//============================================================================= // KFSeqEvent_MinigameActivated //============================================================================= // Called when a minigame is activated by the user or deactivated by timer //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Dan Weiss //============================================================================= class KFSeqEvent_MinigameActivated extends SequenceEvent; //Activated when the game starts. Immediate on no-delay, post-delay when that's active. function NotifyActivation(Actor InInstigator, Actor InTrigger) { local array ActiveIndices; ActiveIndices[0] = 0; CheckActivate(InInstigator, InTrigger, false, ActiveIndices); } //Activated when the game starts if the delay option is eanbled. function NotifyDelayedActivation(Actor InInstigator, Actor InTrigger) { local array ActiveIndices; ActiveIndices[0] = 2; CheckActivate(InInstigator, InTrigger, false, ActiveIndices); } //Activate when the game is shutting down function NotifyDeactivation(Actor InInstigator, Actor InTrigger) { local array ActiveIndices; ActiveIndices[0] = 1; CheckActivate(InInstigator, InTrigger, false, ActiveIndices); } //Activate when the game is being started. Immediate on delayed or non-delayed function NotifyStartup(Actor InInstigator, Actor InTrigger) { local array ActiveIndices; ActiveIndices[0] = 3; CheckActivate(InInstigator, InTrigger, false, ActiveIndices); } defaultproperties { ObjName = "Minigame Activation" OutputLinks.Empty OutputLinks(0) = (LinkDesc = "Activated") OutputLinks(1) = (LinkDesc = "Deactivated") OutputLinks(2) = (LinkDesc = "Delayed Activation") OutputLinks(3) = (LinkDesc = "Game Startup") bPlayerOnly = false MaxTriggerCount = 0 }