//============================================================================= // Console - A quick little command line console that accepts most commands. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class Console extends Interaction within GameViewportClient transient config(Input) native(UserInterface); // Constants. const MaxHistory=16; // # of command history to remember. /** The player which the next console command should be executed in the context of. If NULL, execute in the viewport. */ var LocalPlayer ConsoleTargetPlayer; var Texture2D DefaultTexture_Black; var Texture2D DefaultTexture_White; /** The key which opens the console. */ var globalconfig name ConsoleKey; /** The key which opens the typing bar. */ var globalconfig name TypeKey; /** Visible Console stuff */ var globalconfig int MaxScrollbackSize; /** Holds the scrollback buffer */ var array<string> Scrollback; /** Where in the scrollback buffer are we */ var int SBHead, SBPos; /** index into the History array for the latest command that was entered */ var config int HistoryTop; /** index into the History array for the earliest command that was entered */ var config int HistoryBot; /** the index of the current position in the History array */ var config int HistoryCur; /** tracks previously entered console commands */ var config string History[MaxHistory]; /** tracks whether the user is using arrows keys to navigate the history, so that auto-complete doesn't override */ var transient bool bNavigatingHistory; /** The command the user is currently typing. */ var string TypedStr; var int TypedStrPos; //Current position in TypedStr /** * Indicates that InputChar events should be captured to prevent them from being passed on to other interactions. Reset * when the another keydown event is received. */ var transient bool bCaptureKeyInput; /** True while a control key is pressed. */ var bool bCtrl; var config bool bEnableUI; struct native AutoCompleteCommand { var string Command; var string Desc; }; /** Manual list of auto-complete commands and info specified in BaseInput.ini */ var config array<AutoCompleteCommand> ManualAutoCompleteList; /** Full list of auto-complete commands and info */ var transient array<AutoCompleteCommand> AutoCompleteList; /** Is the current auto-complete selection locked */ var transient bool bAutoCompleteLocked; /** Currently selected auto complete index */ var transient int AutoCompleteIndex; /** Should the user be required to hold ctrl to use the up/down arrows when navigating auto-complete */ var config bool bRequireCtrlToNavigateAutoComplete; /** Do we need to rebuild auto complete? */ var transient bool bIsRuntimeAutoCompleteUpToDate; /** Node for storing an auto-complete tree based on each char in the command */ struct native AutoCompleteNode { /** Char for node in the tree */ var int IndexChar; /** Indicies into AutoCompleteList for commands that match to this level */ var init array<int> AutoCompleteListIndices; /** Children for further matching */ var init array<pointer> ChildNodes{FAutoCompleteNode}; structcpptext { FAutoCompleteNode() { IndexChar = INDEX_NONE; } FAutoCompleteNode(INT NewChar) { IndexChar = NewChar; } ~FAutoCompleteNode() { for (INT Idx = 0; Idx < ChildNodes.Num(); Idx++) { FAutoCompleteNode *Node = ChildNodes(Idx); delete Node; } ChildNodes.Empty(); } } }; var native transient AutoCompleteNode AutoCompleteTree; /** Current list of matching commands for auto-complete, @see UpdateCompleteIndices() */ var transient array<int> AutoCompleteIndices; /** * Called when the Console is added to the GameViewportClient's Interactions array. */ function Initialized() { Super.Initialized(); } function SetInputText( string Text ) { TypedStr = Text; } function SetCursorPos( int Position ) { TypedStrPos = Position; } /** * Searches console command history and removes any entries matching the specified command. * @param Command - The command to search for and purge from the history. */ function PurgeCommandFromHistory(string Command) { local int HistoryIdx, Idx, NextIdx; if ( (HistoryTop >= 0) && (HistoryTop < MaxHistory) ) { for (HistoryIdx=0; HistoryIdx<MaxHistory; ++HistoryIdx) { if (History[HistoryIdx] ~= Command) { // from here to the top idx, shift everything back one Idx = HistoryIdx; NextIdx = (HistoryIdx + 1) % MaxHistory; while (Idx != HistoryTop) { History[Idx] = History[NextIdx]; Idx = NextIdx; NextIdx = (NextIdx + 1) % MaxHistory; } // top index backs up one as well HistoryTop = (HistoryTop == 0) ? (MaxHistory - 1) : (HistoryTop - 1); } } } } /** * Executes a console command. * @param Command - The command to execute. */ function ConsoleCommand(string Command) { // Store the command in the console history. if ((HistoryTop == 0) ? !(History[MaxHistory - 1] ~= Command) : !(History[HistoryTop - 1] ~= Command)) { // ensure uniqueness PurgeCommandFromHistory(Command); History[HistoryTop] = Command; HistoryTop = (HistoryTop+1) % MaxHistory; if ( ( HistoryBot == -1) || ( HistoryBot == HistoryTop ) ) HistoryBot = (HistoryBot+1) % MaxHistory; } HistoryCur = HistoryTop; // Save the command history to the INI. SaveConfig(); OutputText("\n>>>" @ Command @ "<<<"); if(ConsoleTargetPlayer != None) { // If there is a console target player, execute the command in the player's context. ConsoleTargetPlayer.Actor.ConsoleCommand(Command); } else if(GamePlayers.Length > 0 && GamePlayers[0].Actor != None) { // If there are any players, execute the command in the first players context. GamePlayers[0].Actor.ConsoleCommand(Command); } else { // Otherwise, execute the command in the context of the viewport. Outer.ConsoleCommand(Command); } } /** * Clears the console output buffer. */ function ClearOutput() { SBHead = 0; ScrollBack.Remove(0,ScrollBack.Length); } /** * Prints a single line of text to the console. * @param Text - A line of text to display on the console. */ function OutputTextLine(coerce string Text) { // If we are full, delete the first line if (ScrollBack.Length > MaxScrollbackSize) { ScrollBack.Remove(0,1); SBHead = MaxScrollBackSize-1; } else SBHead++; // Add the line ScrollBack.Length = ScrollBack.Length+1; ScrollBack[SBHead] = Text; } /** * Prints a (potentially multi-line) string of text to the console. * The text is split into separate lines and passed to OutputTextLine. * @param Text - Text to display on the console. */ event OutputText(coerce string Text) { local string RemainingText; local int StringLength; local int LineLength; RemainingText = Text; StringLength = Len(Text); while(StringLength > 0) { // Find the number of characters in the next line of text. LineLength = InStr(RemainingText,"\n"); if(LineLength == -1) { // There aren't any more newlines in the string, assume there's a newline at the end of the string. LineLength = StringLength; } // Output the line to the console. OutputTextLine(Left(RemainingText,LineLength)); // Remove the line from the string. RemainingText = Mid(RemainingText,LineLength + 1); StringLength -= LineLength + 1; }; } /** * Opens the typing bar with text already entered. * @param Text - The text to enter in the typing bar. */ function StartTyping(coerce string Text) { GotoState('Typing'); SetInputText(Text); SetCursorPos(Len(Text)); } function PostRender_Console(Canvas Canvas); /** * Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this input key event * @param Key the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.) * @param EventType the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.) * @param AmountDepressed for analog keys, the depression percent. * * @return true to consume the key event, false to pass it on. */ function bool InputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) { local PlayerController PC; if ( Event == IE_Pressed ) { bCaptureKeyInput = false; `if(`__TW_) if(Key == 'F10') { foreach class'Engine'.static.GetCurrentWorldInfo().LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ForceDisconnect(); } } `endif if ( Key == ConsoleKey ) { GotoState('Open'); bCaptureKeyInput = true; return true; } else if ( Key == TypeKey ) { GotoState('Typing'); bCaptureKeyInput = true; return true; } } return bCaptureKeyInput; } `if(`__TW_) function AttempDisconnect() { } `endif /** * Process a character input event (typing) routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this character input event * @param Unicode the character that was typed * * @return True to consume the character, false to pass it on. */ function bool InputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { return bCaptureKeyInput; } /** * Clears out all pressed keys from the player's input object. */ function FlushPlayerInput() { local PlayerController PC; if(ConsoleTargetPlayer != None) { PC = ConsoleTargetPlayer.Actor; } else if(GamePlayers.Length > 0 && GamePlayers[0].Actor != None) { // If there are any players, execute the command in the first players context. PC = GamePlayers[0].Actor; } if ( PC != None && PC.PlayerInput != None ) { PC.PlayerInput.ResetInput(); } } /** looks for Control key presses and the copy/paste combination that apply to both the console bar and the full open console */ function bool ProcessControlKey(name Key, EInputEvent Event) { if (Key == 'LeftControl' || Key == 'RightControl') { if (Event == IE_Released) { bCtrl = false; } else if (Event == IE_Pressed) { bCtrl = true; } return true; } else if (bCtrl && Event == IE_Pressed && GamePlayers.length > 0 && GamePlayers[0].Actor != None) { if (Key == 'v') { // paste AppendInputText(GamePlayers[0].Actor.PasteFromClipboard()); return true; } else if (Key == 'c') { // copy GamePlayers[0].Actor.CopyToClipboard(TypedStr); return true; } else if (Key == 'x') { // cut if (TypedStr != "") { GamePlayers[0].Actor.CopyToClipboard(TypedStr); SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); } return true; } } return false; } /** appends the specified text to the string of typed text */ function AppendInputText(string Text) { local int Character; while (Len(Text) > 0) { Character = Asc(Left(Text, 1)); Text = Mid(Text, 1); if (Character >= 0x20 && Character < 0x100) { SetInputText(Left(TypedStr, TypedStrPos) $ Chr(Character) $ Right(TypedStr, Len(TypedStr) - TypedStrPos)); SetCursorPos(TypedStrPos + 1); } }; UpdateCompleteIndices(); } final native function BuildRuntimeAutoCompleteList(optional bool bForce); native function UpdateCompleteIndices(); /** * This state is used when the typing bar is open. */ state Typing { /** * Process a character input event (typing) routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this character input event * @param Unicode the character that was typed * * @return True to consume the character, false to pass it on. */ function bool InputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { if ( bCaptureKeyInput ) { return true; } AppendInputText(Unicode); return true; } /** * Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this input key event * @param Key the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.) * @param EventType the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.) * @param AmountDepressed for analog keys, the depression percent. * * @return true to consume the key event, false to pass it on. */ function bool InputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) { local string Temp; local int NewPos, SpacePos, PeriodPos; //`log(`location@`showvar(Key)); if ( Event == IE_Pressed ) { bCaptureKeyInput = false; } if (ProcessControlKey(Key, Event)) { return true; } else if( bGamepad ) { return FALSE; } else if( Key == 'Escape' && Event == IE_Released ) { if( TypedStr!="" ) { SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); HistoryCur = HistoryTop; return true; } else { GotoState( '' ); } return true; } else if ( Key==ConsoleKey && Event == IE_Pressed ) { GotoState('Open'); bCaptureKeyInput = true; return true; } else if(Key == TypeKey && Event == IE_Pressed) { if (AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 0 && !bAutoCompleteLocked) { TypedStr = AutoCompleteList[AutoCompleteIndices[AutoCompleteIndex]].Command; SetCursorPos(Len(TypedStr)); bAutoCompleteLocked = TRUE; `if(`__TW_) // Prevent TypeKey from appending onto auto complete bCaptureKeyInput = true; `endif } else { GotoState(''); bCaptureKeyInput = true; } return true; } else if( Key=='Enter' && Event == IE_Released ) { if( TypedStr!