/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ // A simplified ambient sound actor for enhanced workflow class AmbientSoundSimple extends AmbientSound hidecategories( Audio ) AutoExpandCategories( AmbientSoundSimple ) native( Sound ); /** Mirrored property for easier editability, set in Spawned. */ var() editinline editconst SoundNodeAmbient AmbientProperties; /** Dummy sound cue property to force instantiation of subobject. */ var editinline export const SoundCue SoundCueInstance; /** Dummy sound node property to force instantiation of subobject. */ var editinline export const SoundNodeAmbient SoundNodeInstance; defaultproperties { Begin Object NAME=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.AmbientSoundIcons.S_Ambient_Sound_Simple' Scale=0.25 End Object Begin Object Name=DrawSoundRadius0 SphereColor=(R=0,G=102,B=255) End Object Begin Object Class=SoundNodeAmbient Name=SoundNodeAmbient0 End Object SoundNodeInstance=SoundNodeAmbient0 Begin Object Class=SoundCue Name=SoundCue0 SoundClass=Ambient End Object SoundCueInstance=SoundCue0 }