/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ShadowMap2D extends Object native noexport; /** The texture which contains the shadow-map data. */ var private const ShadowMapTexture2D Texture; /** The scale which is applied to the shadow-map coordinates before sampling the shadow-map textures. */ var private const Vector2D CoordinateScale; /** The bias which is applied to the shadow-map coordinates before sampling the shadow-map textures. */ var private const Vector2D CoordinateBias; /** The GUID of the light which this shadow-map is for. */ var private const Guid LightGuid; /** Indicates whether the texture contains shadow factors (0 for shadowed, 1 for unshadowed) or signed distance field values. */ var private const bool bIsShadowFactorTexture; /** Optional instanced mesh component this shadowmap is used with */ var private transient InstancedStaticMeshComponent Component; /** Optional instance index this shadowmap is used with. If this is non-zero, this shadowmap object is temporary */ var private transient int InstanceIndex; defaultproperties { bIsShadowFactorTexture=True }