="" ) { // Make a local copy of the string. Temp=TypedStr; SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); ConsoleCommand(Temp); //OutputText( Localize("Errors","Exec","Core") ); OutputText( "" ); GotoState(''); UpdateCompleteIndices(); } else { GotoState(''); } return true; } else if( Global.InputKey( ControllerId, Key, Event, AmountDepressed, bGamepad ) ) { return true; } else if( Event != IE_Pressed && Event != IE_Repeat ) { if( !bGamepad ) { return Key != 'LeftMouseButton' && Key != 'MiddleMouseButton' && Key != 'RightMouseButton'; } return FALSE; } else if( Key=='up' ) { if (!bNavigatingHistory && ((bRequireCtrlToNavigateAutoComplete && bCtrl) || (!bRequireCtrlToNavigateAutoComplete && !bCtrl && AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 1))) { if (++AutoCompleteIndex == AutoCompleteIndices.Length) { AutoCompleteIndex = 0; } } else if ( HistoryBot >= 0 ) { if (HistoryCur == HistoryBot) HistoryCur = HistoryTop; else { HistoryCur--; if (HistoryCur<0) HistoryCur = MaxHistory-1; } SetInputText(History[HistoryCur]); SetCursorPos(Len(History[HistoryCur])); UpdateCompleteIndices(); bNavigatingHistory = TRUE; } return True; } else if( Key=='down' ) { if (!bNavigatingHistory && ((bRequireCtrlToNavigateAutoComplete && bCtrl) || (!bRequireCtrlToNavigateAutoComplete && !bCtrl && AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 1))) { if (--AutoCompleteIndex < 0) { AutoCompleteIndex = AutoCompleteIndices.Length - 1; } bAutoCompleteLocked = FALSE; } else if ( HistoryBot >= 0 ) { if (HistoryCur == HistoryTop) HistoryCur = HistoryBot; else HistoryCur = (HistoryCur+1) % MaxHistory; SetInputText(History[HistoryCur]); SetCursorPos(Len(History[HistoryCur])); UpdateCompleteIndices(); bNavigatingHistory = TRUE; } } else if( Key=='backspace' ) { if( TypedStrPos>0 ) { SetInputText(Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos-1) $ Right(TypedStr, Len(TypedStr) - TypedStrPos)); SetCursorPos(TypedStrPos-1); // unlock auto-complete (@todo - track the lock position so we don't bother unlocking under bogus cases) bAutoCompleteLocked = FALSE; } return true; } else if ( Key=='delete' ) { if ( TypedStrPos < Len(TypedStr) ) { SetInputText(Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos) $ Right(TypedStr, Len(TypedStr) - TypedStrPos - 1)); } return true; } else if ( Key=='left' ) { if (bCtrl) { // find the nearest '.' or ' ' NewPos = Max(InStr(TypedStr,".",TRUE,FALSE,TypedStrPos),InStr(TypedStr," ",TRUE,FALSE,TypedStrPos)); SetCursorPos(Max(0,NewPos)); } else { SetCursorPos(Max(0, TypedStrPos - 1)); } return true; } else if ( Key=='right' ) { if (bCtrl) { // find the nearest '.' or ' ' SpacePos = InStr(TypedStr," ",FALSE,FALSE,TypedStrPos+1); PeriodPos = InStr(TypedStr,".",FALSE,FALSE,TypedStrPos+1); // pick the closest valid index NewPos = SpacePos < 0 ? PeriodPos : (PeriodPos < 0 ? SpacePos : Min(SpacePos,PeriodPos)); // jump to end if nothing in between if (NewPos == INDEX_NONE) { NewPos = Len(TypedStr); } SetCursorPos(Min(Len(TypedStr),Max(TypedStrPos,NewPos))); } else { SetCursorPos(Min(Len(TypedStr), TypedStrPos + 1)); } return true; } else if ( Key=='home' ) { SetCursorPos(0); return true; } else if ( Key=='end' ) { SetCursorPos(Len(TypedStr)); return true; } return TRUE; } event PostRender_Console(Canvas Canvas) { local float y, xl, yl, info_xl, info_yl, ClipX, ClipY, LeftPos; local string OutStr; local int MatchIdx, Idx, StartIdx; Global.PostRender_Console(Canvas); // Blank out a space // use the smallest font Canvas.Font = class'Engine'.Static.GetSmallFont(); // determine the position for the cursor OutStr = "(>"@TypedStr; Canvas.Strlen(OutStr,xl,yl); ClipX = Canvas.ClipX; ClipY = Canvas.ClipY; LeftPos = 0; if (Class'WorldInfo'.Static.IsConsoleBuild()) { ClipX -= 32; ClipY -= 32; LeftPos = 32; } // start at the bottom of the screen, then come up 6 pixels more than the height of