 * This class is a helper for downloading an image file via an HTTP URL
 * Based on
 * John Haynes - War Drum Studios 

class KFHTTPImageDownloader extends Object

// FTickableObject interface
	 * We're always tickable ...
	virtual UBOOL IsTickable() const 
		return TRUE;

	virtual UBOOL IsTickableWhenPaused() const
		return TRUE;

	 * Updates our download ...
	 * @param DeltaTime the amount of time that has passed since the last tick
	virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime);

// Helper functions for loading the texture from binary data

	 * Loads the texture as a PNG from the specified binary data
	 * @param Data the array of bytes that represent the downloaded texture data
	void LoadTexturePNG(TArray<BYTE> & Data);

	 * Loads the texture as a BMP from the specified binary data
	 * @param Data the array of bytes that represent the downloaded texture data
	void LoadTextureBMP(TArray<BYTE> & Data);

 * If set, gets called when the download has completed 
var private delegate<OnDownloadComplete> DownloadCompleteDelegate;

 * The object that handles the actual HTTP download
var private native const pointer HttpDownloader{class FHttpDownloadBinary};

 * The texture that we loaded (don't access this until the DownloadCompleteDelegate has been triggered with success...)
var Texture2D TheTexture;

 * Cached URL for the image
var string ImageURL;

 * Template for the delegate to call when the download has completed
delegate OnDownloadComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);

 * Downloads the image at the specified URL, and calls the specified delegate when the download completes
 * @param ImgURL the url to download from
 * @param CompleteDelegate the delegate to call when the download completes
 * @return true if the download has started, false if not
native function bool DownloadImageFromURL(string ImgURL, delegate<OnDownloadComplete> CompleteDelegate);
