//============================================================================= // KFDT_Ballistic //============================================================================= // Various bullets/projectiles of different calibers or mm //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFDT_Ballistic extends KFDamageType abstract; `include(KFGameDialog.uci) /** Allows the damage type to customize exactly which hit zones it can dismember */ static simulated function bool CanDismemberHitZone( name InHitZoneName ) { switch ( InHitZoneName ) { case 'lhand': case 'rhand': case 'lfoot': case 'rfoot': case 'lforearm': case 'rforearm': case 'lcalf': case 'rcalf': case 'lthigh': case 'rthigh': return true; } return false; } /** Returns ID of dialog event for killer to speak after killing a zed using this damage type */ static function int GetKillerDialogID() { return `KILL_Ballistic; } /** Returns ID of dialog event for damager to speak after damaging a zed using this damage type */ static function int GetDamageeDialogID() { return `DAMP_Ballistic; } defaultproperties { bShouldSpawnBloodSplat=true bShouldSpawnPersistentBlood=true BodyWoundDecalMaterials[0]=MaterialInstanceConstant'FX_Gore_MAT.FX_CH_Wound_01_Mic' KDamageImpulse=300 GoreDamageGroup=DGT_Handgun EffectGroup=FXG_Ballistic }