/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimBlendByPhysics extends UDKAnimBlendBase native(Animation); /** Maps the PSY_enums to child nodes */ var(Animations) int PhysicsMap[12]; /** Holds the last known physics type for the tree's owner. */ var int LastPhysics; // Track the last physics var() float LandBlendDelay; var int PendingChildIndex; var float PendingTimeToGo; cpptext { virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); } defaultproperties { PhysicsMap(0)=-1 PhysicsMap(1)=-1 PhysicsMap(2)=-1 PhysicsMap(3)=-1 PhysicsMap(4)=-1 PhysicsMap(5)=-1 PhysicsMap(6)=-1 PhysicsMap(7)=-1 PhysicsMap(8)=-1 PhysicsMap(9)=-1 PhysicsMap(10)=-1 PhysicsMap(11)=-1 Children(0)=(Name="PHYS_Walking",Weight=1.0) Children(1)=(Name="PHYS_Falling") Children(2)=(Name="PHYS_Swimming") }