/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SplineLoftActor extends SplineActor placeable native(Spline); /** Size that mesh should be along its local X axis at this node on spline. */ var() interp float ScaleX; /** Size that mesh should be along its local Y axis at this node on spline. */ var() interp float ScaleY; /** Components used to render deformed meshes along each connection spline to other nodes */ var array<SplineMeshComponent> SplineMeshComps; /** * Mesh to deform along spline * This must be set to have a visual mesh viewable in the world * @TODO: make a map check for errors for this being None */ var() const StaticMesh DeformMesh; /** Materials to override with for this instance */ var() const array<MaterialInterface> DeformMeshMaterials; /** Roll around spline at this node, in degrees */ var() interp float Roll; /** Axis (in world space) used to determine the X axis for the mesh along the spline */ var() Vector WorldXDir; /** Offset in X and Y for the mesh along the spline. Note the offset is applied BEFORE scaling and roll */ var() Vector2D Offset; /** If TRUE, will use smooth interpolation (ease in/out) for Scale and Roll along this section of spline. If FALSE, uses linear */ var() bool bSmoothInterpRollAndScale; /** If TRUE, generated SplineMeshComponents will accept lights */ var() bool bAcceptsLights; /** Light environment used to light dynamically moving spline */ var() const editconst DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent MeshLightEnvironment; /** The maximum distance at which these meshes will be drawn */ var() float MeshMaxDrawDistance; cpptext { virtual void PostLoad(); virtual void UpdateComponentsInternal(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE); virtual void UpdateSplineComponents(); } /** Clear any static mesh assigned to this spline actor */ native function ClearLoftMesh(); /** Quick function that updates params/positions of the spline mesh components */ native function UpdateSplineParams(); defaultproperties { WorldXDir=(X=1) Offset=(X=0.f,Y=0.f) ScaleX=1.0 ScaleY=1.0 bAcceptsLights=TRUE bSmoothInterpRollAndScale=TRUE Begin Object Name=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.Spline.T_Loft_Spline' End Object bEdShouldSnap=true bStatic=true bMovable=false bCollideActors=true bBlockActors=true bWorldGeometry=true bGameRelevant=true bCollideWhenPlacing=false }