/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqCond_IncrementFloat extends SequenceCondition native(Sequence); cpptext { void Activated() { // first increment the value ValueA += IncrementAmount; // compare the values and set appropriate output impulse if (ValueA <= ValueB) { OutputLinks(0).bHasImpulse = TRUE; } if (ValueA > ValueB) { OutputLinks(1).bHasImpulse = TRUE; } if (ValueA == ValueB) { OutputLinks(2).bHasImpulse = TRUE; } if (ValueA < ValueB) { OutputLinks(3).bHasImpulse = TRUE; } if (ValueA >= ValueB) { OutputLinks(4).bHasImpulse = TRUE; } } }; var() float IncrementAmount; /** Default value to use if no variables are linked to A */ var() float ValueA; /** Default value to use if no variables are linked to B */ var() float ValueB; defaultproperties { ObjName="Float Counter" ObjCategory="Counter" IncrementAmount=1 InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="In") OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="A <= B") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="A > B") OutputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="A == B") OutputLinks(3)=(LinkDesc="A < B") OutputLinks(4)=(LinkDesc="A >= B") VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="A",PropertyName=ValueA) VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float',LinkDesc="B",PropertyName=ValueB) }