//============================================================================= // Pawn, the base class of all actors that can be controlled by players or AI. // // Pawns are the physical representations of players and creatures in a level. // Pawns have a mesh, collision, and physics. Pawns can take damage, make sounds, // and hold weapons and other inventory. In short, they are responsible for all // physical interaction between the player or AI and the world. // // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class Pawn extends Actor abstract native(Pawn) placeable config(Game) dependson(Controller) nativereplication implements(Interface_Speaker); var const float MaxStepHeight, MaxJumpHeight; var const float WalkableFloorZ; /** minimum z value for floor normal (if less, not a walkable floor for this pawn) */ /** Used in determining if pawn is going off ledge. If the ledge is "shorter" than this value then the pawn will be able to walk off it. **/ var const float LedgeCheckThreshold; var const Vector PartialLedgeMoveDir; /** Controller currently possessing this Pawn */ var editinline repnotify Controller Controller; /** Chained pawn list */ var const Pawn NextPawn; /** Used for cacheing net relevancy test */ var float NetRelevancyTime; var playerController LastRealViewer; var actor LastViewer; /** If true, call the script TickSpecial() event. */ var bool bScriptTickSpecial; // Physics related flags. var bool bUpAndOut; // used by swimming var bool bIsWalking; // currently walking (can't jump, affects animations) /** Physics to use when walking. Typically set to PHYS_Walking or PHYS_NavMeshWalking */ var(Movement) EPhysics WalkingPhysics; // Crouching var bool bWantsToCrouch; // if true crouched (physics will automatically reduce collision height to CrouchHeight) var const bool bIsCrouched; // set by physics to specify that pawn is currently crouched var const bool bTryToUncrouch; // when auto-crouch during movement, continually try to uncrouch var() bool bCanCrouch; // if true, this pawn is capable of crouching var const float UncrouchTime; // when auto-crouch during movement, continually try to uncrouch once this decrements to zero var float CrouchHeight; // CollisionHeight when crouching var float CrouchRadius; // CollisionRadius when crouching var const int FullHeight; // cached for pathfinding var bool bCrawler; // crawling - pitch and roll based on surface pawn is on /** Used by movement natives to slow pawn as it reaches its destination to prevent overshooting */ var const bool bReducedSpeed; var bool bJumpCapable; var bool bCanJump; // movement capabilities - used by AI var bool bCanWalk; var bool bCanSwim; var bool bCanFly; var bool bCanClimbLadders; var bool bCanStrafe; var bool bAvoidLedges; // don't get too close to ledges var bool bStopAtLedges; // if bAvoidLedges and bStopAtLedges, Pawn doesn't try to walk along the edge at all var bool bAllowLedgeOverhang;// if TRUE then allow the pawn to hang off ledges based on the cylinder extent var const bool bPartiallyOverLedge;// if TRUE pawn was over a ledge without falling, allows us to handle case if player stops var const bool bSimulateGravity; // simulate gravity for this pawn on network clients when predicting position (true if pawn is walking or falling) var bool bIgnoreForces; // if true, not affected by external forces var bool bCanWalkOffLedges; // Can still fall off ledges, even when walking (for Player Controlled pawns) var bool bCanBeBaseForPawns; // all your 'base', are belong to us var const bool bSimGravityDisabled; // used on network clients var bool bDirectHitWall; // always call pawn hitwall directly (no controller notifyhitwall) var const bool bPushesRigidBodies; // Will do a check to find nearby PHYS_RigidBody actors and will give them a 'soft' push. var bool bForceFloorCheck; // force the pawn in PHYS_Walking to do a check for a valid floor even if he hasn't moved. Cleared after next floor check. var bool bForceKeepAnchor; // Force ValidAnchor function to accept any non-NULL anchor as valid (used to override when we want to set anchor for path finding) var config bool bCanMantle; // can this pawn mantle over cover var config bool bCanClimbUp; // can this pawn climb up cover wall var bool bCanClimbCeilings; // can this pawn climb ceiling nodes var config bool bCanSwatTurn; // can this pawn swat turn between cover var config bool bCanLeap; // can this pawn use LeapReachSpec var config bool bCanCoverSlip; // can this pawn coverslip /** if set, display "MAP HAS PATHING ERRORS" and message in the log when a Pawn fails a full path search */ var globalconfig bool bDisplayPathErrors; // AI related flags var bool bCanPickupInventory; // if true, will pickup inventory when touching pickup actors var bool bAmbientCreature; // AIs will ignore me var(AI) bool bLOSHearing; // can hear sounds from line-of-sight sources (which are close enough to hear) // bLOSHearing=true is like UT/Unreal hearing var(AI) bool bMuffledHearing; // can hear sounds through walls (but muffled - sound distance increased to double plus 4x the distance through walls var(AI) bool bDontPossess; // if true, Pawn won't be possessed at game start var bool bRollToDesired; // Update roll when turning to desired rotation (normally false) var bool bStationary; // pawn can't move var bool bCachedRelevant; // network relevancy caching flag var bool bNoWeaponFiring; // TRUE indicates that weapon firing is disabled for this pawn var bool bModifyReachSpecCost; // pawn should call virtual function to modify reach spec costs var bool bModifyNavPointDest; // pawn should call virtual function to modify destination location when moving to nav point /** set if Pawn counts as a vehicle for pathfinding checks (so don't use bBlockedForVehicles nodes, etc) */ var bool bPathfindsAsVehicle; /** Pawn multiplies cost of NavigationPoints that don't have bPreferredVehiclePath set by this number */ var float NonPreferredVehiclePathMultiplier; /** Previously used ShouldBypassSimulatedClientPhysics flag **/ var bool bPrevBypassSimulatedClientPhysics; // AI basics. enum EPathSearchType { PST_Default, PST_Breadth, PST_NewBestPathTo, PST_Constraint, }; var EPathSearchType PathSearchType; /** List of search constraints for pathing */ var PathConstraint PathConstraintList; var PathGoalEvaluator PathGoalList; var float DesiredSpeed; var float MaxDesiredSpeed; var(AI) float HearingThreshold; // max distance at which a makenoise(1.0) loudness sound can be heard var(AI) float Alertness; // -1 to 1 ->Used within specific states for varying reaction to stimuli var(AI) float SightRadius; // Maximum seeing distance. var(AI) float PeripheralVision; // Cosine of limits of peripheral vision. var const float AvgPhysicsTime; // Physics updating time monitoring (for AI monitoring reaching destinations) var float Mass; // Mass of this pawn. var float Buoyancy; // Water buoyancy. A ratio (1.0 = neutral buoyancy, 0.0 = no buoyancy) var float MeleeRange; // Max range for melee attack (not including collision radii) var const NavigationPoint Anchor; // current nearest path; var const int AnchorItem; // Used to index into nav mesh polys var const NavigationPoint LastAnchor; // recent nearest path var float FindAnchorFailedTime; // last time a FindPath() attempt failed to find an anchor. var float LastValidAnchorTime; // last time a valid anchor was found var float DestinationOffset; // used to vary destination over NavigationPoints var float NextPathRadius; // radius of next path in route var vector SerpentineDir; // serpentine direction var float SerpentineDist; var float SerpentineTime; // how long to stay straight before strafing again var float SpawnTime; // worldinfo time when this pawn was spawned var int MaxPitchLimit; // limit on view pitching // Movement. var bool bRunPhysicsWithNoController; // When there is no Controller, Walking Physics abort and force a velocity and acceleration of 0. Set this to TRUE to override. var bool bForceMaxAccel; // ignores Acceleration component, and forces max AccelRate to drive Pawn at full velocity. var float GroundSpeed; // The maximum ground speed. var float WaterSpeed; // The maximum swimming speed. var float AirSpeed; // The maximum flying speed. var float LadderSpeed; // Ladder climbing speed var float AccelRate; // max acceleration rate var float JumpZ; // vertical acceleration w/ jump var float OutofWaterZ; /** z velocity applied when pawn tries to get out of water */ var float MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight; /** Maximum step height for getting out of water */ var bool bLimitFallAccel; // should acceleration be limited (by a factor of GroundSpeed and AirControl) when in PHYS_Falling? var float AirControl; // amount of AirControl available to the pawn var float WalkingPct; // pct. of running speed that walking speed is var float MovementSpeedModifier; // a modifier that can be used to override the movement speed. var float CrouchedPct; // pct. of running speed that crouched walking speed is var float MaxFallSpeed; // max speed pawn can land without taking damage /** AI will take paths that require a landing velocity less than (MaxFallSpeed * AIMaxFallSpeedFactor) */ var float AIMaxFallSpeedFactor; var(Camera) float BaseEyeHeight; // Base eye height above collision center. var(Camera) float EyeHeight; // Current eye height, adjusted for bobbing and stairs. var vector Floor; // Normal of floor pawn is standing on (only used by PHYS_Spider and PHYS_Walking) var float SplashTime; // time of last splash var transient PhysicsVolume HeadVolume; // physics volume of head var() int Health; /** amount of health this Pawn has */ var() int HealthMax; /** normal maximum health of Pawn - defaults to default.Health unless explicitly set otherwise */ var bool bReplicateHealthToAll; /** if true, replicate this Pawn's health to all clients; otherwise, only if owned by or ViewTarget of a client */ var float BreathTime; // used for getting BreathTimer() messages (for no air, etc.) var float UnderWaterTime; // how much time pawn can go without air (in seconds) var float LastPainTime; // last time pawn played a takehit animation (updated in PlayHit()) var float KismetDeathDelayTime; /** RootMotion derived velocity calculated by APawn::CalcVelocity() (used when replaying client moves in net games (since can't rely on animation when replaying moves)) */ var vector RMVelocity; /** this flag forces APawn::CalcVelocity() to just use RMVelocity directly */ var bool bForceRMVelocity; /** this flag forces APawn::CalcVelocity() to never use root motion derived velocity */ var bool bForceRegularVelocity; // Sound and noise management // remember location and position of last noises propagated var const vector noise1spot; var const float noise1time; var const pawn noise1other; var const float noise1loudness; var const vector noise2spot; var const float noise2time; var const pawn noise2other; var const float noise2loudness; var float SoundDampening; var float DamageScaling; var localized string MenuName; // Name used for this pawn type in menus (e.g. player selection) var class ControllerClass; // default class to use when pawn is controlled by AI var editinline RepNotify PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfo; var LadderVolume OnLadder; // ladder currently being climbed var name LandMovementState; // PlayerControllerState to use when moving on land or air var name WaterMovementState; // PlayerControllerState to use when moving in water var PlayerStart LastStartSpot; // used to avoid spawn camping var float LastStartTime; var vector TakeHitLocation; // location of last hit (for playing hit/death anims) var class HitDamageType; // damage type of last hit (for playing hit/death anims) var vector TearOffMomentum; // momentum to apply when torn off (bTearOff == true) var bool bPlayedDeath; // set when death animation has been played (used in network games) var() SkeletalMeshComponent Mesh; var CylinderComponent CylinderComponent; var() float RBPushRadius; // Unreal units var() float RBPushStrength; var repnotify Vehicle DrivenVehicle; var float AlwaysRelevantDistanceSquared; // always relevant to other clients if closer than this distance to viewer, and have controller /** replicated to we can see where remote clients are looking */ var const byte RemoteViewPitch; /** Radius that is checked for nearby vehicles when pressing use */ var() float VehicleCheckRadius; var Controller LastHitBy; //give kill credit to this guy if hit momentum causes pawn to fall to his death var() float ViewPitchMin; var() float ViewPitchMax; /** Max difference between pawn's Rotation.Yaw and DesiredRotation.Yaw for pawn to be considered as having reached its desired rotation */ var int AllowedYawError; /** Desired Target Rotation : Physics will smoothly rotate actor to this rotation **/ /** In future I will uncomment this change. Currently Actor has the variable.**/ var(Movement) const rotator DesiredRotation; /** DesiredRotation is set by somebody - Pawn's default behavior (using direction for desiredrotation) does not work **/ var const private{private} bool bDesiredRotationSet; /** Do not overwrite current DesiredRotation **/ var const private{private} bool bLockDesiredRotation; /** Unlock DesiredRotation when Reached to the destination * This is used when bLockDesiredRotation=TRUE * This will set bLockDesiredRotation = FALSE when reached to DesiredRotation */ var const private{private} bool bUnlockWhenReached; /** Inventory Manager */ var class InventoryManagerClass; var repnotify InventoryManager InvManager; /** Weapon currently held by Pawn */ var Weapon Weapon; /** * This next group of replicated properties are used to cause 3rd person effects on * remote clients. FlashLocation and FlashCount are altered by the weapon to denote that * a shot has occured and FiringMode is used to determine what type of shot. */ /** Hit Location of instant hit weapons. vect(0,0,0) = not firing. */ var repnotify vector FlashLocation; /** last FlashLocation that was an actual shot, i.e. not counting clears to (0,0,0) * this is used to make sure we set unique values to FlashLocation for consecutive shots even when there was a clear in between, * so that if a client missed the clear due to low net update rate, it still gets the new firing location */ var vector LastFiringFlashLocation; /** increased when weapon fires. 