/** * MobileMenuLabel * This is a simple label. NOTE this label does not support * word wrap or any additional functionality. It just renders text * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MobileMenuLabel extends MobileMenuObject; /** Holds the caption for this label */ var string Caption; /** Holds the font that will be used to draw the text */ var font TextFont; /** Hold the color that the font will be displayed in */ var color TextColor; /** Holds the color of the font when pressed */ var color TouchedColor; /** Holds the X scaling factor for the label */ var float TextXScale; /** Holds the Y scaling factor for the label */ var float TextYScale; /** If true, we will calculate the actual render bounds,etc upon draw */ var bool bAutoSize; /** * Render the widget * * @param Canvas - the canvas object for drawing */ function RenderObject(canvas Canvas, float DeltaTime) { local float CX,CY; local float TX, TY; CX = Canvas.ClipX; CY = Canvas.ClipY; Canvas.Font = TextFont; if (bAutoSize) { Canvas.TextSize(Caption, TX, TY); Width = TX * TextXScale; Height = TY * TextYScale; } Canvas.DrawColor = bIsTouched ? TouchedColor : TextColor; Canvas.DrawColor.A *= Opacity * OwnerScene.Opacity; SetCanvasPos(Canvas); Canvas.ClipX = Canvas.CurX + Width; Canvas.ClipY = Canvas.CurY + Height; Canvas.DrawText(Caption,,TextXScale, TextYScale); Canvas.ClipX = CX; Canvas.ClipY = CY; } defaultproperties { TextXScale=1.0 TextYScale=1.0 bAutoSize=true }