/** * Activated when a "usable" actor (such as a trigger) is used. * Originator: the usable actor that was used * Instigator: The pawn associated with the player did the using * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqEvent_Used extends SequenceEvent native(Sequence); cpptext { virtual UBOOL CheckActivate(AActor *InOriginator, AActor *InInstigator, UBOOL bTest=FALSE, TArray* ActivateIndices = NULL, UBOOL bPushTop = FALSE); } /** if true, requires player to aim at trigger to be able to interact with it. False, simple radius check will be performed */ var() bool bAimToInteract; /** Max distance from instigator to allow interactions. */ var() float InteractDistance; /** Text to display when looking at this event */ var() string InteractText; /** Icon to display when looking at this event */ var() Texture2D InteractIcon; /** List of class types that are considered valid for this event */ var(TouchTypes) array > ClassProximityTypes; /** List of class types that are considered valid for this event */ var(TouchTypes) array > IgnoredClassProximityTypes; `if(`__TW_) /** If set, perform additional trace from camera to trigger when using */ var(TW) bool bUseLineCheck; `endif defaultproperties { bAimToInteract=true ObjName="Used" InteractDistance=128.f InteractText="Use" VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="Distance",bWriteable=true) OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Used") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Unused") }