/** * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_SetDOFParams extends SeqAct_Latent native(Sequence); /** exponent to apply to blur amount after it has been normalized to [0,1] */ var() float FalloffExponent; /** affects the radius of the DepthOfField bohek / how blurry the scene gets */ var() float BlurKernelSize; /** [0,1] value for clamping how much blur to apply to items in front of the focus plane */ var(BlurAmount) float MaxNearBlurAmount; /** [0,1] value for clamping how much blur to apply */ var(BlurAmount) float MinBlurAmount; /** [0,1] value for clamping how much blur to apply to items behind the focus plane */ var(BlurAmount) float MaxFarBlurAmount; /** inner focus radius */ var() float FocusInnerRadius; /** used when FOCUS_Distance is enabled */ var() float FocusDistance; /** used when FOCUS_Position is enabled */ var() vector FocusPosition; /** Time to interpolate values over */ var() float InterpolateSeconds; /** Elapsed interpolation time */ var float InterpolateElapsed; // Previous values, used in lerp() var float OldFalloffExponent; var float OldBlurKernelSize; var float OldMaxNearBlurAmount; var float OldMinBlurAmount; var float OldMaxFarBlurAmount; var float OldFocusInnerRadius; var float OldFocusDistance; var vector OldFocusPosition; cpptext { void Activated(); void DeActivated(); virtual UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT DeltaTime); }; defaultproperties { InterpolateElapsed = 0 InterpolateSeconds = 2 ObjName="Depth Of Field" ObjCategory="Camera" // typical settings FocusDistance=600 FocusInnerRadius=600 FalloffExponent=4 BlurKernelSize=5 MaxNearBlurAmount=1 MinBlurAmount=0 MaxFarBlurAmount=1 InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Enable") InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Disable") }