0 = not firing. 1 - 255 = firing */ var repnotify byte FlashCount; /** firing mode used when firing */ var repnotify byte FiringMode; /** tracks the number of consecutive shots. Note that this is not replicated, so it's not correct on remote clients. It's only updated when the pawn is relevant. */ var int ShotCount; /** set in InitRagdoll() to old CollisionComponent (since it must be Mesh for ragdolls) so that TermRagdoll() can restore it */ var PrimitiveComponent PreRagdollCollisionComponent; /** Physics object created to create contacts with physics objects, used to push them around. */ var RB_BodyInstance PhysicsPushBody; /** @HACK: count of times processLanded() was called but it failed without changing physics for some reason * so we can detect and avoid a rare case where Pawns get stuck in that state */ var int FailedLandingCount; /** Controls whether the pawn needs the base ticked before this one can be ticked */ var bool bNeedsBaseTickedFirst; /** Array of Slots */ var transient Array SlotNodes; /** List of Matinee InterpGroup controlling this actor. */ var transient Array InterpGroupList; /** AudioComponent used by FaceFX */ var transient protected AudioComponent FacialAudioComp; /** General material used to control common pawn material parameters (e.g. burning) */ var protected transient MaterialInstanceConstant MIC_PawnMat; var protected transient MaterialInstanceConstant MIC_PawnHair; /** If TRUE, translation of mesh is updated to match desired floor translation (0 unless special move desired floor conforming) */ var transient repnotify bool bUsedByMatinee; struct native ScalarParameterInterpStruct { /** Name of parameter to change */ var() Name ParameterName; /** Desired Parameter Value */ var() float ParameterValue; /** Desired Interpolation Time */ var() float InterpTime; /** Time before interpolation starts */ var() float WarmUpTime; }; var() Array ScalarParameterInterpArray; /** Whether root motion should be extracted from the interp curve or not */ /** NOTE: Currently assumes blending isn't altering the root bone */ var bool bRootMotionFromInterpCurve; var RootMotionCurve RootMotionInterpCurve; var float RootMotionInterpRate; var float RootMotionInterpCurrentTime; var Vector RootMotionInterpCurveLastValue; //debug var(Debug) bool bDebugShowCameraLocation; /** * Set this to TRUE if riding on a moving base that you know is clear from non-moving world obstructions. * This can solve move-order dependencies when riding a mover, and it's faster. */ var() bool bFastAttachedMove; `if(`__TW_) var bool bCanJumpOverWalls; var bool bDebugCrawlerPhysics; `endif `if(`__TW_LIGHTING_MODIFICATIONS_) // Custom lighting channel implementation /** Keeps track of how many lighting volumes the pawn is currently in */ var transient byte LightingVolumeEnterCount; `endif cpptext { // declare type for node evaluation functions typedef FLOAT ( *NodeEvaluator ) (ANavigationPoint*, APawn*, FLOAT); virtual void PostBeginPlay(); virtual void PostScriptDestroyed(); // AActor interface. APawn* GetPlayerPawn() const; virtual FLOAT GetNetPriority(const FVector& ViewPos, const FVector& ViewDir, APlayerController* Viewer, UActorChannel* InChannel, FLOAT Time, UBOOL bLowBandwidth); virtual INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel ); virtual void NotifyBump(AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FVector &HitNormal); virtual void TickSimulated( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ); virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ); UBOOL PlayerControlled(); virtual void SetBase(AActor *NewBase, FVector NewFloor = FVector(0,0,1), INT bNotifyActor=1, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp=NULL, FName BoneName=NAME_None ); #if WITH_EDITOR virtual void EditorApplyRotation(const FRotator& DeltaRotation, UBOOL bAltDown, UBOOL bShiftDown, UBOOL bCtrlDown); virtual void CheckForErrors(); #endif virtual UBOOL IsNetRelevantFor(APlayerController* RealViewer, AActor* Viewer, const FVector& SrcLocation); UBOOL CacheNetRelevancy(UBOOL bIsRelevant, APlayerController* RealViewer, AActor* Viewer); virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace(UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive,AActor *SourceActor, DWORD TraceFlags); virtual void PreNetReceive(); virtual void PostNetReceiveLocation(); virtual void SmoothCorrection(const FVector& OldLocation); virtual APawn* GetAPawn() { return this; } virtual const APawn* GetAPawn() const { return this; } /** * Used for SkelControlLimb in BCS_BaseMeshSpace mode. * * @param SkelControlled - the mesh being modified by the skel control * * @return the skeletal mesh component to use for the transform calculation */ virtual USkeletalMeshComponent* GetMeshForSkelControlLimbTransform(const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelControlled) { return Mesh; } /** * Sets the hard attach flag by first handling the case of already being * based upon another actor * * @param bNewHardAttach the new hard attach setting */ virtual void SetHardAttach(UBOOL bNewHardAttach); virtual UBOOL CanCauseFractureOnTouch() { return TRUE; } // Level functions void SetZone( UBOOL bTest, UBOOL bForceRefresh ); // AI sensing virtual void CheckNoiseHearing(AActor* NoiseMaker, FLOAT Loudness, FName NoiseType=NAME_None ); virtual FLOAT DampenNoise(AActor* NoiseMaker, FLOAT Loudness, FName NoiseType=NAME_None ); // Latent movement virtual void setMoveTimer(FVector MoveDir); FLOAT GetMaxSpeed(); virtual UBOOL moveToward(const FVector &Dest, AActor *GoalActor); virtual UBOOL IsGlider(); virtual void rotateToward(FVector FocalPoint); void StartNewSerpentine(const FVector& Dir, const FVector& Start); void ClearSerpentine(); virtual UBOOL SharingVehicleWith(APawn *P); #if __TW_PATHFINDING_ virtual void InitSerpentine(); virtual UBOOL TestWalkFall(FVector GravDir, FVector &CurrentPosition, FVector CollisionExtent, FCheckResult& Hit, AActor* GoalActor, const FVector StartLocation); #else void InitSerpentine(); #endif virtual void HandleSerpentineMovement(FVector& out_Direction, FLOAT Distance, const FVector& Dest); // reach tests virtual UBOOL ReachedDestination(const FVector &Start, const FVector &Dest, AActor* GoalActor, UBOOL bCheckHandle=FALSE); virtual int pointReachable(FVector aPoint, int bKnowVisible=0); virtual int actorReachable(AActor *Other, UBOOL bKnowVisible=0, UBOOL bNoAnchorCheck=0); virtual int Reachable(FVector aPoint, AActor* GoalActor); int walkReachable(const FVector &Dest, const FVector &Start, int reachFlags, AActor* GoalActor); int flyReachable(const FVector &Dest, const FVector &Start, int reachFlags, AActor* GoalActor); int swimReachable(const FVector &Dest, const FVector &Start, int reachFlags, AActor* GoalActor); int ladderReachable(const FVector &Dest, const FVector &Start, int reachFlags, AActor* GoalActor); INT spiderReachable( const FVector &Dest, const FVector &Start, INT reachFlags, AActor* GoalActor ); FVector GetGravityDirection(); virtual UBOOL TryJumpUp(FVector Dir, FVector Destination, DWORD TraceFlags, UBOOL bNoVisibility); virtual UBOOL ReachedBy(APawn* P, const FVector& TestPosition, const FVector& Dest); virtual UBOOL ReachThresholdTest(const FVector &TestPosition, const FVector &Dest, AActor* GoalActor, FLOAT UpThresholdAdjust, FLOAT DownThresholdAdjust, FLOAT ThresholdAdjust); virtual UBOOL SetHighJumpFlag() { return false; } // movement component tests (used by reach tests) void TestMove(const FVector &Delta, FVector &CurrentPosition, FCheckResult& Hit, const FVector &CollisionExtent); FVector GetDefaultCollisionSize(); FVector GetCrouchSize(); ETestMoveResult walkMove(FVector Delta, FVector &CurrentPosition, const FVector &CollisionExtent, FCheckResult& Hit, AActor* GoalActor, FLOAT threshold); ETestMoveResult flyMove(FVector Delta, FVector &CurrentPosition, AActor* GoalActor, FLOAT threshold); ETestMoveResult swimMove(FVector Delta, FVector &CurrentPosition, AActor* GoalActor, FLOAT threshold); virtual ETestMoveResult FindBestJump(FVector Dest, FVector &CurrentPosition); virtual ETestMoveResult FindJumpUp(FVector Direction, FVector &CurrentPosition); ETestMoveResult HitGoal(AActor *GoalActor); virtual UBOOL HurtByDamageType(class UClass* DamageType); UBOOL CanCrouchWalk( const FVector& StartLocation, const FVector& EndLocation, AActor* HitActor ); /** updates the highest landing Z axis velocity encountered during a reach test */ virtual void SetMaxLandingVelocity(FLOAT NewLandingVelocity) {} // Path finding UBOOL GeneratePath(); FLOAT findPathToward(AActor *goal, FVector GoalLocation, NodeEvaluator NodeEval, FLOAT BestWeight, UBOOL bWeightDetours, INT MaxPathLength = 0, UBOOL bReturnPartial = FALSE, INT SoftMaxNodes = 200); ANavigationPoint* BestPathTo(NodeEvaluator NodeEval, ANavigationPoint *start, FLOAT *Weight, UBOOL bWeightDetours, INT MaxPathLength = 0, INT SoftMaxNodes = 200); virtual ANavigationPoint* CheckDetour(ANavigationPoint* BestDest, ANavigationPoint* Start, UBOOL bWeightDetours); virtual INT calcMoveFlags(); /** returns the maximum falling speed an AI will accept along a path */ FORCEINLINE FLOAT GetAIMaxFallSpeed() { return MaxFallSpeed * AIMaxFallSpeedFactor; } virtual void MarkEndPoints(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, AActor* Goal, const FVector& GoalLocation); virtual FLOAT SecondRouteAttempt(ANavigationPoint* Anchor, ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, NodeEvaluator NodeEval, FLOAT BestWeight, AActor *goal, const FVector& GoalLocation, FLOAT StartDist, FLOAT EndDist, INT MaxPathLength, INT SoftMaxNodes); /** finds the closest NavigationPoint within MAXPATHDIST that is usable by this pawn and directly reachable to/from TestLocation * @param TestActor the Actor to find an anchor for * @param TestLocation the location to find an anchor for * @param bStartPoint true if we're finding the start point for a path search, false if we're finding the end point * @param bOnlyCheckVisible if true, only check visibility - skip reachability test * @param Dist (out) if an anchor is found, set to the distance TestLocation is from it. Set to 0.f if the anchor overlaps TestLocation * @return a suitable anchor on the navigation network for reaching TestLocation, or NULL if no such point exists */ ANavigationPoint* FindAnchor(AActor* TestActor, const FVector& TestLocation, UBOOL bStartPoint, UBOOL bOnlyCheckVisible, FLOAT& Dist); virtual INT ModifyCostForReachSpec( UReachSpec* Spec, INT Cost ) { return 0; } virtual void InitForPathfinding( AActor* Goal, ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor ) {} // allows pawn subclasses to veto anchor validity virtual UBOOL IsValidAnchor( ANavigationPoint* AnchorCandidate ){ return TRUE; } /* * Route finding notifications (sent to target) */ virtual ANavigationPoint* SpecifyEndAnchor(APawn* RouteFinder); virtual UBOOL AnchorNeedNotBeReachable(); virtual void NotifyAnchorFindingResult(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, APawn* RouteFinder); // Pawn physics modes virtual void setPhysics(BYTE NewPhysics, AActor* NewFloor = NULL, FVector NewFloorV = FVector(0,0,1)); virtual void performPhysics(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); /** Called in PerformPhysics(), after StartNewPhysics() is done moving the Actor, and before the PendingTouch() event is dispatched. */ virtual void PostProcessPhysics( FLOAT DeltaSeconds, const FVector& OldVelocity ); /** If TRUE, bypass simulated client physics, and run owned/server physics instead. Do not perform simulation/correction. */ virtual UBOOL ShouldBypassSimulatedClientPhysics(); virtual FVector CheckForLedges(FVector AccelDir, FVector Delta, FVector GravDir, int &bCheckedFall, int &bMustJump ); virtual void physWalking(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physNavMeshWalking(FLOAT deltaTime); virtual void physFlying(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physSwimming(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physFalling(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physSpider(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physLadder(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void startNewPhysics(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations); virtual void GetNetBuoyancy(FLOAT &NetBuoyancy, FLOAT &NetFluidFriction); virtual void StartFalling(INT Iterations, FLOAT remainingTime, FLOAT timeTick, const FVector& Delta, const FVector& subLoc); virtual UBOOL ShouldCatchAir(const FVector& OldFloor, const FVector& Floor); void startSwimming(FVector OldLocation, FVector OldVelocity, FLOAT timeTick, FLOAT remainingTime, INT Iterations); virtual void physicsRotation(FLOAT deltaTime, FVector OldVelocity); void processLanded(FVector const& HitNormal, AActor *HitActor, FLOAT remainingTime, INT Iterations); virtual void SetPostLandedPhysics(AActor *HitActor, FVector HitNormal); virtual void processHitWall(FCheckResult const& Hit, FLOAT TimeSlice=0.f); virtual void Crouch(INT bClientSimulation=0); virtual void UnCrouch(INT bClientSimulation=0); void SmoothHitWall(FVector const& HitNormal, AActor *HitActor); virtual FVector NewFallVelocity(FVector OldVelocity, FVector OldAcceleration, FLOAT timeTick); void stepUp(const FVector& GravDir, const FVector& DesiredDir, const FVector& Delta, FCheckResult &Hit); virtual FLOAT MaxSpeedModifier(); virtual FLOAT GetMaxAccel( FLOAT