the font Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos,ClipY-6-yl); // draw the background texture Canvas.DrawTile( DefaultTexture_Black, ClipX, yl+6,0,0,32,32); Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos,ClipY-6-yl); // change the draw color to green Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0); // draw the top border of the typing region Canvas.DrawTile( DefaultTexture_White, ClipX, 2,0,0,32,32); // center the text between the bottom of the screen and the bottom of the border line Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos,ClipY-3-yl); Canvas.bCenter = False; Canvas.DrawText( OutStr, false ); // draw the remaining text for matching auto-complete if (AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 0) { Idx = AutoCompleteIndices[AutoCompleteIndex]; //Canvas.StrLen(OutStr,xl,yl); Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos+xl,ClipY-3-yl); Canvas.SetDrawColor(87,148,87); Canvas.DrawText(Right(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Command,Len(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Command) - Len(TypedStr)),FALSE); Canvas.StrLen("(>",xl,yl); StartIdx = AutoCompleteIndex - 5; if (StartIdx < 0) { StartIdx = Max(0,AutoCompleteIndices.Length + StartIdx); } Idx = StartIdx; y = ClipY - 6 - (yl * 2); for (MatchIdx = 0; MatchIdx < 10; MatchIdx++) { OutStr = AutoCompleteList[AutoCompleteIndices[Idx]].Desc; Canvas.StrLen(OutStr, info_xl, info_yl); y -= info_yl - yl; Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos + xl, y); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(DefaultTexture_White, info_xl, info_yl, 0, 0, 32, 32); Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos + xl, y); if (Idx == AutoCompleteIndex) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0); } else { Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,150,0); } Canvas.DrawText(OutStr,false); if (++Idx >= AutoCompleteIndices.Length) { Idx = 0; } y -= yl; // break out if we loop on lists < 10 if (Idx == StartIdx) { break; } } if (AutoCompleteIndices.Length >= 10) { OutStr = "[" $ (AutoCompleteIndices.Length - 10 + 1) @ "more matches]"; Canvas.StrLen(OutStr, info_xl, info_yl); Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos + xl, y); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(DefaultTexture_White, info_xl, info_yl, 0, 0, 32, 32); Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos + xl, y); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 255, 0); Canvas.DrawText(OutStr, false); } } // determine the cursor position OutStr = "(>"@Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos); Canvas.StrLen(OutStr,xl,yl); // move the pen to that position Canvas.SetPos(LeftPos + xl,ClipY-1-yl); // draw the cursor Canvas.DrawText("_"); } event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { if ( PreviousStateName == '' ) { FlushPlayerInput(); } bCaptureKeyInput = true; HistoryCur = HistoryTop; } event EndState( Name NextStateName ) { bAutoCompleteLocked = FALSE; } } /** * This state is used when the console is open. */ state Open { function bool InputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { if ( bCaptureKeyInput ) { return true; } AppendInputText(Unicode); return true; } //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX function KeyboardInputComplete(bool bWasSuccessful) { local string Temp; local byte bWasCancelled; local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; OnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); TypedStr = OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetKeyboardInputResults(bWasCancelled); if( TypedStr!