class SkelControlHandlebars extends SkelControlSingleBone hidecategories(Translation,Rotation) native(Anim); /** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Controller used by vehicle system for rotating a steering wheel. * Automatically orients a handlebar/steeringwheel based on the wheel orientation */ cpptext { // SkelControl interface void CalculateNewBoneTransforms(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray& OutBoneTransforms); // Editor modification virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); } /** Axis around which wheel rolling occurs. */ var(Handlebars) EAxis WheelRollAxis; /** Name of the bone whose rotation will control the steering */ var(Handlebars) name WheelBoneName; /** Axis around which steering occurs. */ var(Handlebars) EAxis HandlebarRotateAxis; var(HandleBars) bool bInvertRotation; /** Cached index of the wheel bone */ var int SteerWheelBoneIndex; defaultproperties { bApplyTranslation=false bAddTranslation=false BoneTranslationSpace=BCS_BoneSpace bApplyRotation=true bAddRotation=false BoneRotationSpace=BCS_BoneSpace WheelRollAxis=AXIS_Y bIgnoreWhenNotRendered=true HandlebarRotateAxis=AXIS_Z bInvertRotation = false SteerWheelBoneIndex=-1 }