 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MaterialExpressionParameter extends MaterialExpression

/** The name of the parameter */
var() name			ParameterName;

/** GUID that should be unique within the material, this is used for parameter renaming. */
var	  const	guid	ExpressionGUID;

/** The name of the parameter Group to display in MaterialInstance Editor. Default is None group */
var() name Group;

	 * Generates a GUID for this expression if one doesn't already exist. 
	 * @param bForceGeneration	Whether we should generate a GUID even if it is already valid.
	void ConditionallyGenerateGUID(UBOOL bForceGeneration=FALSE);

	/** Tries to generate a GUID. */
	virtual void PostLoad();

	/** Tries to generate a GUID. */
	virtual void PostDuplicate();

	/** Tries to generate a GUID. */
	virtual void PostEditImport();

	 * MatchesSearchQuery: Check this expression to see if it matches the search query
	 * @param SearchQuery - User's search query (never blank)
	 * @return TRUE if the expression matches the search query
	virtual UBOOL MatchesSearchQuery( const TCHAR* SearchQuery );

	 * Called to get list of parameter names for static parameter sets
	void GetAllParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
