 * Inherited version of the game resource datastore that exposes sets of options to the UI.
 * These option sets are then used to autogenerate widgets.
 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKUIDataStore_Options extends UIDataStore_GameResource

	 * Called when this data store is added to the data store manager's list of active data stores.
	 * @param	PlayerOwner		the player that will be associated with this DataStore.  Only relevant if this data store is
	 *							associated with a particular player; NULL if this is a global data store.
	virtual void OnRegister( ULocalPlayer* PlayerOwner );

/** collection of providers per part type. */
var	const	private	native	transient	MultiMap_Mirror		OptionProviders{TMultiMap<FName, class UUDKUIResourceDataProvider*>};

/** Array of dynamic providers. */
var transient array<UDKUIResourceDataProvider> DynamicProviders;
