/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_AndGate extends SequenceAction native(Sequence); cpptext { virtual void Initialize(); virtual void Activated(); virtual void OnReceivedImpulse( class USequenceOp* ActivatorOp, INT InputLinkIndex ); } /** Is this gate currently open? */ var transient bool bOpen; /** Mirrors the InputLinks array, hold data whether a specific input has fired. */ var transient array<bool> LinkedOutputFiredStatus; /** Cached array of linked input ops for this gate, so we can track that they have all fired. */ var transient native array<pointer> LinkedOutputs{FSeqOpOutputLink}; defaultproperties { ObjName="AND Gate" ObjCategory="Misc" bSuppressAutoComment=true bOpen=TRUE bAutoActivateOutputLinks=false InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="In") VariableLinks.Empty }