/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class CoverGroup extends Info native placeable ClassGroup(Cover) dependson(CoverLink); /** * Defines a group of cover links they can be acted on as a single unit * (ie enable/disable) */ cpptext { void AutoFillGroup( ECoverGroupFillAction CGFA, TArray& Links ); virtual void GetActorReferences(TArray &ActorRefs, UBOOL bIsRemovingLevel); virtual void PostLoad(); #if WITH_EDITOR virtual void EditorApplyScale(const FVector& DeltaScale, const FMatrix& ScaleMatrix, const FVector* PivotLocation, UBOOL bAltDown, UBOOL bShiftDown, UBOOL bCtrlDown); virtual void CheckForErrors(); #endif } enum ECoverGroupFillAction { CGFA_Overwrite, CGFA_Add, CGFA_Remove, CGFA_Clear, CGFA_Cylinder, }; /** List of cover links in the group */ var() array CoverLinkRefs; /** Radius around group actor to select nodes */ var() float AutoSelectRadius; /** Z distance below group actor to select nodes */ var() float AutoSelectHeight; native function EnableGroup(); native function DisableGroup(); native function ToggleGroup(); simulated function OnToggle( SeqAct_Toggle Action ) { // On if( Action.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse ) { EnableGroup(); } // Off if( Action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse ) { DisableGroup(); } // Toggle if( Action.InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse ) { ToggleGroup(); } } defaultproperties { Begin Object NAME=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorMaterials.CovergroupIcon' SpriteCategoryName="Cover" End Object Begin Object Class=CoverGroupRenderingComponent Name=CoverGroupRenderer AlwaysLoadOnClient=False AlwaysLoadOnServer=False End Object Components.Add(CoverGroupRenderer) AutoSelectRadius=0.f AutoSelectHeight=0.f bStatic=TRUE }