//============================================================================= // KFProj_Bullet //============================================================================= // Base class for small arms projectiles //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFProj_Bullet extends KFProjectile native abstract; /** Store the current scale of the ProjEffects for procedurally ramping them up/down */ var float ProjEffectsScale; cpptext { virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaTime ); } /** * Initialize the Projectile */ function Init(vector Direction) { super.Init( Direction ); // Scale lifespan by time dilation if( LifeSpan == default.LifeSpan && WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f ) { LifeSpan *= WorldInfo.TimeDilation; } } /** Call ProcessBulletTouch */ simulated function ProcessTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal) { local KFPawn KFP; local bool bPassThrough, bNoPenetrationDmgReduction; local KFPerk CurrentPerk; local InterpCurveFloat PenetrationCurve; local KFWeapon KFW; bPassThrough = false; if (Other != Instigator) { if(IgnoreTouchActor == Other) { return; } if (!Other.bStatic && DamageRadius == 0.0) { // check/ignore repeat touch events if( CheckRepeatingTouch(Other) ) { return; } KFW = KFWeapon(Instigator.Weapon); // Keep going if we need to keep penetrating if (KFW == none || KFW.GetInitialPenetrationPower(Instigator.FiringMode) > 0.0f) { if (PenetrationPower > 0 || PassThroughDamage(Other)) { if (KFW != none) { CurrentPerk = KFW.GetPerk(); if (CurrentPerk != none) { bNoPenetrationDmgReduction = CurrentPerk.IgnoresPenetrationDmgReduction(); } PenetrationCurve = KFW.PenetrationDamageReductionCurve[Instigator.FiringMode]; if (!bNoPenetrationDmgReduction) { Damage *= EvalInterpCurveFloat(PenetrationCurve, PenetrationPower / KFW.GetInitialPenetrationPower(Instigator.FiringMode)); } } ProcessBulletTouch(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal); // Reduce penetration power for every KFPawn penetrated KFP = KFPawn(Other); if (KFP != none) { PenetrationPower -= KFP.PenetrationResistance; } bPassThrough = TRUE; } } else { ProcessBulletTouch(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal); } } // handle water pass through damage/hitfx else if ( DamageRadius == 0.f && !Other.bBlockActors && Other.IsA('KFWaterMeshActor') ) { if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { `ImpactEffectManager.PlayImpactEffects(HitLocation, Instigator,, ImpactEffects); } bPassThrough = TRUE; } if ( !bPassThrough ) { Super.ProcessTouch(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal); } } } /** Damage without stopping the projectile (see also Weapon.PassThroughDamage)*/ simulated function bool PassThroughDamage(Actor HitActor) { // Don't stop this projectile for interactive foliage if ( !HitActor.bBlockActors && HitActor.IsA('InteractiveFoliageActor') ) { return true; } return FALSE; } /** * Explode this Projectile */ simulated function TriggerExplosion(Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Actor HitActor) { // If there is an explosion template do the parent version if ( ExplosionTemplate != None ) { Super.TriggerExplosion(HitLocation, HitNormal, HitActor); return; } // otherwise use the ImpactEffectManager for material based effects if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { `ImpactEffectManager.PlayImpactEffects(HitLocation, Instigator,, ImpactEffects); } } defaultproperties { // TEMP: Set the speed really high so it looks like a instant fire, but it won't replicate properly at // this speed. With a high ping it will spawn/destroy on the server and never get bNetInitial on the client MaxSpeed=50000.0 Speed=50000.0 LifeSpan=4.0f Damage=10 DamageRadius=0 bWaitForEffects=true ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration=0.25 bSyncToOriginalLocation=true bSyncToThirdPersonMuzzleLocation=true bRotationFollowsVelocity=true bNoReplicationToInstigator=true bUseClientSideHitDetection=true bCollideComplex=TRUE // Ignore simple collision on StaticMeshes, and collide per poly (same as InstantFire) bAutoStartAmbientSound=true bStopAmbientSoundOnExplode=true bAmbientSoundZedTimeOnly=true AmbientSoundPlayEvent=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Bullet_FlyBys.Play_WEP_Bullet_Flyby_Small' AmbientSoundStopEvent=AkEvent'WW_WEP_Bullet_FlyBys.Stop_WEP_Bullet_Flyby_Small' ImpactEffects=KFImpactEffectInfo'FX_Impacts_ARCH.Light_bullet_impact' Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=AmbientAkSoundComponent bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed=true bForceOcclusionUpdateInterval=true OcclusionUpdateInterval=0.1f End Object AmbientComponent=AmbientAkSoundComponent Components.Add(AmbientAkSoundComponent) TouchTimeThreshhold=0.15 bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch=true }