class SkelControlWheel extends SkelControlSingleBone hidecategories(Translation,Rotation) native(Anim); /** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Controller used by vehicle system for moving/rotating wheel. */ cpptext { // SkelControlWheel interface void UpdateWheelControl( FLOAT InDisplacement, FLOAT InRoll, FLOAT InSteering ); void CalculateNewBoneTransforms(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray<FBoneAtom>& OutBoneTransforms); } /** Units to move the wheel up vertically. */ var(Wheel) transient float WheelDisplacement; /** Maximum displacement that the wheel will be rendered at. Used to avoid graphical clipping of wheel into chassis etc */ var(Wheel) float WheelMaxRenderDisplacement; /** Current rolling angle of wheel. In degrees. */ var(Wheel) transient float WheelRoll; /** Axis around which the wheel rolls. */ var(Wheel) EAxis WheelRollAxis; /** Steering angle of wheel. In degrees. */ var(Wheel) transient float WheelSteering; /** Axis around which wheel steering occurs. */ var(Wheel) EAxis WheelSteeringAxis; /** If we should invert the rotation applied to the wheel for rolling motion. */ var(Wheel) bool bInvertWheelRoll; /** If we should invert rotation applied to the wheel for steering. */ var(Wheel) bool bInvertWheelSteering; defaultproperties { bApplyTranslation=true bAddTranslation=true BoneTranslationSpace=BCS_BoneSpace bApplyRotation=true bAddRotation=true BoneRotationSpace=BCS_BoneSpace WheelRollAxis=AXIS_X WheelSteeringAxis=AXIS_Z WheelMaxRenderDisplacement=50.0 bIgnoreWhenNotRendered=true }