/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SVehicleSimBase extends ActorComponent native(Physics); // Engine Params /** Maximum torque available to apply to the engine, specified in Nm.*/ var() float EnginePeakTorque; /** Maximum rotation speed of the engine, specified in radians per second.*/ var() float EngineMaxRPM; // Wheel params // For more information, see https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/VehicleGuide /** In PhysX 3, spring strength of suspension unit, specified in N m^-1. Its default value is 35000.0f */ var() float WheelSuspensionStiffness; /** In PhysX 3, spring damper rate of suspension unit, specified in s^-1. Its default value is 4500.0 */ var() float WheelSuspensionDamping; /** In PhysX 3, maximum compression allowed by suspension spring, specified in m. */ var() float WheelSuspensionBias; var() float WheelLongExtremumSlip; var() float WheelLongExtremumValue; var() float WheelLongAsymptoteSlip; var() float WheelLongAsymptoteValue; var() float WheelLatExtremumSlip; var() float WheelLatExtremumValue; var() float WheelLatAsymptoteSlip; var() float WheelLatAsymptoteValue; /** In PhysX 3.2, this is WheelMass */ var() float WheelInertia; var() bool bWheelSpeedOverride; // Allows you to set the axle speed directly /** Friction model that clamps the frictional force applied by the wheels. Should be more realistic. */ var() bool bClampedFrictionModel; var() bool bAutoDrive; var() float AutoDriveSteer; cpptext { virtual void ProcessCarInput(ASVehicle* Vehicle) {} virtual void UpdateVehicle(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FLOAT DeltaTime) {} #if WITH_NOVODEX virtual void SetNxWheelShapeParams(class NxWheelShape* WheelShape, class USVehicleWheel* VW, FLOAT LongGripScale=1.f, FLOAT LatGripScale=1.f); virtual void SetNxWheelShapeTireForceFunctions(class NxWheelShape* WheelShape, class USVehicleWheel* VW, FLOAT LongGripScale=1.f, FLOAT LatGripScale=1.f); #endif /** Returns a float representative of the vehcile's engine output. */ virtual FLOAT GetEngineOutput(ASVehicle* Vehicle) { return 0.0f; } } defaultproperties { // Force // ^ extremum // | _*_ // | ~ \ asymptote // | / \~__*______________ // | / // |/ // ---------------------------> Slip // Longitudinal tire model based on 10% slip ratio peak WheelLongExtremumSlip=0.1 WheelLongExtremumValue=1.0 WheelLongAsymptoteSlip=2.0 WheelLongAsymptoteValue=0.6 // Lateral tire model based on slip angle (radians) WheelLatExtremumSlip=0.35 // 20 degrees WheelLatExtremumValue=0.85 WheelLatAsymptoteSlip=1.4 // 80 degrees WheelLatAsymptoteValue=0.7 WheelInertia=20 // WheelInertia is actually WheelMass since WheelShape->setInverseWheelMass(1.f/WheelInertia);? For PhysX 3.x, it needs to be 20, not 0.2 EnginePeakTorque=1000.0f EngineMaxRPM=600.0f;//approx 6000 rpm }