/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class TerrainMaterial extends Object native(Terrain) hidecategories(Object); var matrix LocalToMapping; enum ETerrainMappingType { TMT_Auto, TMT_XY, TMT_XZ, TMT_YZ }; /** Determines the mapping place to use on the terrain. */ var(Material) ETerrainMappingType MappingType; /** Uniform scale to apply to the mapping. */ var(Material) float MappingScale; /** Rotation to apply to the mapping. */ var(Material) float MappingRotation; /** Offset to apply to the mapping along U. */ var(Material) float MappingPanU; /** Offset to apply to the mapping along V. */ var(Material) float MappingPanV; /** The Material to apply to the terrain. */ var(Material) MaterialInterface Material; /** Grayscale image to move vertices of the terrain along the surface normal. */ var(Displacement) Texture2D DisplacementMap; /** The amount to sacle the displacement texture by. */ var(Displacement) float DisplacementScale; cpptext { // UpdateMappingTransform void UpdateMappingTransform(); // UObject interface. virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyAboutToChange); virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); virtual void PostLoad(); } defaultproperties { MappingScale=4.0 DisplacementScale=0.25 }