SpeedModifier = 1.f ); virtual FVector CalculateSlopeSlide(const FVector& Adjusted, const FCheckResult& Hit); virtual UBOOL IgnoreBlockingBy(const AActor* Other) const; virtual void PushedBy(AActor* Other); virtual void UpdateBasedRotation(FRotator &FinalRotation, const FRotator& ReducedRotation); virtual void ReverseBasedRotation(); virtual void InitRBPhys(); virtual void TermRBPhys(FRBPhysScene* Scene); /** Update information used to detect overlaps between this actor and physics objects, used for 'pushing' things */ virtual void UpdatePushBody(); /** Called when the push body 'sensor' overlaps a physics body. Allows you to add a force to that body to move it. */ virtual void ProcessPushNotify(const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& PushedInfo, const TArray& ContactInfos); virtual UBOOL HasAudibleAmbientSound(const FVector& SrcLocation) { return FALSE; } //superville: Chance for pawn to say he has reached a location w/o touching it (ie cover slot) virtual UBOOL HasReached( ANavigationPoint *Nav, UBOOL& bFinalDecision ) { return FALSE; } virtual FVector GetIdealCameraOrigin() { return FVector(Location.X,Location.Y,Location.Z + BaseEyeHeight); } /** * Checks whether this pawn needs to have its base ticked first and does so if requested * * @return TRUE if the actor was ticked, FALSE if it was aborted (e.g. because it's in stasis) */ virtual UBOOL Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType ); /** Build AnimSet list, called by UpdateAnimSetList() */ virtual void BuildAnimSetList(); void RestoreAnimSetsToDefault(); // AnimControl Matinee Track support /** Used to provide information on the slots that this Actor provides for animation to Matinee. */ virtual void GetAnimControlSlotDesc(TArray& OutSlotDescs); /** * Called by Matinee when we open it to start controlling animation on this Actor. * Is also called again when the GroupAnimSets array changes in Matinee, so must support multiple calls. */ virtual void PreviewBeginAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup); /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired sequence by name and position within it. */ virtual void PreviewSetAnimPosition(FName SlotName, INT ChannelIndex, FName InAnimSeqName, FLOAT InPosition, UBOOL bLooping, UBOOL bFireNotifies, UBOOL bEnableRootMotion, FLOAT DeltaTime); /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired animation channel weights for this Actor. */ virtual void PreviewSetAnimWeights(TArray& SlotInfos); /** Called by Matinee when we close it after we have been controlling animation on this Actor. */ virtual void PreviewFinishAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup); /** Function used to control FaceFX animation in the editor (Matinee). */ virtual void PreviewUpdateFaceFX(UBOOL bForceAnim, const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, FLOAT InPosition); // WWISEMODIF_START, alessard, nov-28-2008, WwiseAudioIntegration /** Used by Matinee playback to start a FaceFX animation playing. */ virtual void PreviewActorPlayFaceFX(const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, UAkBaseSoundObject* InSoundCue); // WWISEMODIF_END /** Used by Matinee to stop current FaceFX animation playing. */ virtual void PreviewActorStopFaceFX(); /** Used in Matinee to get the AudioComponent we should play facial animation audio on. */ virtual UAudioComponent* PreviewGetFaceFXAudioComponent(); /** Get the UFaceFXAsset that is currently being used by this Actor when playing facial animations. */ virtual class UFaceFXAsset* PreviewGetActorFaceFXAsset(); /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */ virtual void PreviewSetMorphWeight(FName MorphNodeName, FLOAT MorphWeight); /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */ virtual void PreviewSetSkelControlScale(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT Scale); /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the controlstrength on a SkelControl. */ virtual void SetSkelControlStrength(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT ControlStrength); /** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, to set the animation weights for the actor. */ virtual void SetAnimWeights( const TArray& SlotInfos ); /** Called each frame by Matinee for InterpMoveTrack to adjust their location/rotation **/ virtual void AdjustInterpTrackMove(FVector& Pos, FRotator& Rot, FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bIgnoreRotation = FALSE); virtual UBOOL FindInterpMoveTrack(class UInterpTrackMove** MoveTrack, class UInterpTrackInstMove** MoveTrackInst, class USeqAct_Interp** OutSeq); void UpdateScalarParameterInterp(FLOAT DeltaTime); #if __TW_PHYSICS_ virtual void physicsRotationCrawler(FLOAT deltaTime, FRotator deltaRot, FRotator& NewRotation) {} #endif protected: virtual void ApplyVelocityBraking(FLOAT DeltaTime, FLOAT Friction); virtual void CalcVelocity(FVector &AccelDir, FLOAT DeltaTime, FLOAT MaxSpeed, FLOAT Friction, INT bFluid, INT bBrake, INT bBuoyant); #if __TW_ int findNewFloor(FVector OldLocation, FLOAT deltaTime, FLOAT remainingTime, INT Iterations); #endif private: UBOOL Pick3DWallAdjust(FVector WallHitNormal, AActor* HitActor); FLOAT Swim(FVector Delta, FCheckResult &Hit); FVector findWaterLine(FVector Start, FVector End); void SpiderstepUp(const FVector& DesiredDir, const FVector& Delta, FCheckResult &Hit); #if !__TW_ int findNewFloor(FVector OldLocation, FLOAT deltaTime, FLOAT remainingTime, INT Iterations); #endif int checkFloor(FVector Dir, FCheckResult &Hit); } replication { // Variables the server should send ALL clients. if( bNetDirty ) FlashLocation, bSimulateGravity, bIsWalking, PlayerReplicationInfo, HitDamageType, TakeHitLocation, DrivenVehicle, bUsedByMatinee, bFastAttachedMove; if (bNetDirty && (bNetOwner || bReplicateHealthToAll /* || IsViewTargetOfReplicationViewer() */)) Health; // variables sent to owning client if ( bNetDirty && bNetOwner ) InvManager, Controller, GroundSpeed, WaterSpeed, AirSpeed, AccelRate, JumpZ, AirControl; if (bNetDirty && bNetOwner && bNetInitial) bCanSwatTurn; // sent to non owning clients if ( bNetDirty && (!bNetOwner || bDemoRecording) ) bIsCrouched, FlashCount, FiringMode; // variable sent to all clients when Pawn has been torn off. (bTearOff) if( bTearOff && bNetDirty ) TearOffMomentum; // variables sent to all but the owning client if ( (!bNetOwner || bDemoRecording) ) RemoteViewPitch; if( bNetInitial && !bNetOwner ) bRootMotionFromInterpCurve; if( bNetInitial && !bNetOwner && bRootMotionFromInterpCurve ) RootMotionInterpRate, RootMotionInterpCurrentTime, RootMotionInterpCurveLastValue; // Replicated to ALL if( ( Role == Role_Authority ) && bNetDirty ) HealthMax; } native final function bool PickWallAdjust(Vector WallHitNormal, Actor HitActor); /** DesiredRotation related function **/ /** SetDesiredRotation function * @param TargetDesiredRotation: DesiredRotation you want * @param InLockDesiredRotation: I'd like to lock up DesiredRotation, please nobody else can touch it until I say it's done * @param InUnlockWhenReached: When you lock, set this to TRUE if you want it to be auto Unlock when reached desired rotation * @param InterpolationTime: Give interpolation time to get to the desired rotation - Ignore default RotationRate, but use this to get there * @return TRUE if properly set, otherwise, return FALSE **/ native final function bool SetDesiredRotation(Rotator TargetDesiredRotation, bool InLockDesiredRotation=FALSE, bool InUnlockWhenReached=FALSE, FLOAT InterpolationTime=-1.f, bool bResetRotationRate=TRUE); /** LockDesiredRotation function * @param Lock: Lock or Unlock CurrentDesiredRotation * @param InUnlockWhenReached: Unlock when reached desired rotation. This is only valid when Lock = true */ native final function LockDesiredRotation(bool Lock, bool InUnlockWhenReached=false/** This is only valid if Lock=true **/); /** ResetDesiredRotation function * Clear RotationRate/Flag to go back to default behavior * Unless it's locked. */ native final function ResetDesiredRotation(); /** CheckDesiredRotation function * Check to see if DesiredRotation is met, and it need to be clear or not * This is called by physicsRotation to make sure it needs to be cleared */ native final function CheckDesiredRotation(); /** IsDesiredRotationInUse() * See if DesiredRotation is used by somebody */ native final function bool IsDesiredRotationInUse(); /** IsDesiredRotationLocked() * See if DesiredRotation is locked by somebody */ native final function bool IsDesiredRotationLocked(); `if(`__TW_) native function bool ReachedMyDestination( const out vector TestPosition, const out vector Dest, actor GoalActor ); `endif simulated event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp) { Super.PostInitAnimTree(SkelComp); // Only refresh anim nodes if our main mesh was updated if (SkelComp == Mesh) { ClearAnimNodes(); CacheAnimNodes(); } } /** Save off commonly used nodes so the tree doesn't need to be iterated over often */ simulated native event CacheAnimNodes(); /** Remove references to the saved nodes */ simulated function ClearAnimNodes() { SlotNodes.Length = 0; } /** Update list of AnimSets for this Pawn */ simulated native final function UpdateAnimSetList(); /** Build AnimSet list Script version, called by UpdateAnimSetList() */ simulated event BuildScriptAnimSetList(); /** * Add a given list of anim sets on the top of the list (so they override the other ones * !! Only use within BuildScriptAnimSetList() !! */ simulated native final function AddAnimSets(const out array CustomAnimSets); /** Called after UpdateAnimSetList does its job */ simulated event AnimSetListUpdated(); simulated event bool RestoreAnimSetsToDefault() { Mesh.AnimSets = default.Mesh.AnimSets; return TRUE; } // Matinee Track Support Start /** Called when we start an AnimControl track operating on this Actor. Supplied is the set of AnimSets we are going to want to play from. */ simulated event BeginAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup) { // `log(self@" Begin Anim Control : Rotation:"@Rotation@" Location:"@Location); MAT_BeginAnimControl(InInterpGroup); } /** Start AnimControl. Add required AnimSets. */ native function MAT_BeginAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup); /** Called when we are done with the AnimControl track. */ simulated event FinishAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup) { MAT_FinishAnimControl(InInterpGroup); } /** End AnimControl. Release required AnimSets */ native function MAT_FinishAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup); /** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, with the desired sequence name and position we want to be at. */ simulated event SetAnimPosition(name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping, bool bEnableRootMotion) { // `log(self@" Slot:"@SlotName@" AnimSeqName:"@InAnimSeqName@" InPosition:"@InPosition@" Rotation:"@Rotation@" Location:"@Location); MAT_SetAnimPosition(SlotName, ChannelIndex, InAnimSeqName, InPosition, bFireNotifies, bLooping, bEnableRootMotion); } /** Update AnimTree from track info */ native function MAT_SetAnimPosition(name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping, bool bEnableRootMotion); /** Update AnimTree from track weights */ native function MAT_SetAnimWeights(Array SlotInfos); native function MAT_SetMorphWeight(name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight); native function MAT_SetSkelControlScale(name SkelControlName, float Scale); native function MAT_SetSkelControlStrength(name SkelControlName, float ControlStrength); /** called when a SeqAct_Interp action starts interpolating this Actor via matinee * @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor * @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that is affecting the Actor */ simulated event InterpolationStarted(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction, InterpGroupInst GroupInst) { Super.InterpolationStarted( InterpAction, GroupInst ); } /** called when a SeqAct_Interp action finished interpolating this Actor * @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor * @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that was affecting the Actor */ simulated event InterpolationFinished(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction) { Super.InterpolationFinished( InterpAction ); } simulated function BeginAIGroup(); simulated function FinishAIGroup(); event MAT_BeginAIGroup(vector StartLoc, rotator StartRot) { SetLocation(StartLoc); SetRotation(StartRot); BeginAIGroup(); bUsedByMatinee = true; } event MAT_FinishAIGroup() { FinishAIGroup(); bUsedByMatinee = false; } /** * Play FaceFX animations on this Actor. * Returns TRUE if succeeded, if failed, a log warning will be issued. */ // WWISEMODIF_START simulated event bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim(FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet, String GroupName, String SeqName, SoundCue SoundCueToPlay, AkEvent AkEventToPlay) { return Mesh.PlayFaceFXAnim(AnimSet, SeqName, GroupName, SoundCueToPlay, AkEventToPlay); } // WWISEMODIF_END /** Stop any matinee FaceFX animations on this Actor. */ event StopActorFaceFXAnim() { Mesh.StopFaceFXAnim(); } /** Used to let FaceFX know what component to play dialogue audio on. */ simulated event AudioComponent GetFaceFXAudioComponent() { return FacialAudioComp; } /** * Returns TRUE if Actor is playing a FaceFX anim. * Implement in sub-class. */ simulated function bool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim() { return (Mesh != None && Mesh.IsPlayingFaceFXAnim()); } /** * Returns FALSE??? if Actor can play facefx * Implement in sub-class. */ simulated function bool CanActorPlayFaceFXAnim() { return TRUE; } /** Function for handling the SeqAct_PlayFaceFXAnim Kismet action working on this Actor. */ simulated function