/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class FogVolumeConeDensityComponent extends FogVolumeDensityComponent native(FogVolume) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object) editinlinenew; /** This is the density at the center of the cone, which will be the maximum. */ var() interp float MaxDensity; /** The cone's vertex in world space. */ var() interp vector ConeVertex; /** The cone's radius. */ var() interp float ConeRadius; /** Direction of the cone */ var() interp vector ConeAxis; /** Angle from the axis that limits the cone's volume */ var() interp float ConeMaxAngle; /** A preview component for visualizing the cone in the editor. */ var const DrawLightConeComponent PreviewCone; cpptext { protected: // ActorComponent interface. virtual void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld); virtual void Attach(); public: // FogVolumeDensityComponent interface. virtual class FFogVolumeDensitySceneInfo* CreateFogVolumeDensityInfo(const UPrimitiveComponent* MeshComponent) const; } defaultproperties { MaxDensity=0.002 ConeVertex=(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0) ConeRadius=600.0 ConeAxis=(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=-1.0) ConeMaxAngle=30.0 }