/** * Copyright 1998-2012 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * Class that implements a Dingo version of the game interface */ class OnlineGameInterfaceDingo extends OnlineGameInterfaceImpl native config(Engine); enum EMatchmakingStatus { MMS_Canceled, MMS_Expired, MMS_Found, MMS_None, MMS_Searching }; var array<delegate<OnQueryMatchmakingForSessionComplete> > QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates; var array<delegate<OnDeleteMatchTicketComplete> > DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegates; var array<delegate<OnUpdateSessionPropertiesComplete> > UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates; var array<delegate<OnGamePlayersChanged> > GamePlayersChangedDelegates; var array<delegate<OnMatchStatusChanged> > MatchStatusChangedDelegates; var array<delegate<OnQuerySessionsForUserComplete> > QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegates; var array<delegate<OnRegisterPlayerComplete> > RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegates; var array<delegate<OnUnregisterPlayerComplete> > UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegates; /** The array of delegates to notify when a remote talker is talking or not */ var array<delegate<OnMultiplayerSessionChange> > MultiplayerSessionChangeDelegates; var array<delegate<OnGameInviteAccepted> > GameInviteAcceptedDelegates; var config bool XboxServicesDebugLogging; /** The list of session names that are pending leave so we don't attempt to leave the same one more than once */ var array<name> PendingSessionLeaveNames; /** The amount of time a member is reserved in a session. NOTE: This must match the template in xdp */ var const config float SessionMemberReserveTimeout; struct native SessionReserveInfo { /** The local user num */ var const byte LocalUserNum; /** The pending member */ var const UniqueNetId PendingMember; /** The reserve time remaining for this member */ var const float ReserveTimeRemaining; /** The name of the session */ var const name SessionName; /** The total reserved time elapsed used to abort polling once it hits 5 minutes */ var const float ReserveTimeElapsed; }; /** The list of reserved session members */ var array<SessionReserveInfo> ReservedSessionMembers; /** Keep track of session event info so we can always properly MultiplayerSessionEnd every MultiplayerSessionStart */ var string SessionEventUniqueId; var Guid SessionEventGuid; var string SessionEventMultiplayerCorrelationId; var float SessionEventStartTime; /** TRUE if multiplayer subscription has been lost */ var bool bMultiplayerSubscriptionLost; /** * Delegate fired when the search for an online game has completed * * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnFindOnlineGamesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Returns the game settings object for the session with a matching name * * @param SessionName the name of the session to return * * @return the game settings for this session name */ function OnlineGameSettings GetGameSettings(name SessionName) { local int SessionIndex; SessionIndex = Sessions.Find('SessionName',SessionName); if (SessionIndex != INDEX_NONE) { return Sessions[SessionIndex].GameSettings; } return None; } /** Returns the currently set game search object */ function OnlineGameSearch GetGameSearch() { return GameSearch; } /** * Creates an online game based upon the settings object specified. * NOTE: online game registration is an async process and does not complete * until the OnCreateOnlineGameComplete delegate is called. * * @param HostingPlayerNum the index of the player hosting the match * @param SessionName the name to use for this session so that multiple sessions can exist at the same time * @param NewGameSettings the settings to use for the new game session * * @return true if successful creating the session, false otherwise */ native function bool CreateOnlineGame(byte HostingPlayerNum,name SessionName,OnlineGameSettings NewGameSettings); /** * Delegate fired when a create request has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnCreateOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the online game they * created has completed the creation process * * @param CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCreateOnlineGameComplete> CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the online game they * created has completed the creation process * * @param CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCreateOnlineGameComplete> CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { CreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Updates the localized settings/properties for the game in question. Updates * the QoS packet if needed (starting & restarting QoS). * * @param SessionName the name of the session to update * @param UpdatedGameSettings the object to update the game settings with * @param bShouldRefreshOnlineData whether to submit the data to the backend or not * * @return true if successful creating the session, false otherwsie */ native function bool UpdateOnlineGame(name SessionName,OnlineGameSettings UpdatedGameSettings,optional bool bShouldRefreshOnlineData = false); /** * Delegate fired when a update request has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnUpdateOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Adds a delegate to the list of objects that want to be notified * * @param UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddUpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUpdateOnlineGameComplete> UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes a delegate from the list of objects that want to be notified * * @param UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearUpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUpdateOnlineGameComplete> UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { UpdateOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Destroys the current online game * NOTE: online game de-registration is an async process and does not complete * until the OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete delegate is called. * * @param SessionName the name of the session to delete * * @return true if successful destroying the session, false otherwsie */ native function bool DestroyOnlineGame(name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when a destroying an online game has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the online game they * destroyed has completed the destruction process * * @param DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddDestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete> DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notification list * * @param DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearDestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete> DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { DestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Searches for games matching the settings specified * * @param