/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate extends MaterialExpression native(Material) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); /** Texture coordinate index */ var() int CoordinateIndex; /** Controls how much the texture tiles horizontally, by scaling the U component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount. */ var() float UTiling; /** Controls how much the texture tiles vertically, by scaling the V component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount. */ var() float VTiling; /** Would like to unmirror U or V * - if the texture is mirrored and if you would like to undo mirroring for this texture sample, use this to unmirror */ var() bool UnMirrorU; var() bool UnMirrorV; cpptext { virtual INT Compile(FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, INT OutputIndex); virtual FString GetCaption() const; } defaultproperties { UTiling=1.0 VTiling=1.0 MenuCategories(0)="Coordinates" MenuCategories(1)="WorldPosOffset" }