/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimBlendByFall extends UDKAnimBlendBase native(Animation); enum EBlendFallTypes { FBT_Up, // jump FBT_Down, FBT_PreLand, FBT_Land, // variants for double jump FBT_DblJumpUp, FBT_DblJumpDown, FBT_DblJumpPreLand, FBT_DblJumpLand, FBT_None }; /** If TRUE, double jump versions of the inputs will be ignored. */ var() bool bIgnoreDoubleJumps; /** Time before predicted landing to trigger pre-land animation. */ var() float PreLandTime; /** Time before landing we should start becoming upright again. */ var() float PreLandStartUprightTime; /** Time to become upright when executing double jump. */ var() float ToDblJumpUprightTime; /** True if a double jump was performed and we should use the DblJump states. */ var transient bool bDidDoubleJump; /** * This fall is used for dodging. When it's true, the Falling node progress through * it's states in an alternate manner */ var bool bDodgeFall; /** The current state this node believes the pawn to be in */ var const EBlendFallTypes FallState; /** Set internally, this variable holds the size of the velocity at the last tick */ var const float LastFallingVelocity; /** Cached pointer to parent leaning node. */ var const UDKAnimNodeJumpLeanOffset CachedLeanNode; cpptext { virtual void DeferredInitAnim(); virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); virtual void SetActiveChild( INT ChildIndex, FLOAT BlendTime ); virtual void OnChildAnimEnd(UAnimNodeSequence* Child, FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime); virtual void ChangeFallState(EBlendFallTypes NewState); virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); virtual void RenameChildConnectors(); virtual void OnCeaseRelevant(); } defaultproperties { FallState=FBT_None bDodgeFall=false Children(0)=(Name="Up",Weight=1.0) Children(1)=(Name="Down") Children(2)=(Name="Pre-Land") Children(3)=(Name="Land") Children(4)=(Name="DoubleJump Up") Children(5)=(Name="DoubleJump Down") Children(6)=(Name="DoubleJump Pre-Land") Children(7)=(Name="DoubleJump Land") bFixNumChildren=true }