//============================================================================= // KFAnimNotify_ZedVoiceSound //============================================================================= // Notify class for zed voice sounds, which need to be played differently if the // zed has no mouth/head. //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Jeff Robinson //============================================================================= class KFAnimNotify_ZedVoiceAkEvent extends AnimNotify_AkEvent native(Anim); /** Alternate event to play in the case that the zed has no mouth/head */ var() AkEvent MouthlessAkEvent; /** Will cause MouthlessAkEvent to be played when the "play" button is pressed in the editor */ var() transient editoronly bool bTestMouthlessAkEvent; /** Will attempt to play through the dialog/chatter manager, obeying dialog rules such as priority and cooldown */ var() bool bTreatAsDialog; cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual UAkEvent* PickEventToPlay( AActor* in_pOwner ); virtual UBOOL CanPlay( AActor* in_pOwner, USkeletalMeshComponent* in_pSkelComp, UAkEvent* in_pEvent ); virtual void Play( AActor* in_pOwner, UAkEvent* in_pEvent, const FVector& in_SoundLocation, UBOOL in_bEventIsOccluded ); } defaultproperties { BoneName=head }