/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** Navigation points with pathing interface exposed to script */ class UDKScriptedNavigationPoint extends NavigationPoint native abstract; /** If true, calls script event SpecifyEndAnchor() */ var bool bScriptSpecifyEndAnchor; /** If true, calls script event NotifyAnchorFindingResult() */ var bool bScriptNotifyAnchorFindingResult; /** Whether path anchor must be reachable by route finder to even try to path toward it */ var bool bAnchorMustBeReachable; cpptext { virtual class ANavigationPoint* SpecifyEndAnchor(APawn* RouteFinder); virtual void NotifyAnchorFindingResult(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, APawn* RouteFinder); virtual UBOOL AnchorNeedNotBeReachable(); } /** * Returns the end anchor to use for path finding when this actor is the goal. * Called from C++ if bScriptSpecifyEndAnchor is true. */ event NavigationPoint SpecifyEndAnchor(Pawn RouteFinder); /** * Notify actor of anchor finding result. * Called from C++ if bScriptNotifyAnchorFindingResult is true. * @PARAM EndAnchor is the anchor found * @PARAM RouteFinder is the pawn which requested the anchor finding */ event NotifyAnchorFindingResult(NavigationPoint EndAnchor, Pawn RouteFinder); defaultproperties { bAnchorMustBeReachable=true }