/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Group for controlling properties of a 'CameraAnim' in the game. Used for CameraAnim Previews */ class InterpGroupCamera extends InterpGroup native(Interpolation) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); var transient CameraAnim CameraAnimInst; /** * Preview Pawn class for this track */ struct native CameraPreviewInfo { var() class PawnClass; var() array PreviewAnimSets; var() name AnimSeqName; /* for now this is read-only. It has maintenance issue to be resolved if I enable this.*/ var editconst vector Location; var editconst rotator Rotation; /** Pawn Inst - CameraAnimInst doesn't really exist in editor **/ var transient Pawn PawnInst; }; // this is interaction property info for CameraAnim // this information isn't really saved with it var() editoronly CameraPreviewInfo Target; //var() editoronly bool EnableInteractionTarget; //var() editoronly CameraAnim.CameraPreviewInfo InteractionTarget; /** When compress, tolerance option **/ var() float CompressTolerance; cpptext { virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); } defaultproperties { Target = (Location = (X=140, Y=0, Z=-40)) // InteractionTarget = (Location = (X=200, Y=0, Z=-40), Rotation=(Yaw=180)) CompressTolerance = 5.f }