//============================================================================= // KFDT_Explosive_HuskCannon //============================================================================= // Explosive damage type for the Husk Cannon fireball //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2017 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFDT_Explosive_HuskCannon extends KFDT_Explosive abstract; // Damage type to use for the burning damage over time var class BurnDamageType; /** Called when damage is dealt to apply additional damage type (e.g. Damage Over Time) */ static function ApplySecondaryDamage(KFPawn Victim, int DamageTaken, optional Controller InstigatedBy) { // Overriden to specific a different damage type to do the burn damage over // time. We do this so we don't get shotgun pellet impact sounds/fx during // the DOT burning. if (default.BurnDamageType.default.DoT_Type != DOT_None) { Victim.ApplyDamageOverTime(DamageTaken, InstigatedBy, default.BurnDamageType); } } defaultproperties { bNoInstigatorDamage=false bShouldSpawnPersistentBlood=true // physics impact RadialDamageImpulse=1500//1500 //2500 //1500 KDamageImpulse=900 //900 GibImpulseScale=0.15 //0.15 KDeathUpKick=500//225 //500 //1500 KDeathVel=500 //225 //500 KnockdownPower=50 StumblePower=170 MeleeHitPower=50 // unreal physics momentum bExtraMomentumZ=false BurnPower = 50.0//5 //25 //Perk ModifierPerkList(0) = class'KFPerk_Firebug' ModifierPerkList(1)=class'KFPerk_Demolitionist' WeaponDef=class'KFWeapDef_HuskCannon' BurnDamageType = class'KFDT_HuskCannonDot' }