/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class DOFBloomMotionBlurEffect extends DOFAndBloomEffect native; /** Maximum blur velocity amount. This is a clamp on the amount of blur. */ var(MotionBlur) float MaxVelocity; /** This is a scale that could be considered as the "sensitivity" of the blur. */ var(MotionBlur) float MotionBlurAmount; /** Whether everything (static/dynamic objects) should motion blur or not. If disabled, only moving objects may blur. */ var(MotionBlur) bool FullMotionBlur; /** Threshhold for when to turn off motion blur when the camera rotates swiftly during a single frame (in degrees). */ var(MotionBlur) float CameraRotationThreshold; /** Threshhold for when to turn off motion blur when the camera translates swiftly during a single frame (in world units). */ var(MotionBlur) float CameraTranslationThreshold; cpptext { // UPostProcessEffect interface /** * Creates a proxy to represent the render info for a post process effect * @param WorldSettings - The world's post process settings for the view. * @return The proxy object. */ virtual class FPostProcessSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy(const FPostProcessSettings* WorldSettings); /** * @param View - current view * @return TRUE if the effect should be rendered */ virtual UBOOL IsShown(const FSceneView* View) const; /** * This allows to print a warning when the effect is used. */ virtual void OnPostProcessWarning(FString& OutWarning) const { OutWarning = TEXT("Warning: DOFAndBloomAndMotionBlur should no longer be used, use Uberpostprocess instead."); } } defaultproperties { MotionBlurAmount = 0.5f; MaxVelocity = 1.0f; FullMotionBlur = true; CameraRotationThreshold = 90.0f; CameraTranslationThreshold = 10000.0f; bShowInEditor = false; }