SearchingPlayerNum the index of the player searching for a match * @param SearchSettings the desired settings that the returned sessions will have * * @return true if successful searching for sessions, false otherwise */ native function bool FindOnlineGames(byte SearchingPlayerNum,OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings); /** * Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the search they * kicked off has completed * * @param FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindOnlineGamesComplete> FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) { // Only add to the list once if (FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Find(FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates[FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Length] = FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindOnlineGamesComplete> FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Find(FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { FindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Cancels the current search in progress if possible for that search type * * @return true if successful searching for sessions, false otherwise */ native function bool CancelFindOnlineGames(); /** * Delegate fired when the cancellation of a search for an online game has completed * * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnCancelFindOnlineGamesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Adds the delegate to the list to notify with * * @param CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddCancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCancelFindOnlineGamesComplete> CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) { // Only add to the list once if (CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Find(CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates[CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Length] = CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearCancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCancelFindOnlineGamesComplete> CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Find(CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { CancelFindOnlineGamesCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Cleans up any platform specific allocated data contained in the search results * * @param Search the object to free search results for * * @return true if successful, false otherwise */ native function bool FreeSearchResults(OnlineGameSearch Search); /** * Joins the game specified * * @param PlayerNum the index of the player searching for a match * @param SessionName the name of the session to join * @param DesiredGame the desired game to join * * @return true if the call completed successfully, false otherwise */ native function bool JoinOnlineGame(byte PlayerNum,name SessionName,const out OnlineGameSearchResult DesiredGame); native function bool JoinOnlineGameBySessionHandle( byte PlayerNum, name SessionName, const string InSessionGuid ); /** * Delegate fired when the joing process for an online game has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnJoinOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the join request they * kicked off has completed * * @param JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddJoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinOnlineGameComplete> JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearJoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinOnlineGameComplete> JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { JoinOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Delegate used when multiplayer session changed * * @param SessionName Name of the session that changed * @param SessionChanges Information on what in the session changed */ delegate OnMultiplayerSessionChange(Name SessionName, SessionUpdateInfo SessionChanges); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the multiplayer session changed * * @param MultiplayerSessionChange the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddMultiplayerSessionChangeDelegate(delegate<OnMultiplayerSessionChange> MultiplayerSessionChange) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(MultiplayerSessionChangeDelegates, MultiplayerSessionChange); } /** * Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it * from the list * * @param MultiplayerSessionChange the delegate to find and clear */ function ClearMultiplayerSessionChangeDelegate(delegate<OnMultiplayerSessionChange> MultiplayerSessionChange) { MultiplayerSessionChangeDelegates.RemoveItem(MultiplayerSessionChange); } /** * Submit the game session for matchmaking * * @param ScoutingPlayerNum The scout player who is registering the session * @param SessionName The name of the session to register * @param MatchTimeout Matchmaking timeout in seconds */ native function bool QueryMatchmakingForSession(byte ScoutingPlayerNum, name SessionName, int MatchTimeout, optional EOnlineCreateGameSessionFlag CreateGameSessionType=OCGSF_New); native function bool QueryMatchmakingForSessionWithHopper(byte ScoutingPlayerNum, name SessionName, int MatchTimeout, string HopperName, optional EOnlineCreateGameSessionFlag CreateGameSessionType=OCGSF_New); /** * Delegate fired when a matchmaking query * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnQueryMatchmakingForSessionComplete(name SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the matchmaking query * has completed * * @param QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddQueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnQueryMatchmakingForSessionComplete> QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate) { if (QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates.Find(QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates[QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates.Length] = QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearQueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnQueryMatchmakingForSessionComplete> QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates.Find(QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { QueryMatchmakingForSessionCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Delete the match ticket associated with a session. Call when cancelling matchmaking. * Assumes the default hopper. * * @param SessionName The name of the session to delete the ticket for */ native function bool DeleteMatchTicket(byte ScoutingPlayerNum, name SessionName); /** * Delete the match ticket associated with a session. Call when cancelling matchmaking. * * @param SessionName The name of the session to delete the ticket for * @param HopperName The name of the Hopper used to search matchmaking */ native function bool DeleteMatchTicketWithHopper(byte ScoutingPlayerNum, name SessionName, string HopperName); /** * Delegate fired when deleting a match ticket completes * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnDeleteMatchTicketComplete(name SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the matchmaking query * has completed * * @param DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddDeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnDeleteMatchTicketComplete> DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegates, DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate); } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearDeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnDeleteMatchTicketComplete> DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate) { DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegates.RemoveItem(DeleteMatchTicketCompleteDelegate); } /** * Queue a custom session property for update * NOT updated until UpdateSessionProperties() is called * * @param SessionName name of the session to update * @param PropertyName property to update * @param PropertyValue new value of property */ native function bool SetCustomSessionProperty(name SessionName, string PropertyName, string PropertyValue); /** * Queue a custom session property for delete * NOT updated until UpdateSessionProperties() is called * * @param SessionName name of the session to update * @param PropertyName property to delete */ native function bool DeleteCustomSessionProperty(name SessionName, string PropertyName); /** * Queue a custom session member property for update * NOT updated until UpdateSessionProperties() is called * * @param SessionName name of the session to update * @param PropertyName property to update * @param PropertyValue new value of property */ native function bool SetCustomMemberProperty(name SessionName, string PropertyName, string PropertyValue); /** * Queue a custom session member property for delete * NOT updated until UpdateSessionProperties() is called * * @param SessionName name of the session to update * @param PropertyName property to delete */ native function bool DeleteCustomMemberProperty(name SessionName, string PropertyName); /** * Update the queued properties for the session * * @param SessionName name of the session to update */ native function bool UpdateSessionProperties(byte ScoutingUserNum, name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when updating session properties is complete * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnUpdateSessionPropertiesComplete(name SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the session properties update * has completed * * @param UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddUpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUpdateSessionPropertiesComplete> UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate) { if (UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates.Find(UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates[UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates.Length] = UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearUpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUpdateSessionPropertiesComplete> UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates.Find(UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { UpdateSessionPropertiesCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Delegate fired when the List of available Game Players has changed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param Players the array of available Game Players for the session */ delegate OnGamePlayersChanged(name SessionName, array<UniqueNetId> Players); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the list of * available game players has changed * * @param GamePlayersChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddGamePlayersChangedDelegate(delegate<OnGamePlayersChanged> GamePlayersChangedDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(GamePlayersChangedDelegates, GamePlayersChangedDelegate); } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param GamePlayersChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearGamePlayersChangedDelegate(delegate<OnGamePlayersChanged> GamePlayersChangedDelegate) { GamePlayersChangedDelegates.RemoveItem(GamePlayersChangedDelegate); } /** * Delegate fired when the status of a match session has changed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for */ delegate OnMatchStatusChanged(name SessionName, byte Status); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the match status * has changed * * @param MatchStatusChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddMatchStatusChangedDelegate(delegate<OnMatchStatusChanged> MatchStatusChangedDelegate) { if (MatchStatusChangedDelegates.Find(MatchStatusChangedDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { MatchStatusChangedDelegates[MatchStatusChangedDelegates.Length] = MatchStatusChangedDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param MatchStatusChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearMatchStatusChangedDelegate(delegate<OnMatchStatusChanged> MatchStatusChangedDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; // Find it in the list RemoveIndex = MatchStatusChangedDelegates.Find(MatchStatusChangedDelegate); // Only remove if found if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { MatchStatusChangedDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Leave an online game session * * @param LocalPlayerNum the player to leave * @param SessionName the session to leave * @param bClearSessionIfHost completely clears the session immediately (ie synchronously) if we are the host */ native function bool LeaveOnlineSession(byte LocalPlayerNum, name SessionName, optional bool bClearSessionIfHost = false); /** * Leaves all online game sessions * * @param bClearSessionIfHost completely clears the sessions immediately (ie synchrdonously) if we are the host */ native function LeaveAllOnlineSessions(optional bool bClearSessionIfHost = false); /** * Get a list of sessions for a user * * @param LocalPlayerNum The player to query */ native function bool QuerySessionsForUser(byte LocalPlayerNum); /** * Get a list of sessions with a keyword * * @param LocalPlayerNum The player who is requesting the sessions * @param Keyword The keyworkd to search session with * @param SearchSettings the desired search to bind the session to */ native function bool QuerySessionsByKeyword(byte LocalPlayerNum, string Keyword, OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings); /** * Delegate fired when QuerySessionsForUser has completed * * @param LocalPlayerNum the player queried * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnQuerySessionsForUserComplete(byte LocalPlayerNum, bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the query request * has completed * * @param QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddQuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnQuerySessionsForUserComplete> QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegates, QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate); } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearQuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnQuerySessionsForUserComplete> QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate) { QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegates.RemoveItem(QuerySessionsForUserCompleteDelegate); } /** * Returns