OnPlayFaceFXAnim(SeqAct_PlayFaceFXAnim inAction) { //`log("Play FaceFX animation from KismetAction for" @ Self @ "GroupName:" @ inAction.FaceFXGroupName @ "AnimName:" @ inAction.FaceFXAnimName); // WWISEMODIF_START Mesh.PlayFaceFXAnim(inAction.FaceFXAnimSetRef, inAction.FaceFXAnimName, inAction.FaceFXGroupName, inAction.SoundCueToPlay, inAction.AkEventToPlay); // WWISEMODIF_END } /** * Called via delegate when FacialAudioComp is finished. */ simulated function FaceFXAudioFinished(AudioComponent AC) { } /** Used by Matinee in-game to mount FaceFXAnimSets before playing animations. */ event FaceFXAsset GetActorFaceFXAsset() { if (Mesh.SkeletalMesh != None && !Mesh.bDisableFaceFX) { return Mesh.SkeletalMesh.FaceFXAsset; } else { return None; } } /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */ event SetMorphWeight(name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight) { MAT_SetMorphweight(MorphNodeName, MorphWeight); } /** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */ event SetSkelControlScale(name SkelControlName, float Scale) { MAT_SetSkelControlScale(SkelControlName, Scale); } // Matinee Track Support End // /** Check on various replicated data and act accordingly. */ simulated event ReplicatedEvent( name VarName ) { //`log( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ "VarName:" @ VarName ); super.ReplicatedEvent( VarName ); if( VarName == 'FlashCount' ) // FlashCount and FlashLocation are changed when a weapon is fired. { FlashCountUpdated(Weapon, FlashCount, TRUE); } else if( VarName == 'FlashLocation' ) // FlashCount and FlashLocation are changed when a weapon is fired. { FlashLocationUpdated(Weapon, FlashLocation, TRUE); } else if( VarName == 'FiringMode' ) { FiringModeUpdated(Weapon, FiringMode, TRUE); } else if ( VarName == 'DrivenVehicle' ) { if ( DrivenVehicle != None ) { // since pawn doesn't have a PRI while driving, and may become initially relevant while driving, // we may only be able to ascertain the pawn's team (for team coloring, etc.) through its drivenvehicle NotifyTeamChanged(); } } else if ( VarName == 'PlayerReplicationInfo' ) { NotifyTeamChanged(); } else if ( VarName == 'Controller' ) { if ( (Controller != None) && (Controller.Pawn == None) ) { Controller.Pawn = self; if ( (PlayerController(Controller) != None) && (PlayerController(Controller).ViewTarget == Controller) ) PlayerController(Controller).SetViewTarget(self); } } else if ( VarName == 'bUsedByMatinee') { if (bUsedByMatinee) { BeginAIGroup(); } else { FinishAIGroup(); } } } // ============================================================= /** Returns TRUE if Pawn is alive and doing well */ final virtual simulated native function bool IsAliveAndWell() const; final native virtual function Vector AdjustDestination( Actor GoalActor, optional Vector Dest ); /** Is the current anchor valid? */ final native function bool ValidAnchor(); /** * SuggestJumpVelocity() * returns true if succesful jump from start to destination is possible * returns a suggested initial falling velocity in JumpVelocity * Uses GroundSpeed and JumpZ as limits * * @param JumpVelocity The vector to fill with the calculated jump velocity * @param Destination The destination location of the jump * @param Start The start location of the jump * @param bRequireFallLanding If true, the jump calculated will have a velocity in the negative Z at the destination */ native function bool SuggestJumpVelocity(out vector JumpVelocity, vector Destination, vector Start, optional bool bRequireFallLanding); /** * GetFallDuration * returns time before impact if pawn falls from current position with current velocity */ native function float GetFallDuration(); /** returns if we are a valid enemy for PRI * checks things like whether we're alive, teammates, etc * works on clients and servers */ native function bool IsValidEnemyTargetFor(const PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bNoPRIisEnemy); `if(`__TW_) /** returns if we are a valid teammate for PRI * checks things like whether we're alive, teammates, etc * works on clients and servers */ native function bool IsValidTeamTargetFor(const PlayerReplicationInfo PRI); function bool CanAITargetThisPawn(Controller TargetingController) { return true; } `endif /** @RETURN true if pawn is invisible to AI */ native function bool IsInvisible(); /** * Set Pawn ViewPitch, so we can see where remote clients are looking. * * @param NewRemoteViewPitch Pitch component to replicate to remote (non owned) clients. */ native final function SetRemoteViewPitch( int NewRemoteViewPitch ); native function SetAnchor( NavigationPoint NewAnchor ); native function NavigationPoint GetBestAnchor( Actor TestActor, Vector TestLocation, bool bStartPoint, bool bOnlyCheckVisible, out float out_Dist ); native function bool ReachedDestination(Actor Goal); native function bool ReachedPoint( Vector Point, Actor NewAnchor ); native function ForceCrouch(); native function SetPushesRigidBodies( bool NewPush ); native final virtual function bool ReachedDesiredRotation(); native function GetBoundingCylinder(out float CollisionRadius, out float CollisionHeight) const; /** * Does the following: * - Assign the SkeletalMeshComponent 'Mesh' to the CollisionComponent * - Call InitArticulated on the SkeletalMeshComponent. * - Change the physics mode to PHYS_RigidBody */ native function bool InitRagdoll(); /** the opposite of InitRagdoll(); resets CollisionComponent to the default, * sets physics to PHYS_Falling, and calls TermArticulated() on the SkeletalMeshComponent * @return true on success, false if there is no Mesh, the Mesh is not in ragdoll, or we're otherwise not able to terminate the physics */ native function bool TermRagdoll(); /** Give pawn the chance to do something special moving between points */ function bool SpecialMoveTo( NavigationPoint Start, NavigationPoint End, Actor Next ); event bool SpecialMoveThruEdge( ENavMeshEdgeType EdgeType, INT Dir, Vector MoveStart, Vector MoveDest, optional Actor RelActor, optional int RelItem, optional NavigationHandle NavHandle ); simulated function SetBaseEyeheight() { if ( !bIsCrouched ) BaseEyeheight = Default.BaseEyeheight; else BaseEyeheight = FMin(0.8 * CrouchHeight, CrouchHeight - 10); } function PlayerChangedTeam() { Died( None, class'DamageType', Location ); } /* Reset() reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading. */ function Reset() { if ( (Controller == None) || Controller.bIsPlayer ) { DetachFromController(); Destroy(); } else super.Reset(); } function bool StopFiring() { if( Weapon != None ) { Weapon.StopFire(Weapon.CurrentFireMode); } return TRUE; } /** * Pawn starts firing! * Called from PlayerController::StartFiring * Network: Local Player * * @param FireModeNum fire mode number */ simulated function StartFire(byte FireModeNum) { if( bNoWeaponFIring ) { return; } if( Weapon != None ) { Weapon.StartFire(FireModeNum); } } /** * Pawn stops firing! * i.e. player releases fire button, this may not stop weapon firing right away. (for example press button once for a burst fire) * Network: Local Player * * @param FireModeNum fire mode number */ simulated function StopFire(byte FireModeNum) { if( Weapon != None ) { Weapon.StopFire(FireModeNum); } } /********************************************************************************************* * Remote Client Firing Magic... * @See Weapon::IncrementFlashCount() ********************************************************************************************/ /** Return FiringMode currently in use by weapon InWeapon */ simulated function byte GetWeaponFiringMode(Weapon InWeapon) { return FiringMode; } /** * Set firing mode replication for remote clients trigger update notification. * Network: LocalPlayer and Server */ simulated function SetFiringMode(Weapon InWeapon, byte InFiringMode) { //`log( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ "old:" @ FiringMode @ "new:" @ FiringModeNum ); if( FiringMode != InFiringMode ) { FiringMode = InFiringMode; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // call updated event locally FiringModeUpdated(InWeapon, FiringMode, FALSE); } } /** * Called when FiringMode has been updated. * * Network: ALL */ simulated function FiringModeUpdated(Weapon InWeapon, byte InFiringMode, bool bViaReplication) { if( InWeapon != None ) { InWeapon.FireModeUpdated(InFiringMode, bViaReplication); } } /** * This function's responsibility is to signal clients that non-instant hit shot * has been fired. Call this on the server and local player. * * Network: Server and Local Player */ simulated function IncrementFlashCount(Weapon InWeapon, byte InFiringMode) { bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // Force replication FlashCount++; // Make sure it's not 0, because it means the weapon stopped firing! if( FlashCount == 0 ) { FlashCount += 2; } // Make sure firing mode is updated SetFiringMode(InWeapon, InFiringMode); // This weapon has fired. FlashCountUpdated(InWeapon, FlashCount, FALSE); } /** * Called when FlashCount has been updated. * Trigger appropritate events based on FlashCount's value. * = 0 means Weapon Stopped firing * > 0 means Weapon just fired * * Network: ALL */ simulated function FlashCountUpdated(Weapon InWeapon, Byte InFlashCount, bool bViaReplication) { //`log( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ "FlashCount:" @ FlashCount @ "bViaReplication:" @ bViaReplication ); if( InFlashCount > 0 ) { WeaponFired(InWeapon, bViaReplication); } else { WeaponStoppedFiring(InWeapon, bViaReplication); } } /** * Clear flashCount variable. and call WeaponStoppedFiring event. * Call this on the server and local player. * * Network: Server or Local Player */ simulated function ClearFlashCount(Weapon InWeapon) { if( FlashCount != 0 ) { bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // Force replication FlashCount = 0; // This weapon stopped firing FlashCountUpdated(InWeapon, FlashCount, FALSE); } } /** * This function sets up the Location of a hit to be replicated to all remote clients. * It is also responsible for fudging a shot at (0,0,0). * * Network: Server only (unless using client-side hit detection) */ simulated function SetFlashLocation(Weapon InWeapon, byte InFiringMode, vector NewLoc) { // Make sure 2 consecutive flash locations are different, for replication if( NewLoc == LastFiringFlashLocation ) { NewLoc += vect(0,0,1); } // If we are aiming at the origin, aim slightly up since we use 0,0,0 to denote // not firing. if( NewLoc == vect(0,0,0) ) { NewLoc = vect(0,0,1); } bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // Force replication FlashLocation = NewLoc; LastFiringFlashLocation = NewLoc; // Make sure firing mode is updated SetFiringMode(InWeapon, InFiringMode); // This weapon has fired. FlashLocationUpdated(InWeapon, FlashLocation, FALSE); } /** * Reset flash location variable. and call stop firing. * Network: Server only */ function ClearFlashLocation(Weapon InWeapon) { if( !IsZero(FlashLocation) ) { bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // Force replication FlashLocation = vect(0,0,0); FlashLocationUpdated(InWeapon, FlashLocation, FALSE); } } /** * Called when FlashLocation has been updated. * Trigger appropritate events based on FlashLocation's value. * == (0,0,0) means Weapon Stopped firing * != (0,0,0) means Weapon just fired * * Network: ALL */ simulated function FlashLocationUpdated(Weapon InWeapon, Vector InFlashLocation, bool bViaReplication) { //`log( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ GetFuncName() @ "FlashLocation:" @ FlashLocation @ "bViaReplication:" @ bViaReplication ); if( !IsZero(InFlashLocation) ) { WeaponFired(InWeapon, bViaReplication, InFlashLocation); } else { WeaponStoppedFiring(InWeapon, bViaReplication); } } /** * Called when a pawn's weapon has fired and is responsibile for * delegating the creation of all of the different effects. * * bViaReplication denotes if this call in as the result of the * flashcount/flashlocation being replicated. It's used filter out * when to make the effects. * * Network: ALL */ simulated function WeaponFired(Weapon InWeapon, bool bViaReplication, optional vector HitLocation) { // increment number of consecutive shots. ShotCount++; // By default we just call PlayFireEffects on the weapon. if( InWeapon != None ) { InWeapon.PlayFireEffects(GetWeaponFiringMode(InWeapon), HitLocation); } } /** * Called when a pawn's weapon has stopped firing and is responsibile for * delegating the destruction of all of the different effects. * * bViaReplication denotes if this call in as the result of the * flashcount/flashlocation being replicated. * * Network: ALL */ simulated function WeaponStoppedFiring(Weapon InWeapon, bool bViaReplication) { // reset number of consecutive shots fired. ShotCount = 0; if( InWeapon != None ) { InWeapon.StopFireEffects(GetWeaponFiringMode(InWeapon)); } } /** AI Interface for combat **/ function bool BotFire(bool bFinished) { StartFire(0); return true; } function bool CanAttack(Actor Other) { if ( Weapon == None ) return false; return Weapon.CanAttack(Other); } function bool TooCloseToAttack(Actor Other) { return false; } function bool FireOnRelease() { if (Weapon != None) return Weapon.FireOnRelease(); return false; } function bool HasRangedAttack() { return ( Weapon != None ); } function bool IsFiring() { if (Weapon != None) return Weapon.IsFiring(); return false; } /** returns whether we need to turn to fire at the specified location */ function bool NeedToTurn(vector targ) { local vector LookDir, AimDir; LookDir = Vector(Rotation); LookDir.Z = 0; LookDir = Normal(LookDir); AimDir = targ - Location; AimDir.Z = 0; AimDir = Normal(AimDir); return ((LookDir Dot AimDir) < 0.93); } simulated function String GetHumanReadableName() { if ( PlayerReplicationInfo != None ) return PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName; return