/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class PBRuleNodeSplit extends PBRuleNodeBase native(ProcBuilding) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object) dependson(ProcBuildingRuleset); var() EProcBuildingAxis SplitAxis; struct native RBSplitInfo { var() bool bFixSize; var() float FixedSize; var() float ExpandRatio; var() name SplitName; structdefaultproperties { bFixSize=false FixedSize=512.0 ExpandRatio=1.0 } }; var() array<RBSplitInfo> SplitSetup; cpptext { // UObject interface virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); // PBRuleNodeBase interface virtual void ProcessScope(FPBScope2D& InScope, INT TopLevelScopeIndex, AProcBuilding* BaseBuilding, AProcBuilding* ScopeBuilding, UStaticMeshComponent* LODParent); // Editor virtual FString GetRuleNodeTitle(); virtual FString GetRuleNodeOutputName(INT ConnIndex); // PBRuleNodeSplit interface /** Util to output array of size SplitSetup.Num(), indicating how to split a certain size using the splitting rules */ TArray<FLOAT> CalcSplitSizes(FLOAT TotalSize); /** Update the NextRules array based on the RBSplitInfo array */ void UpdateRuleConnectors(); } defaultproperties { SplitAxis=EPBAxis_Z NextRules.Empty NextRules[0]=(LinkName="Next") NextRules[1]=(LinkName="0") }