/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * Holds the base settings for an online game search */ class OnlineGameSearch extends Settings dependson(OnlineSubsystem) native; /** Max number of queries returned by the matchmaking service */ var int MaxSearchResults; /** The query to use for finding matching servers */ var LocalizedStringSetting Query; /** Whether the query is intended for LAN matches or not */ var databinding bool bIsLanQuery; /** Whether to use arbitration or not */ var databinding bool bUsesArbitration; /** Whether the search object in question is in progress or not. This is the union of the other flags */ var const bool bIsSearchInProgress; /** Struct used to return matching servers */ struct native OnlineGameSearchResult { /** The settings used by this particular server */ //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 12-12-16- Need to be able to change this in script (script const is kinda stupid anyways. doesn't hold true in native) var /*const*/ OnlineGameSettings GameSettings; //@HSL_END /** * Platform/online provider specific data * NOTE: It is imperative that the subsystem be called to clean this data * up or the PlatformData will leak memory! */ var const native pointer PlatformData{void}; structcpptext { /** Default constructor does nothing and is here for NoInit types */ FOnlineGameSearchResult() { } /** Zeroing constructor */ FOnlineGameSearchResult(EEventParm) : GameSettings(NULL), PlatformData(NULL) { } } }; /** The class to create for each returned result from the search */ var class<OnlineGameSettings> GameSettingsClass; /** The list of servers and their settings that match the search */ var const array<OnlineGameSearchResult> Results; /** Used to manually specify the skill to use when matchmaking */ struct native OverrideSkill { /** The skill leaderboard to read the player skill from */ var int LeaderboardId; /** The set of players to read the skill for */ var array<UniqueNetId> Players; /** The set of skill values to use */ var array<double> Mus; var array<double> Sigmas; }; /** Instance of the above to manually specify the players involved in the skill search */ var OverrideSkill ManualSkillOverride; /** * Used to search for named properties on game setting objects */ struct native NamedObjectProperty { /** The name of the property to search with */ var name ObjectPropertyName; /** The string value to compare against */ var string ObjectPropertyValue; }; /** The list of named properties to search on */ var array<NamedObjectProperty> NamedProperties; /** The type of data to use to fill out an online parameter */ enum EOnlineGameSearchEntryType { /** A property is used to filter with */ OGSET_Property, /** A localized setting is used to filter with */ OGSET_LocalizedSetting, /** A property on the game settings object to filter with */ OGSET_ObjectProperty }; /** The type of comparison to perform on the search entry */ enum EOnlineGameSearchComparisonType { OGSCT_Equals, OGSCT_NotEquals, OGSCT_GreaterThan, OGSCT_GreaterThanEquals, OGSCT_LessThan, OGSCT_LessThanEquals }; /** Struct used to describe a search criteria */ struct native OnlineGameSearchParameter { /** The Id of the property or localized string */ var int EntryId; /** The name of the property to search with */ var name ObjectPropertyName; /** Whether this parameter to compare against comes from a property or a localized setting */ var EOnlineGameSearchEntryType EntryType; /** The type of comparison to perform */ var EOnlineGameSearchComparisonType ComparisonType; }; /** Used to indicate which way to sort a result set */ enum EOnlineGameSearchSortType { OGSSO_Ascending, OGSSO_Descending }; /** Struct used to describe the sorting of items */ struct native OnlineGameSearchSortClause { /** The Id of the property or localized string */ var int EntryId; /** The name of the property to search with */ var name ObjectPropertyName; /** Whether this parameter to compare against comes from a property or a localized setting */ var EOnlineGameSearchEntryType EntryType; /** The type of comparison to perform */ var EOnlineGameSearchSortType SortType; }; /** Matches parameters using a series of OR comparisons */ struct native OnlineGameSearchORClause { /** The