MenuName; } function PlayTeleportEffect(bool bOut, bool bSound) { MakeNoise(1.0); } /** NotifyTeamChanged() Called when PlayerReplicationInfo is replicated to this pawn, or PlayerReplicationInfo team property changes. Network: client */ simulated function NotifyTeamChanged(); /* PossessedBy() Pawn is possessed by Controller */ function PossessedBy(Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition) { Controller = C; NetPriority = 3; NetUpdateFrequency = 100; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; if ( C.PlayerReplicationInfo != None ) { PlayerReplicationInfo = C.PlayerReplicationInfo; } UpdateControllerOnPossess(bVehicleTransition); SetOwner(Controller); // for network replication Eyeheight = BaseEyeHeight; if ( C.IsA('PlayerController') ) { if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Standalone ) { RemoteRole = ROLE_AutonomousProxy; } // inform client of current weapon if( Weapon != None ) { Weapon.ClientWeaponSet(FALSE); } } else { RemoteRole = Default.RemoteRole; } //Update the AIController cache if (Weapon != None) { Weapon.CacheAIController(); } } /* UpdateControllerOnPossess() update controller - normally, just change its rotation to match pawn rotation */ function UpdateControllerOnPossess(bool bVehicleTransition) { // don't set pawn rotation on possess if was driving vehicle, so face // same direction when get out as when driving if ( !bVehicleTransition ) { Controller.SetRotation(Rotation); } } function UnPossessed() { bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; if ( DrivenVehicle != None ) NetUpdateFrequency = 5; PlayerReplicationInfo = None; SetOwner(None); Controller = None; } /** * returns default camera mode when viewing this pawn. * Mainly called when controller possesses this pawn. * * @param PlayerController requesting the default camera view * @return default camera view player should use when controlling this pawn. */ simulated function name GetDefaultCameraMode( PlayerController RequestedBy ) { if ( RequestedBy != None && RequestedBy.PlayerCamera != None && RequestedBy.PlayerCamera.CameraStyle == 'Fixed' ) return 'Fixed'; return 'FirstPerson'; } function DropToGround() { bCollideWorld = True; if ( Health > 0 ) { SetCollision(true,true); SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); if ( IsHumanControlled() ) Controller.GotoState(LandMovementState); } } function bool CanGrabLadder() { return ( bCanClimbLadders && (Controller != None) && (Physics != PHYS_Ladder) && ((Physics != Phys_Falling) || (abs(Velocity.Z) <= JumpZ)) ); } function bool RecommendLongRangedAttack() { return false; } function float RangedAttackTime() { return 0; } /** * Called every frame from PlayerInput or PlayerController::MoveAutonomous() * Sets bIsWalking flag, which defines if the Pawn is walking or not (affects velocity) * * @param bNewIsWalking, new walking state. */ event SetWalking( bool bNewIsWalking ) { if ( bNewIsWalking != bIsWalking ) { bIsWalking = bNewIsWalking; } } simulated function bool CanSplash() { if ( (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - SplashTime > 0.15) && ((Physics == PHYS_Falling) || (Physics == PHYS_Flying)) && (Abs(Velocity.Z) > 100) ) { SplashTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; return true; } return false; } function EndClimbLadder(LadderVolume OldLadder) { if ( Controller != None ) Controller.EndClimbLadder(); if ( Physics == PHYS_Ladder ) SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } function ClimbLadder(LadderVolume L) { OnLadder = L; SetRotation(OnLadder.WallDir); SetPhysics(PHYS_Ladder); if ( IsHumanControlled() ) Controller.GotoState('PlayerClimbing'); } /** * list important Pawn variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when * the ShowDebug exec is used * * @param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on * @input out_YL - Height of the current font * @input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line. */ simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos) { local string T; local Canvas Canvas; local AnimTree AnimTreeRootNode; local int i; Canvas = HUD.Canvas; if ( PlayerReplicationInfo == None ) { Canvas.DrawText("NO PLAYERREPLICATIONINFO", false); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); } else { PlayerReplicationInfo.DisplayDebug(HUD,out_YL,out_YPos); } super.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos); Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255); Canvas.DrawText("Health "$Health); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos); if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('AI')) { Canvas.DrawText("Anchor "$Anchor$" Serpentine Dist "$SerpentineDist$" Time "$SerpentineTime); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); } if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('physics')) { T = "Floor "$Floor$" DesiredSpeed "$DesiredSpeed$" Crouched "$bIsCrouched; if ( (OnLadder != None) || (Physics == PHYS_Ladder) ) T=T$" on ladder "$OnLadder; Canvas.DrawText(T); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); T = "Collision Component:" @ CollisionComponent; Canvas.DrawText(T); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); T = "bForceMaxAccel:" @ bForceMaxAccel; Canvas.DrawText(T); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); if( Mesh != None ) { T = "RootMotionMode:" @ Mesh.RootMotionMode @ "RootMotionVelocity:" @ Mesh.RootMotionVelocity; Canvas.DrawText(T); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); } } if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('camera')) { Canvas.DrawText("EyeHeight "$Eyeheight$" BaseEyeHeight "$BaseEyeHeight); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); } // Controller if ( Controller == None ) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,0,0); Canvas.DrawText("NO CONTROLLER"); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); HUD.PlayerOwner.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos); } else { Controller.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos); } // Weapon if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('weapon')) { if ( Weapon == None ) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0); Canvas.DrawText("NO WEAPON"); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos); } else Weapon.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos); } if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('animation') ) { if( Mesh != None && Mesh.Animations != None ) { AnimTreeRootNode = AnimTree(Mesh.Animations); if( AnimTreeRootNode != None ) { Canvas.DrawText("AnimGroups count:" @ AnimTreeRootNode.AnimGroups.Length); out_YPos += out_YL; Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos); for(i=0; i ProcessViewRotation() to (pre)process player ViewRotation * adds delta rot (player input), applies any limits and post-processing * returns the final ViewRotation set on PlayerController * * @param DeltaTime, time since last frame * @param ViewRotation, actual PlayerController view rotation * @input out_DeltaRot, delta rotation to be applied on ViewRotation. Represents player's input. * @return processed ViewRotation to be set on PlayerController. */ simulated function ProcessViewRotation( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot ) { // Add Delta Rotation out_ViewRotation += out_DeltaRot; out_DeltaRot = rot(0,0,0); // Limit Player View Pitch if ( PlayerController(Controller) != None ) { out_ViewRotation = PlayerController(Controller).LimitViewRotation( out_ViewRotation, ViewPitchMin, ViewPitchMax ); } } /** * returns the point of view of the actor. * note that this doesn't mean the camera, but the 'eyes' of the actor. * For example, for a Pawn, this would define the eye height location, * and view rotation (which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component). * A camera first person view will typically use this view point. Most traces (weapon, AI) will be done from this view point. * * @output out_Location, location of view point * @output out_Rotation, view rotation of actor. */ simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation ) { out_Location = GetPawnViewLocation(); out_Rotation = GetViewRotation(); } /** @return the rotation the Pawn is looking */ simulated native event rotator GetViewRotation(); /** * returns the Eye location of the Pawn. * * @return Pawn's eye location */ simulated native event vector GetPawnViewLocation(); /** * Return world location to start a weapon fire trace from. * * @return World location where to start weapon fire traces from */ simulated event Vector GetWeaponStartTraceLocation(optional Weapon CurrentWeapon) { local vector POVLoc; local rotator POVRot; // If we have a controller, by default we start tracing from the player's 'eyes' location // that is by default Controller.Location for AI, and camera (crosshair) location for human players. if ( Controller != None ) { Controller.GetPlayerViewPoint( POVLoc, POVRot ); return POVLoc; } // If we have no controller, we simply traces from pawn eyes location return GetPawnViewLocation(); } /** * returns base Aim Rotation without any adjustment (no aim error, no autolock, no adhesion.. just clean initial aim rotation!) * * @return base Aim rotation. */ simulated singular event Rotator GetBaseAimRotation() { local vector POVLoc; local rotator POVRot; // If we have a controller, by default we aim at the player's 'eyes' direction // that is by default Controller.Rotation for AI, and camera (crosshair) rotation for human players. if( Controller != None && !InFreeCam() ) { Controller.GetPlayerViewPoint(POVLoc, POVRot); return POVRot; } // If we have no controller, we simply use our rotation POVRot = Rotation; // If our Pitch is 0, then use RemoveViewPitch if( POVRot.Pitch == 0 ) { POVRot.Pitch = RemoteViewPitch << 8; } return POVRot; } /** return true if player is viewing this Pawn in FreeCam */ simulated event bool InFreeCam() { local PlayerController PC; PC = PlayerController(Controller); return (PC != None && PC.PlayerCamera != None && (PC.PlayerCamera.CameraStyle == 'FreeCam' || PC.PlayerCamera.CameraStyle == 'FreeCam_Default') ); } /** * Adjusts weapon aiming direction. * Gives Pawn a chance to modify its aiming. For example aim error, auto aiming, adhesion, AI help... * Requested by weapon prior to firing. * * @param W, weapon about to fire * @param StartFireLoc, world location of weapon fire start trace, or projectile spawn loc. * @param BaseAimRot, original aiming rotation without any modifications. */ simulated function Rotator GetAdjustedAimFor( Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc ) { // If controller doesn't exist or we're a client, get the where the Pawn is aiming at if ( Controller == None || Role < Role_Authority ) { return GetBaseAimRotation(); } // otherwise, give a chance to controller to adjust this Aim Rotation return Controller.GetAdjustedAimFor( W, StartFireLoc ); } simulated function SetViewRotation(rotator NewRotation ) { if (Controller != None) { Controller.SetRotation(NewRotation); } else { SetRotation(NewRotation); } } function bool InGodMode() { return ( (Controller != None) && Controller.bGodMode ); } function SetMoveTarget(Actor NewTarget ) { if ( Controller != None ) Controller.MoveTarget = NewTarget; } function bool LineOfSightTo(actor Other) { return ( (Controller != None) && Controller.LineOfSightTo(Other) ); } function HandlePickup(Inventory Inv) { MakeNoise(0.2); if ( Controller != None ) Controller.HandlePickup(Inv); } event ClientMessage( coerce string S, optional Name Type ) { if ( PlayerController(Controller) != None ) PlayerController(Controller).ClientMessage( S, Type ); } simulated event FellOutOfWorld(class dmgType) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { Health = -1; Died( None, dmgType, Location ); if ( dmgType == None ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); SetHidden(True); LifeSpan = FMin(LifeSpan, 1.0); } } } simulated singular event OutsideWorldBounds() { // AI pawns on the server just destroy if (Role == ROLE_Authority && PlayerController(Controller) == None) { Destroy(); } else { // simply destroying the Pawn could cause synchronization issues with the client controlling it // so kill it, disable it, and wait a while to give it time to replicate before destroying it if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { KilledBy(self); } SetPhysics(PHYS_None); SetHidden(True); LifeSpan = FMin(LifeSpan, 1.0); } } /** * Makes sure a Pawn is not crouching, telling it to stand if necessary. */ simulated function UnCrouch() { if( bIsCrouched || bWantsToCrouch ) { ShouldCrouch( false ); } } /** * Controller is requesting that pawn crouches. * This is not guaranteed as it depends if crouching collision cylinder can fit when Pawn is located. * * @param bCrouch true if Pawn should crouch. */ function ShouldCrouch( bool bCrouch ) { bWantsToCrouch = bCrouch; } /** * Event called from native code when Pawn stops crouching. * Called on non owned Pawns through bIsCrouched replication. * Network: ALL * * @param HeightAdjust height difference in unreal units between default collision height, and actual crouched cylinder height. */ simulated event EndCrouch( float HeightAdjust ) { EyeHeight -= HeightAdjust; SetBaseEyeHeight(); } /** * Event called from native code when Pawn starts crouching. * Called on non owned Pawns through bIsCrouched replication. * Network: ALL * * @param HeightAdjust height difference in unreal units between default collision height, and actual crouched cylinder height. */ simulated event StartCrouch( float HeightAdjust ) { EyeHeight += HeightAdjust; SetBaseEyeHeight(); } function HandleMomentum( vector Momentum, Vector HitLocation, class DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) { AddVelocity( Momentum, HitLocation, DamageType, HitInfo ); } function AddVelocity( vector NewVelocity, vector HitLocation, class damageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) { if ( bIgnoreForces || (NewVelocity == vect(0,0,0)) ) return; if ( (Physics == PHYS_Walking) || (((Physics == PHYS_Ladder) || (Physics == PHYS_Spider)) && (NewVelocity.Z > Default.JumpZ)) ) SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); if ( (Velocity.Z > Default.JumpZ) && (NewVelocity.Z > 0) ) NewVelocity.Z *= 0.5; Velocity += NewVelocity; } function KilledBy( pawn EventInstigator ) { local Controller Killer; Health = 0; if ( EventInstigator != None ) { Killer = EventInstigator.Controller; LastHitBy = None; } Died( Killer, class'DmgType_Suicided', Location ); } function TakeFallingDamage() { local float EffectiveSpeed; if (Velocity.Z < -0.5 * MaxFallSpeed) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { MakeNoise(1.0); if (Velocity.Z < -1 * MaxFallSpeed) { EffectiveSpeed = Velocity.Z; if (TouchingWaterVolume()) { EffectiveSpeed += 100; } if (EffectiveSpeed < -1 * MaxFallSpeed) { TakeDamage(-100 * (EffectiveSpeed + MaxFallSpeed)/MaxFallSpeed, None, Location, vect(0,0,0), class'DmgType_Fell'); } } } } else if (Velocity.Z < -1.4 * JumpZ) MakeNoise(0.5); else if ( Velocity.Z < -0.8 * JumpZ ) MakeNoise(0.2); } function Restart(); simulated function ClientReStart() { ZeroMovementVariables(); SetBaseEyeHeight(); } function ClientSetRotation( rotator NewRotation ) { if ( Controller != None ) Controller.ClientSetRotation(NewRotation); } /** Script function callable from C++ to update the Pawn's rotation, and goes through the FaceRotation logic to apply rotation constraints */ final event simulated UpdatePawnRotation(Rotator NewRotation) { FaceRotation(NewRotation, 0.f); } simulated function FaceRotation(rotator NewRotation, float DeltaTime) { // Do not update Pawn's rotation depending on controller's ViewRotation if in FreeCam. if (!InFreeCam()) { if ( Physics == PHYS_Ladder ) { NewRotation = OnLadder.Walldir; } else if ( (Physics == PHYS_Walking) || (Physics == PHYS_Falling) ) { NewRotation.Pitch = 0; } SetRotation(NewRotation); } } //============== // Encroachment event bool EncroachingOn( actor Other ) { if ( Other.bWorldGeometry || Other.bBlocksTeleport ) return true; if ( ((Controller == None) || !Controller.bIsPlayer) && (Pawn(Other) != None) ) return true; return false; } event EncroachedBy( actor Other ) { // Allow encroachment by Vehicles so they can push the pawn out of the way if ( Pawn(Other) != None && Vehicle(Other) == None ) gibbedBy(Other); } function gibbedBy(actor Other) { if ( Role < ROLE_Authority ) return; if ( Pawn(Other) != None ) Died(Pawn(Other).Controller, class'DmgType_Telefragged', Location); else Died(None, class'DmgType_Telefragged', Location); } //Base change - if new base is pawn or decoration, damage based on relative mass and old velocity // Also, non-players will jump off pawns immediately function JumpOffPawn() { Velocity += (100 + CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius) * VRand(); if ( VSize2D(Velocity) > FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) ) { Velocity = FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) * Normal(Velocity); } Velocity.Z = 200 + CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight; SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } /** Called when pawn cylinder embedded in another pawn. (Collision bug that needs to be fixed). */ event StuckOnPawn(Pawn OtherPawn); /** * Event called after actor's base changes. */ singular event BaseChange() { local DynamicSMActor Dyn; // Pawns can only set base to non-pawns, or pawns which specifically allow it. // Otherwise we do some damage and jump off. if (Pawn(Base) != None && (DrivenVehicle == None || !DrivenVehicle.IsBasedOn(Base))) { if( !Pawn(Base).CanBeBaseForPawn(Self) ) { Pawn(Base).CrushedBy(self); JumpOffPawn(); } } // If it's a KActor, see if we can stand on it. Dyn = DynamicSMActor(Base); if( Dyn != None && !Dyn.CanBasePawn(self) ) { JumpOffPawn(); } } /** * Are we allowing this Pawn to be based on us? */ simulated function bool CanBeBaseForPawn(Pawn APawn) { return bCanBeBaseForPawns; } /** CrushedBy() Called for pawns that have bCanBeBaseForPawns=false when another pawn becomes based on them */ function CrushedBy(Pawn OtherPawn) { TakeDamage( (1-OtherPawn.Velocity.Z/400)* OtherPawn.Mass/Mass, OtherPawn.Controller,Location, vect(0,0,0) , class'DmgType_Crushed'); } //============================================================================= /** * Call this function to detach safely pawn from its controller * * @param bDestroyController if true, then destroy controller. (only AI Controllers, not players) */ function DetachFromController( optional bool bDestroyController ) { local Controller OldController; // if we have a controller, notify it we're getting destroyed // be careful with bTearOff, we're authority on client! Make sure our controller and pawn match up. if ( Controller != None && Controller.Pawn == Self ) { OldController = Controller; Controller.PawnDied( Self ); if ( Controller != None ) { Controller.UnPossess(); } if ( bDestroyController && OldController != None && !OldController.bDeleteMe && !OldController.bIsPlayer ) { OldController.Destroy(); } Controller = None; } } simulated event Destroyed() { DetachFromController(); if ( InvManager != None ) InvManager.Destroy(); if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client ) return; // Clear anchor to avoid checkpoint crash SetAnchor( None ); Weapon = None; //debug ClearPathStep(); super.Destroyed(); } //============================================================================= // // Called immediately before gameplay begins. // simulated event PreBeginPlay() { // important that this comes before Super so mutators can modify it if (HealthMax == 0) { HealthMax = default.Health; } Super.PreBeginPlay(); Instigator = self; SetDesiredRotation(Rotation); EyeHeight = BaseEyeHeight; } event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); SplashTime = 0; SpawnTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; EyeHeight = BaseEyeHeight; // automatically add controller to pawns which were placed in level // NOTE: pawns spawned during gameplay are not automatically possessed by a controller if ( WorldInfo.bStartup && (Health > 0) && !bDontPossess ) { SpawnDefaultController(); } if( FacialAudioComp != None ) { FacialAudioComp.OnAudioFinished = FaceFXAudioFinished; } // Spawn Inventory Container if (Role == ROLE_Authority && InvManager == None && InventoryManagerClass != None) { InvManager = Spawn(InventoryManagerClass, Self); if ( InvManager == None ) `log("Warning! Couldn't spawn InventoryManager" @ InventoryManagerClass @ "for" @ Self @ GetHumanReadableName() ); else InvManager.SetupFor( Self ); } //debug ClearPathStep(); } /** * Spawn default controller for this Pawn, get possessed by it. */ function SpawnDefaultController() { if ( Controller != None ) { `log("SpawnDefaultController" @ Self @ ", Controller != None" @ Controller ); return; } if ( ControllerClass != None ) { Controller = Spawn(ControllerClass); } if ( Controller != None ) { Controller.Possess( Self, false ); } } simulated event ReceivedNewEvent(SequenceEvent Evt) { if (Controller != None) { Controller.ReceivedNewEvent(Evt); } Super.ReceivedNewEvent(Evt); } /** * Deletes the current controller if it exists and creates a new one * using the specified class. * Event called from Kismet. * * @param inAction - scripted action that was activated */ function OnAssignController(SeqAct_AssignController inAction) { if ( inAction.ControllerClass != None ) { if ( Controller != None ) { DetachFromController( true ); } Controller = Spawn(inAction.ControllerClass); Controller.Possess( Self, false ); // Set class as the default one if pawn is restarted. if ( Controller.IsA('AIController') ) { ControllerClass = class(Controller.Class); } } else { `warn("Assign controller w/o a class specified!"); } } /** * Iterates through the list of item classes specified in the action * and creates instances that are addeed to this Pawn's inventory. * * @param inAction - scripted action that was activated */ simulated function OnGiveInventory(SeqAct_GiveInventory InAction) { local int Idx; local class InvClass; if (InAction.bClearExisting) { InvManager.DiscardInventory(); } if (InAction.InventoryList.Length > 0 ) { for (Idx = 0; Idx < InAction.InventoryList.Length; Idx++) { InvClass = InAction.InventoryList[idx]; if (InvClass != None) { // only create if it doesn't already exist if (FindInventoryType(InvClass,FALSE) == None) { CreateInventory(InvClass); } } else { InAction.ScriptLog("WARNING: Attempting to give NULL inventory!"); } } } else { InAction.ScriptLog("WARNING: Give Inventory without any inventory specified!"); } } function Gasp(); function SetMovementPhysics() { // check for water volume if (PhysicsVolume.bWaterVolume) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Swimming); } else if (Physics != PHYS_Falling) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } } /* AdjustDamage() adjust damage based on inventory, other attributes */ function AdjustDamage(out int InDamage, out vector Momentum, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class DamageType, TraceHitInfo HitInfo, Actor DamageCauser); `if(`__TW_) event bool HealDamage(int Amount, Controller Healer, class DamageType, optional bool bCanRepairArmor=true, optional bool bMessageHealer=true) `else event bool HealDamage(int Amount, Controller Healer, class DamageType) `endif { // not if already dead or already at full if (Health > 0 && Health < HealthMax) { Health = Min(HealthMax, Health + Amount); return true; } else { return false; } } /** Take a list of bones passed to TakeRadiusDamageOnBones and remove the ones that don't matter */ function PruneDamagedBoneList( out array Bones ); /** * Damage radius applied to specific bones on the skeletal mesh */ event bool TakeRadiusDamageOnBones ( Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser, array Bones ) { local int Idx; local TraceHitInfo HitInfo; local bool bResult; local float DamageScale, Dist; local vector Dir, BoneLoc; PruneDamagedBoneList( Bones ); for( Idx = 0; Idx < Bones.Length; Idx++ ) { HitInfo.BoneName = Bones[Idx]; HitInfo.HitComponent = Mesh; BoneLoc = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(Bones[Idx]); Dir = BoneLoc - HurtOrigin; Dist = VSize(Dir); Dir = Normal(Dir); if( bFullDamage ) { DamageScale = 1.f; } else { DamageScale = 1.f - Dist/DamageRadius; } if( DamageScale > 0.f ) { TakeDamage ( DamageScale * BaseDamage, InstigatedBy, BoneLoc, DamageScale * Momentum * Dir, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser ); } bResult = TRUE; } return bResult; } /** sends any notifications to anything that needs to know this pawn has taken damage */ function NotifyTakeHit(Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class DamageType, vector Momentum, Actor DamageCauser) { if (Controller != None) { Controller.NotifyTakeHit(InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Damage, DamageType, Momentum); } } function controller SetKillInstigator(Controller InstigatedBy, class DamageType) { if ( (InstigatedBy != None) && (InstigatedBy != Controller) ) { return InstigatedBy; } else if ( DamageType.default.bCausedByWorld && (LastHitBy != None) ) { return LastHitBy; } return InstigatedBy; } event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) { local int actualDamage; local PlayerController PC; local Controller Killer; if ( (Role < ROLE_Authority) || (Health <= 0) ) { return; } if ( damagetype == None ) { if ( InstigatedBy == None ) `warn("No damagetype for damage with no instigator"); else `warn("No damagetype for damage by "$instigatedby.pawn$" with weapon "$InstigatedBy.Pawn.Weapon); //scripttrace(); DamageType = class'DamageType'; } Damage = Max(Damage, 0); if (Physics == PHYS_None && DrivenVehicle == None) { SetMovementPhysics(); } if (Physics == PHYS_Walking && damageType.default.bExtraMomentumZ) { momentum.Z = FMax(momentum.Z, 0.4 * VSize(momentum)); } momentum = momentum/Mass; if ( DrivenVehicle != None ) { DrivenVehicle.AdjustDriverDamage( Damage, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType ); } ActualDamage = Damage; `if(`__TW_) WorldInfo.Game.ReduceDamage(ActualDamage, self, instigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, DamageCauser, HitInfo); `else WorldInfo.Game.ReduceDamage(ActualDamage, self, instigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, DamageCauser); `endif AdjustDamage(ActualDamage, Momentum, instigatedBy, HitLocation, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser); // call Actor's version to handle any SeqEvent_TakeDamage for scripting Super.TakeDamage(ActualDamage, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser); Health -= actualDamage; if (HitLocation == vect(0,0,0)) { HitLocation = Location; } if ( Health <= 0 ) { PC = PlayerController(Controller); // play force feedback for death if (PC != None) { PC.ClientPlayForceFeedbackWaveform(damageType.default.KilledFFWaveform); } // pawn died Killer = SetKillInstigator(InstigatedBy, DamageType); TearOffMomentum = momentum; Died(Killer, damageType, HitLocation); // using the passed in damage type instead of the hitfxinfo since that doesn't get updated when zero damage is done HandleAfflictionsOnHit(InstigatedBy, Normal(Momentum), DamageType, DamageCauser); } else { HandleMomentum( momentum, HitLocation, DamageType, HitInfo ); // using the passed in damage type instead of the hitfxinfo since that doesn't get updated when zero damage is done HandleAfflictionsOnHit(InstigatedBy, Normal(Momentum), DamageType, DamageCauser); NotifyTakeHit(InstigatedBy, HitLocation, ActualDamage, DamageType, Momentum, DamageCauser); if (DrivenVehicle != None) { DrivenVehicle.NotifyDriverTakeHit(InstigatedBy, HitLocation, actualDamage, DamageType, Momentum); } if ( instigatedBy != None && instigatedBy != controller ) { LastHitBy = instigatedBy; } } PlayHit(actualDamage,InstigatedBy, hitLocation, damageType, Momentum, HitInfo); `if(`__TW_) // Best to use a noise label whenever possible to make it easier for the AI to identify what they just "heard" MakeNoise(1.0, 'TakeDamage'); `else MakeNoise(1.0); `endif } function HandleAfflictionsOnHit(Controller DamageInstigator, vector HitDir, class DamageType, Actor DamageCauser); /* * Queries the PRI and returns our current team index. */ simulated native function byte GetTeamNum(); simulated function TeamInfo GetTeam() { if (Controller != None && Controller.PlayerReplicationInfo != None) { return Controller.