//============================================================================= // KFPickupFactory_Item //============================================================================= // Class Description //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Author 1/22/2014 //============================================================================= class KFPickupFactory_Item extends KFPickupFactory placeable native nativereplication; struct native ItemPickup { /** A list of all possible weapon pickups. These classes are used to populate the path names but will not actually load the weapon class*/ var() class ItemClass; /** Chance relative to other valid attacks (Works like AnimNodeRandom) */ var() const float Priority; structdefaultproperties { Priority=1.f } }; /** The list of possible pickups that could spawn from this factory */ var() array ItemPickups; /** The name of the class we're using for armor */ var name ArmorClassName; /** The index of the pickup we want to spawn */ var repnotify byte PickupIndex; cpptext { INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel ); } replication { // Things the server should send to the client. if ( bNetDirty && (Role == ROLE_Authority) ) PickupIndex; } simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { super.ReplicatedEvent( VarName ); if ( VarName == nameof(PickupIndex) ) { SetPickupMesh(); } } /** Overloaded to add this pickup to its proper list in the gameinfo */ simulated function InitializePickup() { local KFGameInfo KFGI; if( bKismetDriven ) { return; } KFGI = KFGameInfo( WorldInfo.Game ); if ( KFGI != none ) { KFGI.ItemPickups.AddItem( self ); } } simulated event SetInitialState() { //Make sure to set the pickup weapon if we're level spawned if (bKismetDriven && bEnabledAtStart) { PickupIndex = ChooseWeaponPickup(); SetPickupMesh(); } super.SetInitialState(); bScriptInitialized = true; } /** Pick a weapon from 'ItemPickups' and enable it in the world */ function Reset() { super.Reset(); PickupIndex = ChooseWeaponPickup(); bNetDirty = true; SetPickupMesh(); } function SetRespawn() { //For ones that spawn in the world on timer, reset info here. if (bKismetDriven && bEnabledAtStart) { PickupIndex = ChooseWeaponPickup(); SetPickupMesh(); } super.SetRespawn(); } /** Chooses a weighted item pickup */ function int ChooseWeaponPickup() { local int i, DesiredItemIdx; local float Weight, TotalWeight, RandomWeight; local array IndexList; // Add up the total weight for all valid attacks for(i = 0; i < ItemPickups.Length; i++) { if ( ItemPickups[i].Priority > 0.f ) { TotalWeight += ItemPickups[i].Priority; IndexList.AddItem(i); } } // If we have valid pickup to choose from if ( IndexList.Length > 0 && TotalWeight > 0.f ) { RandomWeight = FRand(); DesiredItemIdx = IndexList[0]; // select a random attack based on Priority for(i = 0; i < (IndexList.Length - 1); i++) { Weight = ItemPickups[IndexList[i]].Priority / TotalWeight; if ( RandomWeight <= Weight ) { break; // finished } else { RandomWeight -= Weight; DesiredItemIdx = IndexList[i+1]; } } } return DesiredItemIdx; } simulated native function GetPickupMesh(class ItemClass); /** Use the pickups static mesh for this factory */ simulated function SetPickupMesh() { if (ItemPickups[PickupIndex].ItemClass.Name == ArmorClassName) { FinalizePickupMesh(StaticMeshComponent(ItemPickups[PickupIndex].ItemClass.default.PickupFactoryMesh).StaticMesh); } else { GetPickupMesh(class(ItemPickups[PickupIndex].ItemClass)); } } simulated event FinalizePickupMesh(StaticMesh NewMesh) { local StaticMeshComponent FactoryPickupMesh; FactoryPickupMesh = StaticMeshComponent(PickupMesh); FactoryPickupMesh.SetStaticMesh(NewMesh); // Reset the cull distance for the new mesh FactoryPickupMesh.SetCullDistance(3500); } /** Give the pickup or its ammo to the player */ function GiveTo( Pawn P ) { if ( ItemPickups[ PickupIndex ].ItemClass.Name == ArmorClassName ) { GiveArmor( P ); } else { GiveWeapon( P ); } } function GiveArmor( Pawn P ) { local KFInventoryManager KFIM; KFIM = KFInventoryManager( P.InvManager ); if (KFIM != none && KFIM.AddArmorFromPickup()) { ActivateNewPickup(P); PickedUpBy(P); `BalanceLog(class'KFGameInfo'.const.GBE_Pickup, P.PlayerReplicationInfo, "Armor"); `AnalyticsLog(("pickup", P.PlayerReplicationInfo, "armor")); } } function GiveWeapon( Pawn P ) { local KFWeapon KFW; local class InventoryClass; local class KFWeaponClass; local KFInventoryManager KFIM; local Inventory Inv; // Check if we have the weapon KFIM = KFInventoryManager( P.InvManager ); foreach KFIM.InventoryActors( class'KFWeapon', KFW ) { KFWeaponClass = class( ItemPickups[PickupIndex].ItemClass ); if ( KFW.class == ItemPickups[ PickupIndex ].ItemClass ) { // if this isn't a dual-wield class, then we can't carry another if( KFW.DualClass == none ) { PlayerController(P.Owner).ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KFLocalMessage_Game', GMT_AlreadyCarryingWeapon ); return; } } // if we already have the dual version of this single, then we can't carry another else if( KFWeaponClass != none && KFW.Class == KFWeaponClass.default.DualClass ) { PlayerController(P.Owner).ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KFLocalMessage_Game', GMT_AlreadyCarryingWeapon ); return; } } // Give us the weapon if we do not have it InventoryClass = ItemPickups[ PickupIndex ].ItemClass; Inv = KFIM.CreateInventory(InventoryClass, true); if( Inv != none ) { KFW = KFWeapon(Inv); if( KFW != none ) { KFW.bGivenAtStart = true; KFW = KFIM.CombineWeaponsOnPickup( KFW ); KFW.NotifyPickedUp(); } ActivateNewPickup(P); PickedUpBy(P); `BalanceLog(class'KFGameInfo'.const.GBE_Pickup, P.PlayerReplicationInfo, InventoryClass); `AnalyticsLog(("pickup", P.PlayerReplicationInfo, InventoryClass)); } } /** Activate a different pickup after the 'RespawnDelay' has finished */ function ActivateNewPickup(Pawn P) { local KFGameInfo KFGI; if( bKismetDriven ) { return; } KFGI = KFGameInfo( WorldInfo.Game ); if ( KFGI != none ) { KFGI.EnableNewPickup( KFGI.ItemPickups, KFGI.DifficultyInfo.GetWeaponPickupInterval(KFGI.GetLivingPlayerCount()), self ); } } /** Determine what kind of pickup is visible. Used for dialog. */ function bool CurrentPickupIsWeapon() { if( ItemPickups.Length == 0 ) { return false; } return ItemPickups[ PickupIndex ].ItemClass.name != ArmorClassName; } function bool CurrentPickupIsArmor() { if( ItemPickups.Length == 0 ) { return false; } return ItemPickups[ PickupIndex ].ItemClass.name == ArmorClassName; } defaultproperties { PickupIndex=255 TickGroup=TG_PostAsyncWork ArmorClassName=KFInventory_Armor Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=StaticMeshComponent0 StaticMesh=StaticMesh'WEP_3P_AR15_9mm_MESH.Wep_AR15_Pickup' bCastDynamicShadow=FALSE CollideActors=true Translation=(Z=-50) End Object PickupMesh=StaticMeshComponent0 Components.Add(StaticMeshComponent0) Begin Object Name=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.S_Weapon' End Object Begin Object NAME=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=100.f CollisionHeight=50.f End Object bNotBased=TRUE }