//============================================================================= // KFPruneSkeletalMeshCommandlet //============================================================================= // Helper commandlet to prune a skeletal mesh. All the children bones of the // passed in bone name are removed. The package is resaved after the operation. // // Usage : PruneSkeletalMesh [SkeletalMeshPath] [BoneName] // Eg. : PruneSkeletalMesh SkeletalMeshCommandletTest.HumanIK.CHR_HUMANIK_MASTER_RIG CHR_Head //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Sakib Saikia //============================================================================= class KFPruneSkeletalMeshCommandlet extends Commandlet native; cpptext { // Remove all the bones of the mesh which are children of PruneBoneName UBOOL ModifyMesh(USkeletalMesh* Mesh, FString PruneHeadName, int lodIndex, bool inclusivePrune); // Helper functions to modify the mesh UBOOL GeneratePruneBoneList(USkeletalMesh* Mesh, TArray& OutPruneBones, FString PruneHeadName, bool inclusivePrune); void FixBoneHierarchy(USkeletalMesh* Mesh, const TArray& InPruneBones); void FixLOD(USkeletalMesh* Mesh, FStaticLODModel& LOD, const TArray& InPruneBones, FString PruneHeadName); } // Point of entry for the commandlet native event int Main( string Params ); DefaultProperties { }