/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This is the base class for all mobile sequence events that require access to a specific zone. */ class SeqEvent_MobileZoneBase extends SeqEvent_MobileBase native abstract; cpptext { /** * Called each frame. * @param Originator is a reference to the PC that caused the input * @param OriginatorInput is a reference to the mobile player input assoicated with this object * @param OriginatorZone is a reference to the zone that caused this update */ virtual void UpdateZone(APlayerController* Originator, UMobilePlayerInput* OriginatorInput, UMobileInputZone* OriginatorZone); } /** Holds the name of the zone we want to be assoicated with */ var() string TargetZoneName; /** * Try to find the mobile input zone this is assocated with and add it */ event AddToMobileInput(MobilePlayerInput MPI) { local MobileInputZone Zone; Zone = MPI.Findzone(TargetZoneName); if (Zone != none) { Zone.AddKismetEventHandler(self); } } defaultproperties { }