the platform specific connection information for joining the match. * Call this function from the delegate of join completion * * @param SessionName the name of the session to fetch the connection information for * @param ConnectInfo the out var containing the platform specific connection information * * @return true if the call was successful, false otherwise */ native function bool GetResolvedConnectString(name SessionName,out string ConnectInfo); /** * Registers a player with the online service as being part of the online game * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player is joining * @param UniquePlayerId the player to register with the online servicer * @param bWasInvited whether the player was invited to the game or searched for it * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ native function bool RegisterPlayer(name SessionName,UniqueNetId PlayerId,bool bWasInvited); /** * Registers a group of players with the online service as being part of the online game * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player is joining * @param Players the list of players to register with the online service * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ function bool RegisterPlayers(name SessionName,const out array<UniqueNetId> Players); /** * Delegate fired when the registration process has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player joined or not * @param PlayerId the player that was unregistered from the online service * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnRegisterPlayerComplete(name SessionName,UniqueNetId PlayerId,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the player * registration request they submitted has completed * * @param RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddRegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRegisterPlayerComplete> RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegates, RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate); } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearRegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRegisterPlayerComplete> RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate) { RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegates.RemoveItem(RegisterPlayerCompleteDelegate); } /** * Unregisters a player with the online service as being part of the online game * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player is leaving * @param PlayerId the player to unregister with the online service * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ native function bool UnregisterPlayer(name SessionName,UniqueNetId PlayerId); /** * Unregisters a group of players with the online service as being part of the online game * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player is joining * @param Players the list of players to unregister with the online service * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ function bool UnregisterPlayers(name SessionName,const out array<UniqueNetId> Players); /** * Delegate fired when the unregistration process has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session the player left * @param PlayerId the player that was unregistered from the online service * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnUnregisterPlayerComplete(name SessionName,UniqueNetId PlayerId,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the player * unregistration request they submitted has completed * * @param UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddUnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterPlayerComplete> UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegates, UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate); } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearUnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterPlayerComplete> UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate) { UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegates.RemoveItem(UnregisterPlayerCompleteDelegate); } /** * Marks an online game as in progress (as opposed to being in lobby or pending) * * @param SessionName the name of the session that is being started * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ native function bool StartOnlineGame(name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when the online game has transitioned to the started state * * @param SessionName the name of the session the that has transitioned to started * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnStartOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the online game has * transitioned to the started state. * * @param StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddStartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnStartOnlineGameComplete> StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearStartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnStartOnlineGameComplete> StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { StartOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Marks an online game as having been ended * * @param SessionName the name of the session the to end * * @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise */ native function bool EndOnlineGame(name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when the online game has transitioned to the ending game state * * @param SessionName the name of the session the that was ended * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnEndOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the online game has * transitioned to the ending state. * * @param EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddEndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnEndOnlineGameComplete> EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegates[EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Length] = EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate; } } /** * Removes the delegate from the notify list * * @param EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearEndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnEndOnlineGameComplete> EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { EndOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Tells the game to register with the underlying arbitration server if available * * @param SessionName the name of the session to register for arbitration with */ function bool RegisterForArbitration(name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when the online game has completed registration for arbitration * * @param SessionName the name of the session the that had arbitration pending * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnArbitrationRegistrationComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the