/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class PBRuleNodeWindowWall extends PBRuleNodeBase native(ProcBuilding) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); /** How large each repeat of the texture is allowed to be along X. */ var() float CellMaxSizeX; /** How large each repeat of the texture is allowed to be along Z. */ var() float CellMaxSizeZ; /** X dimension of window within cell */ var() float WindowSizeX; /** Z dimension of window within cell */ var() float WindowSizeZ; /** X location of window within cell - 0 means left, 1 means right, 0.5 is middle */ var() float WindowPosX; /** Z location of window within cell - 0 means left, 1 means right, 0.5 is middle */ var() float WindowPosZ; /** If TRUE, window is scaled down as cell is */ var() bool bScaleWindowWithCell; /** Amount to offset mesh along Y */ var() float YOffset; /** Material to apply to created quad. */ var() MaterialInterface Material; cpptext { // PBRuleNodeBase interface virtual void ProcessScope(FPBScope2D& InScope, INT TopLevelScopeIndex, AProcBuilding* BaseBuilding, AProcBuilding* ScopeBuilding, UStaticMeshComponent* LODParent); // Editor virtual FString GetRuleNodeTitle(); virtual FColor GetRuleNodeTitleColor(); } defaultproperties { CellMaxSizeX=512.0 CellMaxSizeZ=512.0 WindowSizeX=128.0 WindowSizeZ=232.0 WindowPosX=0.5 WindowPosZ=0.5 }