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team; } else if (PlayerReplicationInfo != None) { return PlayerReplicationInfo.Team; } else if (DrivenVehicle != None && DrivenVehicle.PlayerReplicationInfo != None) { return DrivenVehicle.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team; } else { return None; } } /** Returns true of pawns are on the same team, false otherwise */ simulated event bool IsSameTeam( Pawn Other ) { return ( Other != None && Other.GetTeam() != None && Other.GetTeam() == GetTeam() ); } /** called to throw any weapon(s) that should be thrown on death */ function ThrowWeaponOnDeath() { ThrowActiveWeapon(); } /** * This pawn has died. * * @param Killer Who killed this pawn * @param DamageType What killed it * @param HitLocation Where did the hit occur * * @returns true if allowed */ function bool Died(Controller Killer, class DamageType, vector HitLocation) { local SeqAct_Latent Action; // ensure a valid damagetype if ( damageType == None ) { damageType = class'DamageType'; } // if already destroyed or level transition is occuring then ignore if ( bDeleteMe || WorldInfo.Game == None || WorldInfo.Game.bLevelChange ) { return FALSE; } // if this is an environmental death then refer to the previous killer so that they receive credit (knocked into lava pits, etc) if ( DamageType.default.bCausedByWorld && (Killer == None || Killer == Controller) && LastHitBy != None ) { Killer = LastHitBy; } // gameinfo hook to prevent deaths // WARNING - don't prevent bot suicides - they suicide when really needed if ( WorldInfo.Game.PreventDeath(self, Killer, damageType, HitLocation) ) { Health = max(Health, 1); return false; } Health = Min(0, Health); // activate death events if( default.KismetDeathDelayTime > 0 ) { DelayTriggerDeath(); } else { TriggerEventClass( class'SeqEvent_Death', self ); } KismetDeathDelayTime = default.KismetDeathDelayTime + WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; // and abort any latent actions foreach LatentActions(Action) { Action.AbortFor(self); } LatentActions.Length = 0; // notify the vehicle we are currently driving if ( DrivenVehicle != None ) { Velocity = DrivenVehicle.Velocity; DrivenVehicle.DriverDied(DamageType); } else if ( Weapon != None ) { Weapon.HolderDied(); ThrowWeaponOnDeath(); } // notify the gameinfo of the death if ( Controller != None ) { WorldInfo.Game.Killed(Killer, Controller, self, damageType); } else { WorldInfo.Game.Killed(Killer, Controller(Owner), self, damageType); } DrivenVehicle = None; // notify inventory manager if ( InvManager != None ) { InvManager.OwnerDied(); } `if(`__TW_) // push the corpse upward (@fixme - somebody please remove this?) // Consider yourself removed - Ramm //Velocity.Z *= 1.3; `else // push the corpse upward (@fixme - somebody please remove this?) Velocity.Z *= 1.3; `endif // if this is a human player then force a replication update if ( IsHumanControlled() ) { PlayerController(Controller).ForceDeathUpdate(); } NetUpdateFrequency = Default.NetUpdateFrequency; PlayDying(DamageType, HitLocation); return TRUE; } function DelayTriggerDeath() { TriggerEventClass( class'SeqEvent_Death', self ); } event Falling(); event Landed(vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor) { TakeFallingDamage(); if ( Health > 0 ) PlayLanded(Velocity.Z); LastHitBy = None; } /** * Called if bScriptTickSpecial is set * This tick function is called after physics has executed */ event TickSpecial( float DeltaTime ); event HeadVolumeChange(PhysicsVolume newHeadVolume) { if ( (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) || (Controller == None) ) return; if ( HeadVolume != None && HeadVolume.bWaterVolume ) { if (!newHeadVolume.bWaterVolume) { if ( Controller.bIsPlayer && (BreathTime > 0) && (BreathTime < 8) ) Gasp(); BreathTime = -1.0; } } else if ( newHeadVolume.bWaterVolume ) { BreathTime = UnderWaterTime; } } function bool TouchingWaterVolume() { local PhysicsVolume V; ForEach TouchingActors(class'PhysicsVolume',V) if ( V.bWaterVolume ) return true; return false; } event BreathTimer() { if ( HeadVolume.bWaterVolume ) { if ( (Health < 0) || (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) || (DrivenVehicle != None) ) return; TakeDrowningDamage(); if ( Health > 0 ) BreathTime = 2.0; } else { BreathTime = 0.0; } } function TakeDrowningDamage(); function bool CheckWaterJump(out vector WallNormal) { local actor HitActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, Checkpoint, start, checkNorm, Extent; if ( AIController(Controller) != None ) { if ( Controller.InLatentExecution(Controller.LATENT_MOVETOWARD) && (Controller.Movetarget != None) && !Controller.MoveTarget.PhysicsVolume.bWaterVolume ) { CheckPoint = Normal(Controller.MoveTarget.Location - Location); } else { Checkpoint = Acceleration; } Checkpoint.Z = 0.0; } if ( Checkpoint == vect(0,0,0) ) { Checkpoint = vector(Rotation); } Checkpoint.Z = 0.0; checkNorm = Normal(Checkpoint); Checkpoint = Location + 1.2 * CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * checkNorm; Extent = CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * vect(1,1,0); Extent.Z = CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight; HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Checkpoint, Location, true, Extent,,TRACEFLAG_Blocking); if ( (HitActor != None) && (Pawn(HitActor) == None) ) { WallNormal = -1 * HitNormal; start = Location; start.Z += MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight; checkPoint = start + 3.2 * CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * WallNormal; HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Checkpoint, start, true,,,TRACEFLAG_Blocking); if ( (HitActor == None) || (HitNormal.Z > 0.7) ) return true; } return false; } //Player Jumped function bool DoJump( bool bUpdating ) { if (bJumpCapable && !bIsCrouched && !bWantsToCrouch && (Physics == PHYS_Walking || Physics == PHYS_Ladder || Physics == PHYS_Spider)) { if ( Physics == PHYS_Spider ) `if(`__TW_PATHFINDING_) Velocity = Velocity + (JumpZ * Floor); `else Velocity = JumpZ * Floor; `endif else if ( Physics == PHYS_Ladder ) Velocity.Z = 0; else if ( bIsWalking ) Velocity.Z = Default.JumpZ; else Velocity.Z = JumpZ; if (Base != None && !Base.bWorldGeometry && Base.Velocity.Z > 0.f) { Velocity.Z += Base.Velocity.Z; } SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); return true; } return false; } function PlayDyingSound(); function PlayHit(float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo) { if ( (Damage <= 0) && ((Controller == None) || !Controller.bGodMode) ) return; LastPainTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; } /** TurnOff() Freeze pawn - stop sounds, animations, physics, weapon firing */ simulated function TurnOff() { if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy; } if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && Mesh != None) { Mesh.bPauseAnims = true; if (Physics == PHYS_RigidBody) { Mesh.PhysicsWeight = 1.0; Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation = false; } } SetCollision(true,false); bNoWeaponFiring = true; Velocity = vect(0,0,0); SetPhysics(PHYS_None); bIgnoreForces = true; if (Weapon != None) { Weapon.StopFire(Weapon.CurrentFireMode); } } /** * Set physics for dying pawn * Always set to falling, unless already a ragdoll */ function SetDyingPhysics() { if( Physics != PHYS_RigidBody ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } } State Dying { ignores Bump, HitWall, HeadVolumeChange, PhysicsVolumeChange, Falling, BreathTimer, FellOutOfWorld; simulated function PlayWeaponSwitch(Weapon OldWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon) {} simulated function PlayNextAnimation() {} singular event BaseChange() {} event Landed(vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor) {} function bool Died(Controller Killer, class damageType, vector HitLocation); simulated singular event OutsideWorldBounds() { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); SetHidden(True); LifeSpan = FMin(LifeSpan, 1.0); } event Timer() { if ( !PlayerCanSeeMe() ) { Destroy(); } else { SetTimer(2.0, false); } } event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); if ( (Physics == PHYS_None) && (Momentum.Z < 0) ) Momentum.Z *= -1; Velocity += 3 * momentum/(Mass + 200); if ( damagetype == None ) { // `warn("No damagetype for damage by "$instigatedby.pawn$" with weapon "$InstigatedBy.Pawn.Weapon); DamageType = class'DamageType'; } Health -= Damage; } event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { local Actor A; local array TouchEvents; local int i; if ( bTearOff && (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) ) { LifeSpan = 2.0; } else { SetTimer(5.0, false); // add a failsafe termination LifeSpan = 25.f; } SetDyingPhysics(); SetCollision(true, false); if ( Controller != None ) { if ( Controller.bIsPlayer ) { DetachFromController(); } else { `if(`__TW_) DetachFromController(true); `else Controller.Destroy(); `endif } } foreach TouchingActors(class'Actor', A) { if (A.FindEventsOfClass(class'SeqEvent_Touch', TouchEvents)) { for (i = 0; i < TouchEvents.length; i++) { SeqEvent_Touch(TouchEvents[i]).NotifyTouchingPawnDied(self); } // clear array for next iteration TouchEvents.length = 0; } } foreach BasedActors(class'Actor', A) { A.PawnBaseDied(); } } Begin: Sleep(0.2); PlayDyingSound(); } //============================================================================= // Animation interface for controllers /* PlayXXX() function called by controller to play transient animation actions */ /* PlayDying() is called on server/standalone game when killed and also on net client when pawn gets bTearOff set to true (and bPlayedDeath is false) */ simulated function PlayDying(class DamageType, vector HitLoc) { GotoState('Dying'); bReplicateMovement = false; bTearOff = true; Velocity += TearOffMomentum; SetDyingPhysics(); bPlayedDeath = true; KismetDeathDelayTime = default.KismetDeathDelayTime + WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; } simulated event TornOff() { // assume dead if bTearOff if ( !bPlayedDeath ) { PlayDying(HitDamageType,TakeHitLocation); } } /** * PlayFootStepSound() * called by AnimNotify_Footstep * * FootDown specifies which foot hit */ event PlayFootStepSound(int FootDown); //============================================================================= // Pawn internal animation functions // Animation group checks (usually implemented in subclass) function bool CannotJumpNow() { return false; } function PlayLanded(float impactVel); native function Vehicle GetVehicleBase(); function Suicide() { KilledBy(self); } // toss out a weapon // check before throwing simulated function bool CanThrowWeapon() { return ( (Weapon != None) && Weapon.CanThrow() ); } /************************************************************************************ * Vehicle driving ***********************************************************************************/ /** * StartDriving() and StopDriving() also called on clients * on transitions of DrivenVehicle variable. * Network: ALL */ simulated event StartDriving(Vehicle V) { StopFiring(); if ( Health <= 0 ) return; DrivenVehicle = V; bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; // Move the driver into position, and attach to car. ShouldCrouch(false); bIgnoreForces = true; bCanTeleport = false; BreathTime = 0.0; V.AttachDriver( Self ); } /** * StartDriving() and StopDriving() also called on clients * on transitions of DrivenVehicle variable. * Network: ALL */ simulated event StopDriving(Vehicle V) { if ( Mesh != None ) { Mesh.SetCullDistance(Default.Mesh.CachedMaxDrawDistance); Mesh.SetShadowParent(None); } bForceNetUpdate = TRUE; if (V != None ) { V.StopFiring(); } if ( Physics == PHYS_RigidBody ) { return; } DrivenVehicle = None; bIgnoreForces = false; SetHardAttach(false); bCanTeleport = true; bCollideWorld = true; if ( V != None ) { V.DetachDriver( Self ); } SetCollision(true, true); if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { if ( PhysicsVolume.bWaterVolume && (Health > 0) ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Swimming); } else { SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } SetBase(None); SetHidden(False); } } // // Inventory related functions // /* AddDefaultInventory: Add Pawn default Inventory. Called from GameInfo.AddDefaultInventory() */ function AddDefaultInventory(); /* epic =============================================== * ::CreateInventory * * Create Inventory Item, adds it to the Pawn's Inventory * And returns it for post processing. * * ===================================================== */ event final Inventory CreateInventory( class NewInvClass, optional bool bDoNotActivate ) { if ( InvManager != None ) return InvManager.CreateInventory( NewInvClass, bDoNotActivate ); return None; } /* FindInventoryType: returns the inventory item of the requested class if it exists in this Pawn's inventory */ simulated final function Inventory FindInventoryType(class DesiredClass, optional bool bAllowSubclass) { return (InvManager != None) ? InvManager.FindInventoryType(DesiredClass, bAllowSubclass) : None; } /** Hook called from HUD actor. Gives access to HUD and Canvas */ simulated function