/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class PBRuleNodeAlternate extends PBRuleNodeBase native(ProcBuilding) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object) dependson(ProcBuildingRuleset); /** Axis that repeating should be done along */ var() EProcBuildingAxis RepeatAxis; /** Fixed size of A parts (usually columnes) */ var() float ASize; /** Maximum size of stretchable part between As, before inserting another A and B */ var() float BMaxSize; /** If TRUE, pattern will be BABAB instead of ABABA */ var() bool bInvertPatternOrder; /** If TRUE, A and B will be the same size. BMaxSize controls this size, and defines how many meshes will be inserted. */ var() bool bEqualSizeAB; cpptext { // PBRuleNodeBase interface virtual void ProcessScope(FPBScope2D& InScope, INT TopLevelScopeIndex, AProcBuilding* BaseBuilding, AProcBuilding* ScopeBuilding, UStaticMeshComponent* LODParent); // Editor virtual FString GetRuleNodeTitle(); } defaultproperties { ASize=512.0 BMaxSize=0.0 NextRules[0]=(LinkName="A") NextRules[1]=(LinkName="B") }