//============================================================================= // Ambient sound, sits there and emits its sound. // Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class AkAmbientSound extends Keypoint native; /** Should the audio component automatically play on load? */ //var() bool bAutoPlay; Not showing this parameter to user since it is not working properly yet. var bool bAutoPlay; /** Audio component to play */ var() AkEvent PlayEvent; var() bool StopWhenOwnerIsDestroyed; /** Is the audio component currently playing? */ var transient private bool bIsPlaying; cpptext { public: /** * Start and stop the ambience playback */ virtual void StartPlayback(); virtual void StopPlayback(); /** Used by the component to flag the ambient sound as not playing */ void Playing( UBOOL in_IsPlaying ); virtual void FinishDestroy(); protected: /** * Starts audio playback if wanted. */ virtual void UpdateComponentsInternal(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE); } defaultproperties { Begin Object NAME=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'AkResources.Wwise' End Object bAutoPlay=TRUE StopWhenOwnerIsDestroyed=TRUE bIsPlaying=FALSE RemoteRole=ROLE_None }