/** * AnimNodeCrossfader * This single node allows to crossfade between 2 animations through script control. * A typical usage scenario would be to blend between 2 player idle animations. * This blend requires 2 AnimNodeSequence as childs, you cannot connect 2 blends nor any other node types. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNodeCrossfader extends AnimNodeBlend native(Anim) hidecategories(Object); cpptext { // UAnimNode interface virtual void InitAnim( USkeletalMeshComponent* meshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent ); virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); } // // Exposed (script modifable) parameters // /** default animation sequence played upon startup */ var() name DefaultAnimSeqName; // // Internal (C++) variables // /** true if not blending out of the current one shot anim. Anim will just freeze at last frame */ var const bool bDontBlendOutOneShot; /** Blend Out time for current One Shot anim */ var const float PendingBlendOutTimeOneShot; /** * Play a One Shot animation. * * @param AnimSeqName Name of animation sequence to play * @param BlendInTime time to blend from current animation to this (new) one. * @param BlendOutTime time to blend from this animation (before it finishes playing) back to the previous one. * @param bDontBlendOut if true, animation will freeze at last frame, and not blend back to the old one. * @param Rate Playing rate of animation. */ native noexport final function PlayOneShotAnim ( name AnimSeqName, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bDontBlendOut, optional float Rate ); /** * Blend to a looping animation. * * @param AnimSeqName Name of animation sequence to play. * @param BlendInTime time to blend from current animation to this (new) one. * @param Rate Playing rate of animation. */ native noexport final function BlendToLoopingAnim ( name AnimSeqName, optional float BlendInTime, optional float Rate ); /** * Get Animation Name currently playing * * @return animation name currently being played. */ native final function Name GetAnimName(); /** * Get active AnimNodeSequence child. To access animation properties and control functions. * * @return AnimNodeSequence currently playing. */ native final function AnimNodeSequence GetActiveChild(); defaultproperties { }