/** * This is a special type of actor used as the container for a large number of StaticMeshComponents on the console. This * actor is created only during the console cooking process so cannot be placed by designers in the editor. It replaces * multiple normal StaticMeshActors in content which has been cooked for the a console platform, becoming the owner for * those StaticMeshActors' StaticMeshComponent. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class StaticMeshCollectionActor extends StaticMeshActorBase native config(Engine); /** * Since the components array is only serialized during make, we need to store the components we contain in a separate array. */ var const array<StaticMeshComponent> StaticMeshComponents; /** * The maximum number of StaticMeshComponents that can be attached to this actor. Once this number has been reached, a * new StaticMeshCollectionActor will be created. */ var config int MaxStaticMeshComponents; cpptext { /* === UObject interface === */ /** * Serializes the LocalToWorld transforms for the StaticMeshComponents contained in this actor. */ virtual void Serialize( FArchive& Ar ); /** * Used by Octree ActorRadius check to determine whether to return a component even if the actor owning the component has already been returned. * Make sure all static mesh components which can become dynamic are returned */ virtual UBOOL ForceReturnComponent(UPrimitiveComponent* TestPrimitive); #if __TW_PHYSICS_ virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace(UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive, AActor *SourceActor, DWORD TraceFlags); #endif } DefaultProperties { }