="" ) { // Make a local copy of the string. Temp=TypedStr; SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); if (Temp~="cls") { ClearOutput(); } else { ConsoleCommand(Temp); } UpdateCompleteIndices(); } GotoState(''); } //@HSL_END_XBOX /** * Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the * OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function. * * @param ControllerId the controller that generated this input key event * @param Key the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.) * @param EventType the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.) * @param AmountDepressed for analog keys, the depression percent. * * @return true to consume the key event, false to pass it on. */ function bool InputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) { local string Temp; if (Event == IE_Pressed) { bCaptureKeyInput=false; } if (ProcessControlKey(Key, Event)) { return true; } else if( bGamepad ) { return FALSE; } else if( Key == 'Escape' && Event == IE_Released ) { if( TypedStr!="" ) { SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); HistoryCur = HistoryTop; return true; } else { GotoState( '' ); } } else if( Key==ConsoleKey && Event == IE_Pressed ) { GotoState(''); bCaptureKeyInput = true; return true; } else if(Key == TypeKey && Event == IE_Pressed) { if (AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 0 && !bAutoCompleteLocked) { TypedStr = AutoCompleteList[AutoCompleteIndices[0]].Command; SetCursorPos(Len(TypedStr)); bAutoCompleteLocked = TRUE; `if(`__TW_) // Prevent TypeKey from appending onto auto complete bCaptureKeyInput = true; `endif } else { GotoState(''); bCaptureKeyInput = true; } return true; } else if( Key=='Enter' && Event == IE_Released ) { if( TypedStr!="" ) { // Make a local copy of the string. Temp=TypedStr; SetInputText(""); SetCursorPos(0); if (Temp~="cls") { ClearOutput(); } else { ConsoleCommand(Temp); } UpdateCompleteIndices(); } return true; } else if( Global.InputKey( ControllerId, Key, Event, AmountDepressed, bGamepad ) ) { return true; } else if( Event != IE_Pressed && Event != IE_Repeat ) { if( !bGamepad ) { return Key != 'LeftMouseButton' && Key != 'MiddleMouseButton' && Key != 'RightMouseButton'; } return FALSE; } else if( Key=='up' ) { if (!bCtrl) { if ( HistoryBot >= 0 ) { if (HistoryCur == HistoryBot) HistoryCur = HistoryTop; else { HistoryCur--; if (HistoryCur<0) HistoryCur = MaxHistory-1; } SetInputText(History[HistoryCur]); SetCursorPos(Len(History[HistoryCur])); } } else { if (SBPos<ScrollBack.Length-1) { SBPos++; if (SBPos>=ScrollBack.Length) SBPos = ScrollBack.Length-1; } } return True; } else if( Key=='down' ) { if (!bCtrl) { if ( HistoryBot >= 0 ) { if (HistoryCur == HistoryTop) HistoryCur = HistoryBot; else HistoryCur = (HistoryCur+1) % MaxHistory; SetInputText(History[HistoryCur]); SetCursorPos(Len(History[HistoryCur])); } } else { if (SBPos>0) { SBPos--; if (SBPos<0) SBPos = 0; } } return true; } else if( Key=='backspace' ) { if( TypedStrPos>0 ) { SetInputText(Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos-1) $ Right(TypedStr, Len(TypedStr) - TypedStrPos)); SetCursorPos(TypedStrPos-1); // unlock auto-complete (@todo - track the lock position so we don't bother unlocking under bogus cases) bAutoCompleteLocked = FALSE; } return true; } else if ( Key=='delete' ) { if ( TypedStrPos < Len(TypedStr) ) { SetInputText(Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos) $ Right(TypedStr, Len(TypedStr) - TypedStrPos - 1)); } return true; } else if ( Key=='left' ) { SetCursorPos(Max(0, TypedStrPos - 1)); return true; } else if ( Key=='right' ) { SetCursorPos(Min(Len(TypedStr), TypedStrPos + 1)); return true; } else if (bCtrl && Key=='home') { SBPos=0; } else if ( Key=='home' ) { SetCursorPos(0); return true; } else if (bCtrl && Key=='end') { SBPos = ScrollBack.Length-1; } else if ( Key=='end' ) { SetCursorPos(Len(TypedStr)); return true; } else if ( Key=='pageup' || Key=='mousescrollup') { if (SBPos<ScrollBack.Length-1) { if (bCtrl) SBPos+=5; else SBPos++; if (SBPos>=ScrollBack.Length) SBPos = ScrollBack.Length-1; } return true; } else if ( Key=='pagedown' || Key=='mousescrolldown') { if (SBPos>0) { if (bCtrl) SBPos-=5; else SBPos--; if (SBPos<0) SBPos = 0; } return true; } return TRUE; } event PostRender_Console(Canvas Canvas) { local float Height; local float xl, yl, y, ScrollLineXL, ScrollLineYL, info_xl, info_yl; local string OutStr; local int idx, MatchIdx; // render the buffer // Blank out a space