notification callback to use when arbitration registration has completed * * @param ArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnArbitrationRegistrationComplete> ArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate); /** * Removes the specified delegate from the notification list * * @param ArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnArbitrationRegistrationComplete> ArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate); /** * Returns the list of arbitrated players for the arbitrated session * * @param SessionName the name of the session to get the arbitration results for * * @return the list of players that are registered for this session */ function array<OnlineArbitrationRegistrant> GetArbitratedPlayers(name SessionName); /** * Called when a user accepts a game invitation. Allows the gameplay code a chance * to clean up any existing state before accepting the invite. The invite must be * accepted by calling AcceptGameInvite() on the OnlineGameInterface after clean up * has completed * * @param InviteResult the search/settings for the game we're joining via invite */ delegate OnGameInviteAccepted(const out OnlineGameSearchResult InviteResult, OnGameInviteAcceptedResult ResultReason); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code when a game invite has been accepted * * @param LocalUserNum the user to request notification for * @param GameInviteAcceptedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddGameInviteAcceptedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnGameInviteAccepted> GameInviteAcceptedDelegate) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(GameInviteAcceptedDelegates, GameInviteAcceptedDelegate); } /** * Removes the specified delegate from the notification list * * @param LocalUserNum the user to request notification for * @param GameInviteAcceptedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearGameInviteAcceptedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnGameInviteAccepted> GameInviteAcceptedDelegate) { GameInviteAcceptedDelegates.RemoveItem(GameInviteAcceptedDelegate); } /** * Tells the online subsystem to accept the game invite that is currently pending * * @param LocalUserNum the local user accepting the invite * @param SessionName the name of the session this invite is to be known as * * @return true if the game invite was able to be accepted, false otherwise */ function bool AcceptGameInvite(byte LocalUserNum,name SessionName,const out OnlineGameSearchResult DesiredGame); /** * Updates the current session's skill rating using the list of players' skills * * @param SessionName the name of the session to update the skill rating for * @param Players the set of players to use in the skill calculation * * @return true if the update succeeded, false otherwise */ function bool RecalculateSkillRating(name SessionName,const out array<UniqueNetId> Players); /** * Delegate fired when a skill rating request has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnRecalculateSkillRatingComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Adds a delegate to the list of objects that want to be notified * * @param RecalculateSkillRatingCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddRecalculateSkillRatingCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRecalculateSkillRatingComplete> RecalculateSkillRatingCompleteDelegate); /** * Removes a delegate from the list of objects that want to be notified * * @param RecalculateSkillRatingCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearRecalculateSkillRatingCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRecalculateSkillRatingComplete> RecalculateSkillRatingGameCompleteDelegate); /** * Migrates an existing online game on the host. * NOTE: online game migration is an async process and does not complete * until the OnMigrateOnlineGameComplete delegate is called. * * @param HostingPlayerNum the index of the player now hosting the match * @param SessionName the name of the existing session to migrate * * @return true if successful migrating the session, false otherwise */ function bool MigrateOnlineGame(byte HostingPlayerNum,name SessionName); /** * Delegate fired when a create request has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnMigrateOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code when the session migration completes * * @param MigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddMigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnMigrateOnlineGameComplete> MigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param MigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearMigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnMigrateOnlineGameComplete> MigrateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); /** * Joins the migrated game specified * * @param PlayerNum the index of the player about to join a match * @param SessionName the name of the migrated session to join * @param DesiredGame the desired migrated game to join * * @return true if the call completed successfully, false otherwise */ function bool JoinMigratedOnlineGame(byte PlayerNum,name SessionName,const out OnlineGameSearchResult DesiredGame); /** * Delegate fired when the joing process for a migrated online game has completed * * @param SessionName the name of the session this callback is for * @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error */ delegate OnJoinMigratedOnlineGameComplete(name SessionName,bool bWasSuccessful); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the join request for a migrated session they * kicked off has completed * * @param JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddJoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinMigratedOnlineGameComplete> JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { if (JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE) { JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.AddItem(JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); } } /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearJoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinMigratedOnlineGameComplete> JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate) { local int RemoveIndex; RemoveIndex = JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegate); if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE) { JoinMigratedOnlineGameCompleteDelegates.Remove(RemoveIndex,1); } } /** * Fetches the additional data a session exposes outside of the online service. * NOTE: notifications will come from the OnFindOnlineGamesComplete delegate * * @param StartAt the search result index to start gathering the extra information for * @param NumberToQuery the number of additional search results to get the data for * * @return true if the query was started, false otherwise */ function bool QueryNonAdvertisedData(int StartAt,int NumberToQuery); /** * Serializes the platform specific data into the