Shotgun Ammo MagazineCapacity[1]=6 SpareAmmoCapacity[1]=36 //42 InitialSpareMags[1]=1 // Recoil maxRecoilPitch=100 //125 //200 //120 minRecoilPitch=75 //100 //150 //70 maxRecoilYaw=40 //80 minRecoilYaw=-40 //-80 RecoilRate=0.085 RecoilMaxYawLimit=500 RecoilMinYawLimit=65035 RecoilMaxPitchLimit=900 RecoilMinPitchLimit=65035 RecoilISMaxYawLimit=75 RecoilISMinYawLimit=65460 RecoilISMaxPitchLimit=375 RecoilISMinPitchLimit=65460 RecoilViewRotationScale=0.25 IronSightMeshFOVCompensationScale=1.7 HippedRecoilModifier=2.0 //1.5 // Inventory / Grouping InventorySize=6 GroupPriority=80 //75 WeaponSelectTexture=Texture2D'WEP_UI_Famas_TEX.UI_WeaponSelect_Famas' // DEFAULT_FIREMODE FireModeIconPaths(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_BulletBurst' FiringStatesArray(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=WeaponBurstFiring WeaponFireTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=EWFT_InstantHit WeaponProjectiles(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFProj_Bullet_AssaultRifle' InstantHitDamageTypes(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Ballistic_FAMAS_Rifle' PenetrationPower(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=1.0 FireInterval(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=+0.0667 // 900 RPM InstantHitDamage(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=35.0 Spread(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=0.005 //0.0085 BurstAmount=3 BurstFire2RdAnim=Shoot_Burst2 BurstFire3RdAnim=Shoot_Burst BurstFire2RdSightedAnim=Shoot_Burst2_Iron BurstFire3RdSightedAnim=Shoot_Burst_Iron FireOffset=(X=30,Y=4.5,Z=-5) SecondaryFireOffset=(X=20.f,Y=4.5,Z=-7.f) // ALT_FIREMODE FireModeIconPaths(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_ShotgunSingle' FiringStatesArray(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=FiringSecondaryState WeaponFireTypes(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=EWFT_Projectile WeaponProjectiles(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=class'KFProj_Bullet_Pellet' InstantHitDamageTypes(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Ballistic_FAMAS_Shotgun' InstantHitDamage(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=30.0 //25.0 PenetrationPower(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=2.0 FireInterval(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=+0.77 //78 RPM //+1.2 //50 RPM NumPellets(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=7 //6 Spread(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=0.08 //0.10 //0.12 SecondaryAmmoTexture=Texture2D'ui_firemodes_tex.UI_FireModeSelect_ShotgunSingle' // BASH_FIREMODE InstantHitDamageTypes(BASH_FIREMODE)=class'KFDT_Bludgeon_FAMAS' InstantHitDamage(BASH_FIREMODE)=26 // Fire Effects WeaponFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AR15.Play_WEP_SA_AR15_Fire_3P', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AR15.Play_WEP_SA_AR15_Fire_1P') WeaponDryFireSnd(DEFAULT_FIREMODE)=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AR15.Play_WEP_SA_AR15_Handling_DryFire' WeaponFireSnd(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=(DefaultCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AA12.Play_WEP_SA_AA12_Fire_3P', FirstPersonCue=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AA12.Play_WEP_SA_AA12_Fire_1P') WeaponDryFireSnd(ALTFIRE_FIREMODE)=AkEvent'WW_WEP_SA_AA12.Play_WEP_SA_AA12_Handling_DryFire' // Attachments bHasIronSights=true bHasFlashlight=false AssociatedPerkClasses(0)=class'KFPerk_Commando' AssociatedPerkClasses(1)=class'KFPerk_Support' WeaponUpgrades[1]=(Stats=((Stat=EWUS_Damage0, Scale=1.125f), (Stat=EWUS_Damage1, Scale=1.125f), (Stat=EWUS_Weight, Add=1))) WeaponUpgrades[2]=(Stats=((Stat=EWUS_Damage0, Scale=1.25f), (Stat=EWUS_Damage1, Scale=1.25f), (Stat=EWUS_Weight, Add=2))) bUsesSecondaryAmmoAltHUD=true AltFireRecoilScale = 4.5 //4.0 //2.5 }