Canvas.Font = class'Engine'.Static.GetSmallFont(); // the height of the buffer will be 75% of the height of the screen Height = Canvas.ClipY * 0.75; // change the draw color to white Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255); // move the pen to the top-left pixel Canvas.SetPos(0,0); // draw the black background tile Canvas.DrawTile( DefaultTexture_Black, Canvas.ClipX, Height,0,0,32,32); // now render the typing region OutStr = "(>"@TypedStr; // determine the height of the text Canvas.Strlen(OutStr,xl,yl); // move the pen up + 12 pixels of buffer (for the green borders and some space) Canvas.SetPos(0,Height-12-yl); // change the draw color to green Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0); // draw the top typing region border Canvas.DrawTile( DefaultTexture_White, Canvas.ClipX, 2,0,0,32,32); // move the pen to the bottom of the console buffer area Canvas.SetPos(0,Height); // draw the bottom typing region border Canvas.DrawTile( DefaultTexture_White, Canvas.ClipX, 2,0,0,32,32); // center the pen between the two borders Canvas.SetPos(0,Height-5-yl); Canvas.bCenter = False; // render the text that is being typed Canvas.DrawText( OutStr, false ); // draw the remaining text for matching auto-complete if (AutoCompleteIndices.Length > 0) { Idx = AutoCompleteIndices[0]; //Canvas.StrLen(OutStr,xl,yl); Canvas.SetPos(0+xl,Height-5-yl); Canvas.SetDrawColor(87,148,87); Canvas.DrawText(Right(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Command,Len(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Command) - Len(TypedStr)),FALSE); Canvas.StrLen("(>", xl, yl); y = Height + 5; for (MatchIdx = 0; MatchIdx < AutoCompleteIndices.Length && MatchIdx < 10; MatchIdx++) { Idx = AutoCompleteIndices[MatchIdx]; Canvas.SetPos(0 + xl, y); Canvas.StrLen(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Desc, info_xl, info_yl); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(DefaultTexture_White, info_xl, info_yl, 0, 0, 32, 32); Canvas.SetPos(0 + xl, y); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 255, 0); Canvas.DrawText(AutoCompleteList[Idx].Desc, false); y += info_yl; } } OutStr = "(>"@Left(TypedStr,TypedStrPos); // position the pen at the cursor position Canvas.StrLen(OutStr,xl,yl); Canvas.SetPos(xl,Height-3-yl); // render the cursor Canvas.DrawText("_"); // figure out which element of the scrollback buffer to should appear first (at the top of the screen) idx = SBHead - SBPos; y = Height-16-(yl*2); if (ScrollBack.Length==0) return; // change the draw color to white Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255); // while we have enough room to draw another line and there are more lines to draw while (y>yl && idx>=0) { // move the pen to the correct position Canvas.SetPos(0, y); // adjust the location for any word wrapping due to long text lines Canvas.StrLen(ScrollBack[idx], ScrollLineXL, ScrollLineYL); if (ScrollLineYL > yl) { y -= (ScrollLineYL - yl); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX, y, Canvas.CurZ); } // draw the next line down in the buffer Canvas.DrawText(Scrollback[idx],false); idx--; y-=yl; } } event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; bCaptureKeyInput = true; HistoryCur = HistoryTop; SBPos = 0; bCtrl = false; OnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.AddKeyboardInputDoneDelegate(KeyboardInputComplete); OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.ShowKeyboardUI(0, "Console Input", "Input console commands"); if ( PreviousStateName == '' ) { FlushPlayerInput(); } } event EndState( Name NextStateName ) { local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; OnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.HideKeyboardUI(0); OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.ClearKeyboardInputDoneDelegate(KeyboardInputComplete); } //@HSL_END_XBOX } defaultproperties { OnReceivedNativeInputKey=InputKey OnReceivedNativeInputChar=InputChar DefaultTexture_Black=Texture2D'EngineResources.Black' DefaultTexture_White=Texture2D'EngineResources.WhiteSquareTexture' }