/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This is the base class of all Mobile sequence events. */ class SeqEvent_MobileBase extends SequenceEvent native abstract; cpptext { /** * Called each frame. * @param Originator is a reference to the PC that caused the input * @param OriginatorInput is a reference to the mobile player input assoicated with this object */ virtual void Update(APlayerController* Originator, UMobilePlayerInput* OriginatorInput); } /** * Whenever a SeqEvent_MobileBase sequence is created, it needs to find the PlayerInput that is assoicated with it and * add it'self to the list of Kismet sequences looking for input */ event RegisterEvent() { local WorldInfo WI; local GamePlayerController GPC; local MobilePlayerInput MPI; // Use the WorldInfo to find the current local player. TODO: Add support for specifying which Player to use via Kismet WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); if (WI != none) { foreach WI.LocalPlayerControllers(class'GamePlayerController', GPC) { MPI = MobilePlayerInput(GPC.PlayerInput); if (MPI != none) { AddToMobileInput(MPI); break; } } } } /** * Tell the MPI to attach itself to it's list of events */ event AddToMobileInput(MobilePlayerInput MPI) { MPI.AddKismetEventHandler(self); } defaultproperties { MaxTriggerCount=0 }