provided buffer for the specified search result * * @param DesiredGame the game to copy the platform specific data for * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the buffer to fill with the platform specific information * * @return true if successful serializing the data, false otherwise */ native function bool ReadPlatformSpecificSessionInfo(const out OnlineGameSearchResult DesiredGame,out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[80]); /** * Serializes the platform specific data into the provided buffer for the specified settings object. * NOTE: This can only be done for a session that is bound to the online system * * @param GameSettings the game to copy the platform specific data for * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the buffer to fill with the platform specific information * * @return true if successful reading the data for the session, false otherwise */ native function bool ReadPlatformSpecificSessionInfoBySessionName(name SessionName,out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[80]); /** * Serializes the platform specific data into the provided buffer for the specified settings object. * NOTE: This can only be done for a session that is bound to the online system * * @param GameSettings the game to copy the platform specific data for * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the buffer to fill with the platform specific information * * @return true if successful reading the data for the session, false otherwise */ native function bool ReadSessionGuidBySessionName(name SessionName,out string SessionGuid); /** * Creates a search result out of the platform specific data and adds that to the specified search object * * @param SearchingPlayerNum the index of the player searching for a match * @param SearchSettings the desired search to bind the session to * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the platform specific information to convert to a server object * * @return true if successful searching for sessions, false otherwise */ native function bool BindPlatformSpecificSessionToSearch(byte SearchingPlayerNum,OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings,byte PlatformSpecificInfo[80]); /** * Creates a search result out of the session GUID and adds that to the specified search object * * @param SearchingPlayerNum the index of the player searching for a match * @param SearchSettings the desired search to bind the session to * @param SessionGuid the session GUID to convert to a server object * * @return true if successful serializing the data, false otherwise */ native function bool BindSessionGuidToSearch(byte SearchingPlayerNum,OnlineGameSearch SearchSettings,string SessionGuid); /** * Delegate fired when QoS status has changed for a given search * * @param NumComplete the number completed thus far * @param NumTotal the number of QoS requests total */ delegate OnQosStatusChanged(int NumComplete,int NumTotal); /** * Adds a delegate to the list of objects that want to be notified * * @param QosStatusChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddQosStatusChangedDelegate(delegate<OnQosStatusChanged> QosStatusChangedDelegate); /** * Removes the delegate from the list of notifications * * @param QosStatusChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearQosStatusChangedDelegate(delegate<OnQosStatusChanged> QosStatusChangedDelegate); //@HSL_BEGIN_PS4 - BWJ - 11-17-10 - Adding this to all online sub systems /** * Starts an async query for the total players. This is the amount of players the system thinks is playing right now, globally, * not just on a specific server. * * @return TRUE if async call started, FALSE otherwise. */ function bool GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(); delegate OnRetrievedGameSettingsForIP( bool bSuccessful, const out OnlineGameSearchResult ConnectResult ); //* =================================================================================== //* @function AddOnRetrieveGameSettingsForIPDelegate //* @date Mar 09, 2011 02:28PM //* @author Brandon Johnson //* @brief Adds a retrieve game settings for IP delegate //* @param NewRetrieveIPDelegate is the new delegate //* =================================================================================== function AddOnRetrieveGameSettingsForIPDelegate( delegate<OnRetrievedGameSettingsForIP> NewRetrieveIPDelegate ); //* =================================================================================== //* @function ClearOnRetrieveGameSettingsForIPDelegate //* @date Mar 09, 2011 02:29PM //* @author Brandon Johnson //* @brief Removes a retrieve game settings for IP delegate //* @param RetrieveIPDelegate is the delegate to remove //* =================================================================================== function ClearOnRetrieveGameSettingsForIPDelegate( delegate<OnRetrievedGameSettingsForIP> RetrieveIPDelegate ); //* =================================================================================== //* @function RetrieveGameSettingsForIP //* @date Mar 09, 2011 02:29PM //* @author Brandon Johnson //* @brief Retrieves the game settings for a particular IP address. Fires off a OnRetrievedGameSettingsForIP delegate when complete //* @param IPAddress is the string representation of the IP address in the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx //* =================================================================================== function RetrieveGameSettingsForIP( string IPAddress ); function bool SendPlayerList( const array<PlayerReplicationInfo> Players ); function int GetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCached(); /** * Called when the async player count has completed * * @param TotalPlayers Count of players. -1 if unknown or error. */ delegate OnGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersComplete(int TotalPlayers); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the player count request has completed * * @param GetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersComplete> GetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate); /** * Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the player count read request has completed * * @param GetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersComplete> GetNumberOfCurrentPlayersCompleteDelegate); function string GetRoomId(); delegate OnGetRoomIdFromTitleService(qword RoomId); function GetRoomIdFromTitleService(qword DataId); function GetRoomIdFromSessionId(string SessionId); function AddGetRoomIdFromTitleServiceDelegate(delegate<OnGetRoomIdFromTitleService> InDelegate); function ClearGetRoomIdFromTitleServiceDelegate(delegate<OnGetRoomIdFromTitleService> InDelegate); function bool IsAllowedToNetworkHost(); function RunBandwidthTest(); function bool JoinOnlineGameByMatchingParams(QWORD RoomId, out OnlineGameSettings JoinedGameSettings); function bool IsJoinOperationInProgress(); function bool SetRankedReadyStatus(bool bReady); function bool IsCurrentRoomOwner(); //@HSL_END_PS4