/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ // WWISEMODIF_START class SoundCue extends AkBaseSoundObject // WWISEMODIF_END dependson( AudioDevice ) hidecategories( object ) native; struct native export SoundNodeEditorData { var native const int NodePosX; var native const int NodePosY; }; /** Sound group this sound cue belongs to */ var() Name SoundClass; var ESoundClassName SoundClassName; /** For debugging purpose only . */ var() bool bDebug; var SoundNode FirstNode; var native const Map{USoundNode*,FSoundNodeEditorData} EditorData; var transient float MaxAudibleDistance; var() float VolumeMultiplier; var() float PitchMultiplier; var float Duration; `if(`__TW_) /** Automatically pitch shift the sound with time dilation, such as zed time. */ var() bool bPitchShiftWithTimeDilation; `endif /** Reference to FaceFX AnimSet package the animation is in */ //var() editoronly notforconsole FaceFXAnimSet FaceFXAnimSetRef; var() FaceFXAnimSet FaceFXAnimSetRef; /** Name of the FaceFX Group the animation is in */ var() string FaceFXGroupName; /** Name of the FaceFX Animation */ var() string FaceFXAnimName; /** Maximum number of times this cue can be played concurrently. */ var() int MaxConcurrentPlayCount; /** Number of times this cue is currently being played. */ var const transient duplicatetransient int CurrentPlayCount; var deprecated Name SoundGroup; native final function float GetCueDuration(); defaultproperties { VolumeMultiplier=0.75 PitchMultiplier=1 MaxConcurrentPlayCount=16 `if(`__TW_) bPitchShiftWithTimeDilation=true `endif }