/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqEvent_MobileButton extends SeqEvent_MobileZoneBase native; cpptext { /** * Called each frame. * @param Originator is a reference to the PC that caused the input * @param OriginatorInput is a reference to the mobile player input assoicated with this object * @param OriginatorZone is a reference to the zone that caused this update */ void UpdateZone(APlayerController* Originator, UMobilePlayerInput* OriginatorInput, UMobileInputZone* OriginatorZone); } /** TRUE if the zone was active last frame (for tracking edges) */ var bool bWasActiveLastFrame; /** If TRUE, the Input Pressed output will only trigger when a touch first happens, not every frame */ var () bool bSendPressedOnlyOnTouchDown; /** If TRUE, the Input Pressed output will only trigger when a touch ends, not every frame. MAKE SURE RETRIGGER DELAY IS 0!!! */ var () bool bSendPressedOnlyOnTouchUp; defaultproperties { ObjName="Mobile Button Access" ObjCategory="Input" OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Input Pressed") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Input Not Pressed") }