/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * visualizes genericparamlistentries */ class GenericParamlistVisualizer extends GameStatsVisualizer native(GameStats) config(Editor); struct native Line { var Vector LineStart; var Vector LineEnd; var LinearColor LineColor; var float Thickness; }; struct native DrawBox { var Vector BoxLoc; var Vector Extent; var Color BoxColor; }; `if(`__TW_) struct native DrawSphere { var Vector SphereLoc; var float Radius; var Color SphereColor; }; `endif struct native DrawAtom { var array<Line> Lines; var array<DrawBox> Boxes; `if(`__TW_) var array<DrawSphere> Spheres; `endif var string ShortName; var string LongName; var Texture2D Sprite; var vector Loc; var LinearColor Color; }; cpptext { /** Given a chance to initialize */ virtual void Init(); /** Reset the visualizer to initial state */ virtual void Reset(); /** * Draws all players with unique color within the given time period * taking into account time/space jumps * @param View - the view being drawn in * @param PDI - draw interface for primitives * @param ViewportType - type of viewport being draw (perspective, ortho) */ virtual void Visualize(const FSceneView* View, class FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, ELevelViewportType ViewportType); /** Called before any database entries are given to the visualizer */ virtual void BeginVisiting(); /** Called at the end of database entry traversal, returns success or failure */ virtual UBOOL EndVisiting(); /** Returns the number of data points the visualizer is actively working with */ virtual INT GetVisualizationSetCount() const; /** * Retrieve some metadata about an event * @param EventIndex - some visualizer relative index about the data to get metadata about * @param MetadataString - return string containing information about the event requested */ virtual void GetMetadata(INT EventIndex, FString& MetadataString); /** Called when a hitproxy belonging to this visualizer is triggered */ virtual void HandleHitProxy(struct HGameStatsHitProxy* HitProxy); virtual void Visit(class GenericParamListEntry* Entry); } var array<DrawAtom> DrawAtoms; var Texture2D DatumSprite; defaultproperties { FriendlyName="Generic Visualizer (for debug stats mostly)" }