// GameReplicationInfo.
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Every GameInfo creates a GameReplicationInfo, which is always relevant, to replicate
// important game data to clients (as the GameInfo is not replicated).
class GameReplicationInfo extends ReplicationInfo

/** Class of the server's gameinfo, assigned by GameInfo. */
var repnotify class<GameInfo> GameClass;

/** If true, stop RemainingTime countdown */
var bool bStopCountDown;

/** Match is in progress (replicated) */
var repnotify bool bMatchHasBegun;

/** Match is over (replicated) */
var repnotify bool bMatchIsOver;

//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/26/2016 - Moving this from KFGameReplicationInfoVersus so it can be used in OnlineSubsystem
/** Indicates that we are in the post-round waiting period */
var repnotify bool bRoundIsOver;

//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/15/2016 - Make sure we're still at full speed before the end of game menu shows up
/** Match is almost over, but not quite */
var bool bWaitingForAAR;

/** Used for counting down time in time limited games */
var int  RemainingTime, ElapsedTime, RemainingMinute;

/** Replicates scoring goal for this match */
var int GoalScore;

/** Replicates time limit for this match */
var int TimeLimit;

/** Replicated list of teams participating in this match */
var array<TeamInfo > Teams;

/** Name of the server, i.e.: Bob's Server. */
var() globalconfig string ServerName;		

/** Match winner.  Set by gameinfo when game ends */
var Actor Winner;			

/** Array of all PlayerReplicationInfos, maintained on both server and clients (PRIs are always relevant) */
var		array<PlayerReplicationInfo> PRIArray;

/** This list mirrors the GameInfo's list of inactive PRI objects */
var		array<PlayerReplicationInfo> InactivePRIArray;

/** Set when the exit cue of the current music track is hit */
var bool bPendingMusicTrackChange;

	// AActor interface.
	INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
	 * Builds a list of components that are hidden for scene capture
	 * @param HiddenComponents the list to add to/remove from
	virtual void UpdateHiddenComponentsForSceneCapture(TSet<UPrimitiveComponent*>& HiddenComponents) {}

	 * Helper to return the default object of the GameInfo class corresponding to this GRI
	AGameInfo *GetDefaultGameInfo();

#if __TW_
	virtual UBOOL IsUnrankedGame() { return true; }
	virtual FString GetGameBalanceCol1() { return TEXT(",,"); }
	virtual int GetWaveNum() { return -1; }
	virtual int GetWaveMax() { return -1; }
	virtual UBOOL GetWon() { return false; }

	if ( bNetDirty )
		bStopCountDown, Winner, bMatchHasBegun, bMatchIsOver, bRoundIsOver;

	if ( !bNetInitial && bNetDirty )

	if ( bNetInitial )
		GameClass, RemainingTime, ElapsedTime, GoalScore, TimeLimit, ServerName;

simulated event PostBeginPlay()
	local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
	local TeamInfo TI;

	if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
		// clear variables so we don't display our own values if the server has them left blank
		ServerName = "";

	SetTimer(WorldInfo.TimeDilation, true);

	WorldInfo.GRI = self;

	ForEach DynamicActors(class'PlayerReplicationInfo',PRI)
	foreach DynamicActors(class'TeamInfo', TI)
		if (TI.TeamIndex >= 0)
			SetTeam(TI.TeamIndex, TI);

simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
	if ( VarName == 'bMatchHasBegun' )
		if (bMatchHasBegun)
			// @todo ib2merge - Chair added this - we could add a boolean to call this or not, set it to true in SwordGRI
			// StartMatch();
	else if ( VarName == 'bMatchIsOver' )
		if ( bMatchIsOver )
	else if ( VarName == 'GameClass' )

/** Called when the GameClass property is set (at startup for the server, after the variable has been replicated on clients) */
simulated function ReceivedGameClass()
	local PlayerController PC;
	// Tell each PlayerController that the Game class is here
	foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController',PC)

/* Reset()
reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading.
function Reset()
	Winner = None;

simulated event Timer()
	if ( (WorldInfo.Game == None) || WorldInfo.Game.MatchIsInProgress() )
	if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
		// sync remaining time with server once a minute
		if ( RemainingMinute != 0 )
			RemainingTime = RemainingMinute;
			RemainingMinute = 0;
	if ( (RemainingTime > 0) && !bStopCountDown )
		if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client )
			if ( RemainingTime % 60 == 0 )
				RemainingMinute = RemainingTime;

	SetTimer(WorldInfo.TimeDilation, true);

 * Checks to see if two actors are on the same team.
 * @return	true if they are, false if they aren't
simulated native function bool OnSameTeam(Actor A, Actor B);

simulated function AddPRI(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
	local int i;

	// Determine whether it should go in the active or inactive list
	if (!PRI.bIsInactive)
		// make sure no duplicates
		for (i=0; i<PRIArray.Length; i++)
			if (PRIArray[i] == PRI)

		PRIArray[PRIArray.Length] = PRI;
		// Add once only
		if (InactivePRIArray.Find(PRI) == INDEX_NONE)
			InactivePRIArray[InactivePRIArray.Length] = PRI;

simulated function RemovePRI(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
    local int i;

    for (i=0; i<PRIArray.Length; i++)
		if (PRIArray[i] == PRI)

 * Assigns the specified TeamInfo to the location specified.
 * @param	Index	location in the Teams array to place the new TeamInfo.
 * @param	TI		the TeamInfo to assign
simulated function SetTeam( int Index, TeamInfo TI )
	if ( Index >= 0 )
		Teams[Index] = TI;

 * Called on the server when the match has begin
 * Network - Server and Client (Via ReplicatedEvent)

simulated function StartMatch()
	bMatchHasBegun = true;

 * Called on the server when the match is over
 * Network - Server and Client (Via ReplicatedEvent)

simulated function EndGame()
	bMatchIsOver = true;

/** Is the current gametype a multiplayer game? */
simulated function bool IsMultiplayerGame()
	return (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Standalone);

/** Is the current gametype a coop multiplayer game? */
simulated function bool IsCoopMultiplayerGame()
	return FALSE;

/** Should players show gore? */
simulated event bool ShouldShowGore()
	return TRUE;

//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 6-8-16 - Playfab hooks for server
simulated event PlayerReplicationInfo GetPRIByPlayfabId( const string InPlayfabPlayerId )
	local int i;

	if( InPlayfabPlayerId != "" )
		for( i = 0; i < PRIArray.Length; i++ )
			if( PRIArray[i].PlayfabPlayerId == InPlayfabPlayerId )
				return PRIArray[i];

	return none;

//@HSL_BEGIN - AGM - 7-16-15 - Support for checking for valid stats session
simulated event bool IsStatsSessionValid();

