/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * This interface provides functions for reading game specific news and announcements */ interface OnlineNewsInterface dependson(OnlineSubsystem); /** * Reads the game specific news from the online subsystem * * @param LocalUserNum the local user the news is being read for * @param NewsType the type of news to read * * @return true if the async task was successfully started, false otherwise */ function bool ReadNews(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineNewsType NewsType); /** * Delegate used in notifying the UI/game that the news read operation completed * * @param bWasSuccessful true if the read completed ok, false otherwise * @param NewsType the type of news this callback is for */ delegate OnReadNewsCompleted(bool bWasSuccessful,EOnlineNewsType NewsType); /** * Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that news reading has completed * * @param ReadNewsDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function AddReadNewsCompletedDelegate(delegate ReadNewsDelegate); /** * Removes the specified delegate from the notification list * * @param ReadNewsDelegate the delegate to use for notifications */ function ClearReadNewsCompletedDelegate(delegate ReadNewsDelegate); /** * Returns the game specific news from the cache * * @param LocalUserNum the local user the news is being read for * @param NewsType the type of news to read * * @return an empty string if no news was read, otherwise the contents of the read */ function string GetNews(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineNewsType NewsType);