DrawHUD( HUD H ) { if ( InvManager != None ) { InvManager.DrawHUD( H ); } } /** * Toss active weapon using default settings (location+velocity). * * @param DamageType allows this function to do different behaviors based on the damage type */ function ThrowActiveWeapon( optional bool bDestroyWeap ) { if ( Weapon != None ) { TossInventory(Weapon); } } function TossInventory(Inventory Inv, optional vector ForceVelocity) { local vector POVLoc, TossVel; local rotator POVRot; local Vector X,Y,Z; if ( ForceVelocity != vect(0,0,0) ) { TossVel = ForceVelocity; } else { GetActorEyesViewPoint(POVLoc, POVRot); TossVel = Vector(POVRot); TossVel = TossVel * ((Velocity Dot TossVel) + 500) + Vect(0,0,200); } GetAxes(Rotation, X, Y, Z); Inv.DropFrom(Location + 0.8 * CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * X - 0.5 * CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * Y, TossVel); } /* SetActiveWeapon Set this weapon as the Pawn's active weapon */ simulated function SetActiveWeapon( Weapon NewWeapon ) { if ( InvManager != None ) { InvManager.SetCurrentWeapon( NewWeapon ); } } /** * Player just changed weapon. Called from InventoryManager::ChangedWeapon(). * Network: Local Player and Server. * * @param OldWeapon Old weapon held by Pawn. * @param NewWeapon New weapon held by Pawn. */ simulated function PlayWeaponSwitch(Weapon OldWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon); // Cheats - invoked by CheatManager function bool CheatWalk() { UnderWaterTime = Default.UnderWaterTime; SetCollision(true, true); SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); bCollideWorld = true; SetPushesRigidBodies(Default.bPushesRigidBodies); return true; } function bool CheatGhost() { UnderWaterTime = -1.0; SetCollision(false, false); bCollideWorld = false; SetPushesRigidBodies(false); return true; } function bool CheatFly() { UnderWaterTime = Default.UnderWaterTime; SetCollision(true, true); bCollideWorld = true; return true; } /** * Returns the collision radius of our cylinder * collision component. * * @return the collision radius of our pawn */ simulated function float GetCollisionRadius() { return (CylinderComponent != None) ? CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius : 0.f; } /** * Returns the collision height of our cylinder * collision component. * * @return collision height of our pawn */ simulated function float GetCollisionHeight() { return (CylinderComponent != None) ? CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight : 0.f; } /** @return a vector representing the box around this pawn's cylinder collision component, for use with traces */ simulated final function vector GetCollisionExtent() { local vector Extent; Extent = GetCollisionRadius() * vect(1,1,0); Extent.Z = GetCollisionHeight(); return Extent; } /** * Pawns by nature are not stationary. Override if you want exact findings */ function bool IsStationary() { return false; } event SpawnedByKismet() { // notify controller if (Controller != None) { Controller.SpawnedByKismet(); } } /** Performs actual attachment. Can be subclassed for class specific behaviors. */ function DoKismetAttachment(Actor Attachment, SeqAct_AttachToActor Action) { local bool bOldCollideActors, bOldBlockActors, bValidBone, bValidSocket; // If a bone/socket has been specified, see if it is valid if( Mesh != None && Action.BoneName != '' ) { // See if the bone name refers to an existing socket on the skeletal mesh. bValidSocket = (Mesh.GetSocketByName(Action.BoneName) != None); bValidBone = (Mesh.MatchRefBone(Action.BoneName) != INDEX_NONE); // Issue a warning if we were expecting to attach to a bone/socket, but it could not be found. if( !bValidBone && !bValidSocket ) { `log(WorldInfo.TimeSeconds @ class @ GetFuncName() @ "bone or socket" @ Action.BoneName @ "not found on actor" @ Self @ "with mesh" @ Mesh); } } // Special case for handling relative location/rotation w/ bone or socket if( bValidBone || bValidSocket ) { // disable collision, so we can successfully move the attachment bOldCollideActors = Attachment.bCollideActors; bOldBlockActors = Attachment.bBlockActors; Attachment.SetCollision(FALSE, FALSE); Attachment.SetHardAttach(Action.bHardAttach); // Sockets by default move the actor to the socket location. // This is not the case for bones! // So if we use relative offsets, then first move attachment to bone's location. if( bValidBone && !bValidSocket ) { if( Action.bUseRelativeOffset ) { Attachment.SetLocation(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(Action.BoneName)); } if( Action.bUseRelativeRotation ) { Attachment.SetRotation(QuatToRotator(Mesh.GetBoneQuaternion(Action.BoneName))); } } // Attach attachment to base. Attachment.SetBase(Self,, Mesh, Action.BoneName); if( Action.bUseRelativeRotation ) { Attachment.SetRelativeRotation(Attachment.RelativeRotation + Action.RelativeRotation); } // if we're using the offset, place attachment relatively to the target if( Action.bUseRelativeOffset ) { Attachment.SetRelativeLocation(Attachment.RelativeLocation + Action.RelativeOffset); } // restore previous collision Attachment.SetCollision(bOldCollideActors, bOldBlockActors); } else { // otherwise base on location Super.DoKismetAttachment(Attachment, Action); } } /** returns the amount this pawn's damage should be scaled by */ function float GetDamageScaling() { return DamageScaling; } function OnSetMaterial(SeqAct_SetMaterial Action) { if (Mesh != None) { Mesh.SetMaterial( Action.MaterialIndex, Action.NewMaterial ); } } /** Kismet teleport handler, overridden so that updating rotation properly updates our Controller as well */ simulated function OnTeleport(SeqAct_Teleport Action) { local array objVars; // find the first supplied actor Action.GetObjectVars(objVars,"Destination"); if( !HandleTeleport( objVars, Action.bUpdateRotation, Action.bCheckOverlap, ,Action.TeleportVolumes ) ) { `warn( "failed to handle teleport kismet action properly"@Action ); } } simulated function bool HandleTeleport( array DestList, bool bUpdateRotation, bool bCheckOverlap, optional float TeleportDistance, optional array TeleportVolumes, optional int PreferredDestIndex ) { local int idx, cnt; local Actor destActor, tempActor, A; local Controller C; local bool bOccupiedDest, bColliding; local Vector Extent; Extent = GetCollisionExtent(); bOccupiedDest = FALSE; // Make sure there's actually a list if (DestList.Length > 0) { // Make sure INDEX_NONE (-1) gets resolved before accessing the DestList idx = (PreferredDestIndex >= 0) ? PreferredDestIndex : 0; if( idx >= DestList.length ) { idx = 0; PreferredDestIndex = 0; } cnt = 0; do { tempActor = Actor(DestList[idx]); if( tempActor != None ) { // If its a player variable, teleport to the Pawn not the Controller. C = Controller(tempActor); if(C != None && C.Pawn != None) { tempActor = C.Pawn; } if( bCheckOverlap ) { bColliding = FALSE; foreach VisibleCollidingActors ( class'Actor', A, Extent.X * 2.f, tempActor.Location, FALSE, Extent, TRUE ) { if( IsBlockedBy( A ) ) { bColliding = TRUE; break; } } bOccupiedDest = bColliding; } destActor = tempActor; if( (!bCheckOverlap || !bOccupiedDest) && destActor != None ) { break; } } // Increment idx ++idx; if( idx >= DestList.length ) { idx = 0; } ++cnt; } until (idx == PreferredDestIndex || cnt >= DestList.Length); } else { `warn("Unable to teleport - no destination list given"); } // and set to that actor's location if( destActor != None && class'SeqAct_Teleport'.static.ShouldTeleport( self, destActor.Location, TeleportDistance, TeleportVolumes ) ) { if (SetLocation(destActor.Location)) { // If the pawn being teleported is a client player we need to tell him to move on his side if (!IsLocallyControlled() && PlayerController(Controller) != None) { PlayerController(Controller).ClientSetLocation(destActor.Location, Rotation); } PlayTeleportEffect(false, true); if( bUpdateRotation ) { SetRotation(destActor.Rotation); if (Controller != None) { Controller.SetRotation(destActor.Rotation); Controller.ClientSetRotation(destActor.Rotation); } } // Tell controller we teleported (Pass None to avoid recursion) if( Controller != None ) { Controller.OnTeleport( None ); } return TRUE; } `warn("Unable to teleport to"@destActor); return FALSE; } if( destActor == None ) { `warn("Unable to teleport - no destination given"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * For debugging. Causes a string to be displayed on the HUD. */ final event MessagePlayer( coerce String Msg ) { `if(`notdefined(FINAL_RELEASE)) local PlayerController PC; foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ClientMessage( Msg ); } `endif } simulated event BecomeViewTarget(PlayerController PC) { if (PhysicsVolume != None) { PhysicsVolume.NotifyPawnBecameViewTarget(self, PC); } // if we don't normally replicate health, but will want to do so now to this client, force an update if (!bReplicateHealthToAll && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client) { PC.ForceSingleNetUpdateFor(self); } } /** For AI debugging */ event SoakPause() { local PlayerController PC; ForEach WorldInfo.LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.SoakPause(self); break; } } native function ClearConstraints(); native function AddPathConstraint( PathConstraint Constraint ); native function AddGoalEvaluator( PathGoalEvaluator Evaluator ); /** * Path shaping creation functions... * these functions by default will just new the class, but this offers a handy * interface to override for to do things like pool the constraints */ function PathConstraint CreatePathConstraint( class ConstraintClass ) { return new(self) ConstraintClass; } function PathGoalEvaluator CreatePathGoalEvaluator( class GoalEvalClass ) { return new(self) GoalEvalClass; } native function IncrementPathStep( int Cnt, Canvas C ); native function IncrementPathChild( int Cnt, Canvas C ); native function DrawPathStep( Canvas C ); native function ClearPathStep(); simulated function ZeroMovementVariables() { Velocity = vect(0,0,0); Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); } simulated function SetCinematicMode( bool bInCinematicMode ); native function SetRootMotionInterpCurrentTime( float inTime, optional float DeltaTime, optional bool bUpdateSkelPose ); /** Set a ScalarParameter to Interpolate */ final simulated native function SetScalarParameterInterp(const out ScalarParameterInterpStruct ScalarParameterInterp); /** Simple interface for handling pawn dialogue. */ simulated event Speak(SoundCue Cue) { // Trivial implementation for now. // @TODO: handle things like // - speaking one line at a time // - playing facefx if appropriate // - dialogue-specific soundmodes // - etc PlaySound(Cue, TRUE); } /** * Handler for the SeqAct_SetVelocity action. Allows level designer to impart a velocity on the actor. */ simulated function OnSetVelocity( SeqAct_SetVelocity Action ) { Super.OnSetVelocity(Action); // fake acceleration - Assuming default delta time is 0.2f if (Action.VelocityMag == 0) { Acceleration = vect(0, 0, 0); } else { Acceleration = Velocity/0.2f; } } `if(`__TW_LIGHTING_MODIFICATIONS_) // Custom lighting channel implementation /** Set the lighting channels on all the appropriate pawn meshes */ simulated function SetMeshLightingChannels(LightingChannelContainer NewLightingChannels) { } `endif defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.S_Actor' HiddenGame=True AlwaysLoadOnClient=False AlwaysLoadOnServer=False SpriteCategoryName="Pawns" End Object Components.Add(Sprite) // Pawns often manipulate physics components so need to be done pre-async TickGroup=TG_PreAsyncWork InventoryManagerClass=class'InventoryManager' ControllerClass=class'AIController' // Flags bCanBeDamaged=true bCanCrouch=false bCanFly=false bCanJump=true bCanSwim=false bCanTeleport=true bCanWalk=true bJumpCapable=true bProjTarget=true bSimulateGravity=true bShouldBaseAtStartup=true // Locomotion WalkingPhysics=PHYS_Walking LandMovementState=PlayerWalking WaterMovementState=PlayerSwimming AccelRate=+02048.000000 DesiredSpeed=+00001.000000 MaxDesiredSpeed=+00001.000000 MaxFallSpeed=+1200.0 AIMaxFallSpeedFactor=1.0 NonPreferredVehiclePathMultiplier=1.0 AirSpeed=+00600.000000 GroundSpeed=+00600.000000 JumpZ=+00420.000000 OutofWaterZ=+420.0 LadderSpeed=+200.0 WaterSpeed=+00300.000000 bLimitFallAccel=TRUE AirControl=+0.05 CrouchedPct=+0.5 WalkingPct=+0.5 MovementSpeedModifier=+1.0 // Sound bLOSHearing=true HearingThreshold=+2800.0 SoundDampening=+00001.000000 noise1time=-00010.000000 noise2time=-00010.000000 // Physics AvgPhysicsTime=+00000.100000 bPushesRigidBodies=false RBPushRadius=10.0 RBPushStrength=50.0 // FOV / Sight ViewPitchMin=-16384 ViewPitchMax=16383 RotationRate=(Pitch=20000,Yaw=20000,Roll=20000) MaxPitchLimit=3072 SightRadius=+05000.000000 // Network RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy NetPriority=+00002.000000 bUpdateSimulatedPosition=true // GamePlay DamageScaling=+00001.000000 Health=100 bReplicateHealthToAll=false // Collision BaseEyeHeight=+00064.000000 EyeHeight=+00054.000000 CrouchHeight=+40.0 CrouchRadius=+34.0 MaxStepHeight=35.0 MaxJumpHeight=96.0 WalkableFloorZ=0.7 // 0.7 ~= 45 degree angle for floor LedgeCheckThreshold=4.0f MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight=40.0 AllowedYawError=2000 Mass=+00100.000000 bCollideActors=true bCollideWorld=true bBlockActors=true Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=+0034.000000 CollisionHeight=+0078.000000 BlockNonZeroExtent=true BlockZeroExtent=true BlockActors=true CollideActors=true End Object CollisionComponent=CollisionCylinder CylinderComponent=CollisionCylinder Components.Add(CollisionCylinder) Begin Object Class=ArrowComponent Name=Arrow ArrowColor=(R=150,G=200,B=255) bTreatAsASprite=True SpriteCategoryName="Pawns" End Object Components.Add(Arrow) VehicleCheckRadius=150 bAllowLedgeOverhang=TRUE RootMotionInterpRate=1.f bModifyNavPointDest=true }