list of parameters to compare and use as an OR clause */ var array<OnlineGameSearchParameter> OrParams; }; /** Struct used to describe a query */ struct native OnlineGameSearchQuery { /** A set of OR clauses that are ANDed together to filter potential servers */ var array<OnlineGameSearchORClause> OrClauses; /** A list of sort operations used to order the servers that match the filtering */ var array<OnlineGameSearchSortClause> SortClauses; }; /** Holds the query to use when filtering servers and they require non-predefined queries */ var OnlineGameSearchQuery FilterQuery; `if (`__TW_ONLINESUBSYSTEM_) var array<string> MasterServerSearchKeys; var array<string> MasterServerSearchValues; `endif /** String that is tacked onto the end of the search query (GameSpy only) */ var string AdditionalSearchCriteria; /** * Used to sort games into buckets since a the difference in terms of feel for ping * in the same bucket is often not a useful comparison and skill is better */ var int PingBucketSize; /** The number of probes used to determine ping */ var int NumPingProbes; /** The max amount of data to use when pinging */ var int MaxPingBytes; //@SABER_BEGIN - The max ping of the crossplay server var int MaxPing; //@SABER_END /** * Sets the information needed to do a manual specification of the skill to use when searching * * @param LeaderboardId the skill leaderboard to read from * @param Players the set of players to use when determining the skill */ function SetSkillOverride(int LeaderboardId,const out array<UniqueNetId> Players) { // Copy and zero the skill data ManualSkillOverride.LeaderboardId = LeaderboardId; ManualSkillOverride.Players = Players; ManualSkillOverride.Mus.Length = 0; ManualSkillOverride.Sigmas.Length = 0; } /** * Allows a search object to provide a customized sort routine to order the results in * a way that best fits the game type */ native event SortSearchResults(); //@ZOMBIE_PS4_BEING - AGM - Adding support for settings values to be pasted to OSS event native bool SetNamedProperty(name PropertyName, String value); event native bool GetNamedProperty(name PropertyName, out String value); //@ZOMBIE_PS4_END //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 7-5-16 - Removing this functionality from steam function ClearServerFilters() { MasterServerSearchKeys.Length = 0; MasterServerSearchValues.Length = 0; } function AddServerFilter(string Key, optional string Val = "", optional int location = -1) { //`log("AddServerFilter:"@Key@Val@string(location)); if (location < 0) { //`log("Adding filter"@Key$"="$Val); MasterServerSearchKeys.AddItem(Key); MasterServerSearchValues.AddItem(Val); } else { //`log("Adding filter"@Key$"="$Val@"at position"@location); MasterServerSearchKeys.InsertItem(location, Key); MasterServerSearchValues.InsertItem(location, Val); } } function TestAddServerFilter(bool Test, string Key, optional string Val = "") { if (Test) { AddServerFilter(Key, Val); } } function TestAddBoolGametagFilter(out string GametagString, bool Test, name Property, byte BoolVal) { //`log("TestAddBoolGametagFilter:"@string(Test)@string(Property)@string(BoolVal)); if (Test) { if (Len(GametagString) > 0) { GametagString $= ","; } GametagString $= GetGametagStringBool(Property, BoolVal); } //`log("TestAddBoolGametagFilter:"@GametagString); } function AddGametagFilter(out string GametagString, name Property, string Val) { //`log("AddGametagFilter:"@string(Property)@Val); if (Len(GametagString) > 0) { GametagString $= ","; } GametagString $= GetGametagString(Property, Val); //`log("AddGametagFilter:"@GametagString); } native function string GetGametagString(name PropertyName, string StringVal); native function string GetGametagStringBool(name PropertyName, byte BoolVal); cpptext { /** encodes a name into a char for game tags */ static char EncodeNameForGameTag(FName Name); static FString ParseGameTagEntry(char *GameTagEntry); } //@HSL_END defaultproperties { // Override this with your game specific class so that metadata can properly // expose the game information to the UI GameSettingsClass=class'Engine.OnlineGameSettings' MaxSearchResults=25 // Set this to zero to disable ping bucket sorting for arbitrated matches PingBucketSize=50 MaxPing = -1; }